Question About Story mode.
Archive: 4 posts
When every chapter comes the board with pictures of clothes to get from chapter, u can take em from there if u havent played chapter trough before? -StaleSteak | 2008-12-20 20:50:00 Author: StaleSteak ![]() Posts: 70 |
Uhh, you mean the place where you pickup the clothes at the beginning of every section? Yeah, they're always there, even if you have them, they'll show as prize bubbles for you. | 2008-12-20 21:22:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
Uh... I think if u mean by they appear even u have em, if u play online they might appear? for ppl that odnt have em? | 2008-12-20 21:35:00 Author: StaleSteak ![]() Posts: 70 |
Uh... I think if u mean by they appear even u have em, if u play online they might appear? for ppl that odnt have em? As each PS3 is different, they don't see the same exact thing. If, say, PersonA has the objects in question, and PersonB doesn't, then for PersonA they show up as just bubbles, while PersonB sees them as the new objects they are to their ps3. If someone got the object from another level (like those badly made trophies that people always gave out) and get them in another level, if they're the same exact object, then it wouldn't be won again. I think. | 2008-12-20 21:42:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
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