Archive: 36 posts
I just got the wires on my braces, and my whole head hurts. I took an 800mg Motrin which did nothing, so I took something called Ultram (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultram) which is a synthetic opiate-like medication. That did nothing, either, so I've taken another one. Hopefully the second one will numb the pain away, because it hurts. Either that, or maybe the Ultram will make me tired enough to go to sleep. This stuff is like a hard drug in the sense that I am dizzy, tired, and kind of out of it. | 2008-08-13 03:04:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
I never wore braces...I assume it hurts your gums?... if so try cloraseptic it deadends the area its a spray...and stop with the pills...theres a limit on how effective they are...800mg is the max before it does nothing... ![]() | 2008-08-13 03:19:00 Author: Noonian ![]() Posts: 523 |
I never wore braces...I assume it hurts your gums?... if so try cloraseptic it deadends the area its a spray...and stop with the pills...theres a limit on how effective they are...800mg is the max before it does nothing... ![]() It hurts so bad. Ever had a sort-of loose tooth that hurt when you touched it? Multiply that by five and then have every single tooth in your mouth feel that way. Also, the Ultram is a much smaller medicine, one that I can take a few times before it just doesn't work. I stopped taking the motrin. | 2008-08-13 03:22:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
It hurts so bad. Ever had a sort-of loose tooth that hurt when you touched it? Multiply that by five and then have every single tooth in your mouth feel that way. Also, the Ultram is a much smaller medicine, one that I can take a few times before it just doesn't work. I stopped taking the motrin. Dude...I'm soo sorry...I know that pain...I have had tooth ache's that make me crumple to the ground...gone to the emergency room and they gave me the so-called good stuff...but the fact is that nothing gets rid of it completely... ![]() | 2008-08-13 03:27:00 Author: Noonian ![]() Posts: 523 |
Get the dentist to numb your mouth? I've had that, was the most stupidly funny 3 hours of my life | 2008-08-13 03:33:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
Get the dentist to numb your mouth? I've had that, was the most stupidly funny 3 hours of my life That would only last for a few hours. This pain will last for a few days. Plus, I have to get my braces tightened every 6 weeks, so every 6 weeks I get to feel this pain again. | 2008-08-13 03:34:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
yeah I know your pain man had them when I was younger and it hurts your whole head. I remember trying to eat even chicken nuggets mad it hurt so bad. Best of luck dude. | 2008-08-13 03:37:00 Author: OverWork ![]() Posts: 873 |
Yeah, I suggest you try to get to bed. It is hard, but once you are asleep you won't feel anything. It will get easier & easier as days pass, I assure you. I have had braces for such a long time that I don't even notice them anymore. I hope you feel better. ![]() | 2008-08-13 03:39:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Yeah, I suggest you try to get to bed. It is hard, but once you are asleep you won't feel anything. It will get easier & easier as days pass, I assure you. I have had braces for such a long time that I don't even notice them anymore. I hope you feel better. ![]() I am so doped up right now. The Ultram affects some people differently, and I am one of them. I feel like I have to work twice as hard to achieve anything: thinking, typing a word correctly, even walking. I'm very dizzy and tired, as well. I've never been drunk, but this is what I'd think it would feel like. | 2008-08-13 03:57:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
Sounds like you need some good sleep... ![]() Now that I think of it... I'm off to bed myself! | 2008-08-13 04:00:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
There was one time, I was so sick the doc had no idea what was causing it. We just started doing trial-and-error, but nothing worked, so he gave me FOUR prescription meds at one time. I was stoned out of my mind. I went to school talking about backpack's having feeling and, y'know, Keanu Reeves isn't THAT bad of an actor. God, that was weird. He never found out what was wrong. Anyway, on topic - never had braces. One of my friends did, but he had a tongue-guard too. Look like someone shoved a fork up his mouth. | 2008-08-13 04:01:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
There was one time, I was so sick the doc had no idea what was causing it. We just started doing trial-and-error, but nothing worked, so he gave me FOUR prescription meds at one time. I was stoned out of my mind. I went to school talking about backpack's having feeling and, y'know, Keanu Reeves isn't THAT bad of an actor. God, that was weird. He never found out what was wrong. Anyway, on topic - never had braces. One of my friends did, but he had a tongue-guard too. Look like someone shoved a fork up his mouth. He must have an over-bite. If you have one, they put a tongue-guard in to prevent you from screwing up the alignment of the teeth. | 2008-08-13 04:03:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
He must have an over-bite. If you have one, they put a tongue-guard in to prevent you from screwing up the alignment of the teeth. Yeah, overbite, that was it. He couldn't talk right for weeks. | 2008-08-13 04:03:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
Yeah, overbite, that was it. He couldn't talk right for weeks. Haha, that sucks. Well, on the plus-side, I enjoy this feeling(it's blissful) and I don't feel the pain as long as I don't think about it. | 2008-08-13 04:06:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
Thats wierd, I just got my braces tightened this morning too, I'm starting to feel the hurtness now but it only lasts over night. | 2008-08-13 04:10:00 Author: Triggii ![]() Posts: 51 |
Thats wierd, I just got my braces tightened this morning too, I'm starting to feel the hurtness now but it only lasts over night. Maybe your teeth are straighter than mine. My mouth is screwed up(I've had a third tooth in two places, lol), so I'm lucky I even have braces. | 2008-08-13 04:23:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
Try a Purple Joose. Dragon's Joose. 9.9% Alcohol as well as an Energy Drink. Your heart and your teeth will thank you. | 2008-08-13 04:38:00 Author: RevNelson ![]() Posts: 27 |
Try a Purple Joose. Dragon's Joose. 9.9% Alcohol as well as an Energy Drink. Your heart and your teeth will thank you. I'm 16, so alcohol isn't an option. Plus, I'm pretty doped up as it is, so anything else would probably be overkill. | 2008-08-13 04:41:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
Maybe your teeth are straighter than mine. My mouth is screwed up(I've had a third tooth in two places, lol), so I'm lucky I even have braces. My teeth are strait its just i have a BIG overbite, when im 16 they're gonna have to break my jaw and re-align it. ![]() | 2008-08-13 04:45:00 Author: Triggii ![]() Posts: 51 |
I went through that as well. Hurt the first time the most, but it'll get better. Until then, you will most likely feel like this: grr Hope you feel better soon. LBP | 2008-08-13 05:24:00 Author: lbp ![]() Posts: 423 |
Have someone keep punching you really hard over and over again. That'll work. or If you have seen the movie Major Payne, you'll know what to do. Sorry you have to go through that. Maybe if you dunk your head in ice water, you'll get a brain freeze and you know what that feels like. Another thing you could do is try to make your hand or foot fall asleep. These two bottom things might work. | 2008-08-13 06:21:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
im sure this is against the prescription, and the law, but if you drink alcohol before takeing medicine your liver sends out enzymes to break down the alcohol, in the process the medicine (that is supposed to last 6-8 hours) is broken down quickly and hits you faster and with more strength. I wouldn't do this cause you can easly overdose... just thought you should know! | 2008-08-13 06:30:00 Author: 12454522412412 ![]() Posts: 779 |
im sure this is against the prescription, and the law, but if you drink alcohol before takeing medicine your liver sends out enzymes to break down the alcohol, in the process the medicine (that is supposed to last 6-8 hours) is broken down quickly and hits you faster and with more strength. I wouldn't do this cause you can easly overdose... just thought you should know! Like I've said, I'm underage when it comes to alcohol, and I don't really want to go that route anyway. I appreciate the suggestion, though! ![]() | 2008-08-13 06:35:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
You could drink rubbing alcohol?![]() | 2008-08-13 06:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You could drink rubbing alcohol?![]() I think that would hurt my liver a bit more than I need it to. Anyway, the pain is gone for now(hurray heavy drugs!) so I should be good until the morning. I'm going to get some sleep; I'm very tired(stupid heavy drugs). See you all in the morning! ![]() | 2008-08-13 06:46:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
I once had to take steroids for a week because I had poison oak attacking my face and man, did everyone hate me that week. For one, I looked creepy. Just think of giant red mounds on half of your face and neck. The other reason everyone hated me was because I would get mood swings. I would wake up happy about everything then when the clock struck one I would be a sad depressed mess. I would come home from school crying because I was hungry or I had hard math homework. Overall, It was a bad week. Hopefully those drugs keep working for you. | 2008-08-13 06:59:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Like I've said, I'm underage when it comes to alcohol, and I don't really want to go that route anyway. I appreciate the suggestion, though! ![]() how underage? im 16... had my 1st drink on the day of my 8th grade gradutation... what better way to kick off highschool? | 2008-08-13 07:15:00 Author: 12454522412412 ![]() Posts: 779 |
Alcohol smells disgusting. I have had someone drop a beer right near me and some splashed up near me and got in my mouth. It was like a bitter disgusting taste. I don't see how anyone would like it. Same with cigarettes but that is going off topic. Wait... This is pretty off topic too.![]() | 2008-08-13 07:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Alcohol smells disgusting. I have had someone drop a beer right near me and some splashed up near me and got in my mouth. It was like a bitter disgusting taste. I don't see how anyone would like it. Same with cigarettes but that is going off topic. Wait... This is pretty off topic too.![]() well beer is an acuired taste... Lets get back on topic! | 2008-08-13 07:39:00 Author: 12454522412412 ![]() Posts: 779 |
I wore them for about a year and a half, you'll get used to it someway, but even if you do it's still so unconfortable. But well I'm sure the effort will be worthwhile! | 2008-08-13 08:58:00 Author: Shyvah ![]() Posts: 39 |
I've only ever know 1 person with braces.. safe to say its alot rarer in the UK. And as for the alcohol... if you lived here.. well I bet like 2 thirds of the nations 16 year olds have been drunk xD (Almost all the further north you go, but 2 thirds is probably an exageration) You can get strong pain killers without perscription... But more often then not they have Codine in and thats a Narcotic. Sorry about the pain, man! V Must be regional differences, ry | 2008-08-13 09:09:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
hmm, i've had braces but i can't remember it hurting too much. though my teeth weren't that bad. EDIT: that's odd maltay, i know alot of people who have had braces. usually from 12 - 15 | 2008-08-13 14:04:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
My braces were late due to many things, but mainly money problems. Anyway, they are fast workers(I can see a difference in my teeth already) and I've been able to manage the pain with Motrin, so I should be alright. By the way, on the subject of drinking, I could easily have a drink as there is lots of alcohol in my house. I choose not to because of personal preference. | 2008-08-13 14:32:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
My braces were late due to many things, but mainly money problems. Anyway, they are fast workers(I can see a difference in my teeth already) and I've been able to manage the pain with Motrin, so I should be alright. By the way, on the subject of drinking, I could easily have a drink as there is lots of alcohol in my house. I choose not to because of personal preference. Thats good, getting drunk on your own is pathetic (imo) I only drink at partys | 2008-08-13 15:08:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
Ugh,My teeth are messed up too but no braces,they just degrade lol,they are misaligned but the dentist never said anything about needing braces. I can't stand alchohol or wine or whatever,it all tastes like **** to me,except this one wine.I don't think i can get drunk,I drank alot of wine one time and was fine the whole day,thing is my parents pressure me to drink it at celebrations. | 2008-08-14 01:24:00 Author: Jack ![]() Posts: 999 |
I recently got my braces off, and now I have a retainer. I hate going to the orthodonist... | 2008-08-14 01:59:00 Author: Code1337 ![]() Posts: 3476 |
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