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Conrtrollable dinosaurs

Archive: 3 posts

i've made plenty controllable dinosaurs, i have a level where you can test most of them.
the level is called DinoLab Carnivores (it only has meat eating dinosaurs), and when i stop being lazy i will make a level for my herbivores XD be sure to check it out. i may give out dinosaurs to anybody who tells me that theyre from this forum and that they played my level

EDIT: i mispelled controllable in the title xD
2011-08-15 08:50:00

Posts: 78

Can we have more info and pictures maybe?
LBP.me aint working for me atm, but shall queue later.
2011-08-15 09:28:00

Posts: 2513

Can we have more info and pictures maybe?
LBP.me aint working for me atm, but shall queue later.

when i get on my actual computer i will post some pictures and the lbp.me link.
2011-08-15 19:31:00

Posts: 78

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