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The "Throw A Da Vinci Into A Plastic Tube" Game

Archive: 12 posts

Do you, the community mind playing my level, The "Throw A Da Vinci Into A Plastic Tube" Game? It is the first level I have ever finished (Creators block on other ideas). My friends seem to like it and its low on plays... 12 plays as I am typing this wirte now... I also want to hear your feedback. What can be fixed, strange happen.ings in the level? Better prizes? Or even a better name!

Hmm maybe I should describe the level... Well it is in a Da Vinci theme... Simple gameplay with an added hard mode... Better played with TWO players... Thats it... Also its not one of those poorly put together levels that seem to stretch across the cool pages... I spent time on this level and really changed it since I started it...

Play, rate, review...
2011-08-18 02:56:00

Posts: 246

sounds fun, got it queued2011-08-18 17:15:00

Posts: 8424

I'll queue this right now and let you know what I think. By the way, I like the title. lol2011-08-18 21:44:00

Posts: 159

I've got it quequed
heres my level
2011-08-19 13:58:00

Posts: 116

Currently locked for little problems found in the level... Will reopen by Tusday...2011-08-22 04:09:00

Posts: 246

Hey looks good, queued. heres my level: http://lbp.me/v/5g2xg92011-08-22 14:56:00

Posts: 77

It was a fun level. Good job! Left a review on it. Also, I didn't realize it was F4F, so here is a level of mine you can give feedback on.
http://lbp.me/v/43s117 Thanks!!
2011-08-22 17:50:00

Posts: 159

Oh, thats what F4F means? Oh well, I thought it was just a fancy button...
Queued all posted levels, plan on playing them this week...


The level is back up, I had fixed everything that was broke...
2011-08-22 22:29:00

Posts: 246

lol yeah. F4F is feedback for feedback. Otherwise it's just "hey, play my level." Thanks!2011-08-23 00:58:00

Posts: 159

Love it! Simple, but fast and addictive gameplay. Only glitch I saw was at the intro...the 3rd camera, the one that looks at the door on the right, changes too quick to see what the guy is saying. I'll have to turn "collect prizes" back on so I can try the other difficulties. Yeah and heart for this....my wife might even try this level with me =)

Please try my F4F level, Asteroids!!! It's a 1-4 multiplayer asteroids style survival shooter.
2011-08-23 03:15:00

Posts: 438

Ive noticed the camera thing too, since the first verison of the level...

Keep for getting to fix it...

Ill just look for you in recent plays to play your level...
2011-08-23 21:02:00

Posts: 246

looks interesting. I'll try it!2011-08-24 18:41:00

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