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Mr. Rogers

Archive: 3 posts

I remember one time, I had some neighbors who were studying ballet dancing.

And they got dressed up to look like raccoons.

And there was a boy raccoon, and a girl raccoon.

And they made up a dance about that family.


Some people call it a steel drum.
2008-08-13 03:17:00

Posts: 27

I remember one time, I had some neighbors who were studying ballet dancing.

And they got dressed up to look like raccoons.

And there was a boy raccoon, and a girl raccoon.

And they made up a dance about that family.


Some people call it a steel drum.

um....yeah...raccoon's...and stuff...

*whispers to Cartman*..."call security..."
2008-08-13 03:24:00

Posts: 523

Interesting. Explain yourself here?2008-08-13 04:12:00

Posts: 1374

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