Age of Empires: Online
Archive: 1 post
Stumbled across this (http://ageofempiresonline.com/) recently and it has been released today. I think it has been terribly under publicised as didn't never even know about its release up until about a month ago when I found it just by luck. I thought it might interest some of you guys here thus the reason for making this thread. The game is free to play with the option to pay for additional content. The download is a quite large download so you may have to wait a long time to get at it, I'm downloading it but i'll tell you a bit more about it once I have played it. I've played it now so I can give you some info about it: the format is a bit different to the regular Age of Empires games, you get quests off of people in your city and other cities you can visit then complete theses quests for experience. items and more. Yes there's a levelling system in this game as you level you unlock more upgrades as you get upgrade points for levelling I believe. The upgrades are spread between 4 ages. Now I'll get onto the items the items are specific to certain buildings and units you can equip these items to improve aspects of the unit for example Bronze Spear - Increase Attack Damage 10%. The items can vary from decreasing build costs to decreasing damage taken. You can also receive items that allow you to summon units within the game an example of this would be summon veteran archers it's free with a 5 minute cool down for 5 archers. I'l tell you more as i discover it. Here is the trailer if your interested: http://ageofempiresonline.com/media/ | 2011-08-16 10:28:00 Author: MasterCreator ![]() Posts: 464 |
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