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LBP2 Poll: Create
Archive: 25 posts
Since LBP2 has been out for 7 months now, I think it's time to take a poll on your creating habits, so lets get started shall we.... Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? Q2: Do you create with other people? Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? A.Logic B.Scenery C.Gameplay D.Costumes E.Music You can pick more then one if you good at multiple things Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) A. Platformer B. Old arcade C. Storyline D. Remakes E. Mini games F. Top Down Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? And that's about it guys. Our next LBP2 Poll will be on Play Next month!!! Oh, and before you go, check out the costume I made I call it(NY sack)!!! http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=36107&d=1313344281 | 2011-08-14 18:54:00 Author: zzmorg82 Posts: 948 |
1- almost instant 2- never anything serious 3- logic and scenery (Ok at both) 4- it's about 50/50 5- A lot. So many that I'd rather not say 6- No. I create in game prototypes instead as my drawing skills are terrible 7- No? Lol. 8- 2 hours ago 9- Nope 10-Platformers (with storylines) and minigames Bonus- of course! | 2011-08-14 19:06:00 Author: Radishlord Posts: 706 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? a few seconds, I back up my profile, pick a song in the options bar, and then I create. Q2: Do you create with other people? Cant, I have sattelite. Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? A.Logic D.Costumes E.Music You can pick more then one if you good at multiple things Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? A s#@& load of times. Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? Lots. Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? sometimes. Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? Yes :hero: Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? Today. Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? Nope. Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) A. Platformer C. Storyline F. Top Down Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? Yes. | 2011-08-14 19:08:00 Author: Cactii Posts: 426 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? A few seconds, plus however long it takes the current project to load. Q2: Do you create with other people? Hell naw. Osty is a one man team. Although, I do frequently have a few buddies over, and I'll happy let them add stickers or whatever where they see fit, or suggest minor alterations to the landscape. Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? A.Logic B.Scenery C.Gameplay D.Costumes E.Music You can pick more then one if you good at multiple things Although I try to keep things looking nice, I do believe making things work is my stronger suit. Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? As in... Not work and I have to re-do it? Varies on how complex. But normally I'd say it's no less than 5 or 6 test runs before I get something working right. Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? A day? A week? I dunno, varies on how engrossed I am. But if I'm really enjoying a project, I can easily hit maybe 10, 11, 12 hours on a free day with nothing else to do. Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? Nah. Tried that, wasn't really my thing. Now I just use Notepad to write alot of details down. (Ideas, numerical values, control-schemes, etc) Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? I've only ever used Sackbots properly, a handful of times. And even then, I don't really mess about in create mode. It's either a series project, or a series vehicle/device. I never got the fun in chasing things around with a giant hammer, trying to squish em' Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? 5 minutes before I started writing this. Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? See above. Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) A. Platformer B. Old arcade C. Storyline D. Remakes E. Mini games F. Top Down Versus mini-games. Often top-down. Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? Yep. Done it a couple of times. It's actually pretty fun watching it all come together. But I try to avoid them where possible, I figure they bore the audience. | 2011-08-14 19:37:00 Author: Ostler5000 Posts: 1017 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? 10 minutes or so. Q2: Do you create with other people? Yes. Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? D. Costumes Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? All the time. Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? Usually 2. Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? No. Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? No. Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? 3 minutes ago. Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? Yes. Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) A. Platformer Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? No. | 2011-08-14 19:45:00 Author: Shadowstarkirby Posts: 205 |
Q1. Depends if alot of my friends our on, but if not alot our own, instant. Q2. No, unless they're helping me. Q3. Logic(Great) Gameplay(okay) Music(Meh) Q4.not often. Q5.As long as i'm on. Q6.No Q7.No, my sackbots are realistic. Q8. Yesterday Q9. No Q10. Storyline, Top-Down Bonus. Yes | 2011-08-14 20:20:00 Author: fighterwindplus Posts: 403 |
Q1: Few minutes, but usually quickly. Q2: Almost never, unless it's a project. Q3: Scenery, Gameplay, and Costumes Q4: Almost all the time, logic has no place on my moon. Q5: Almost the entire day there. Q6: Yes, helps to be an artist Q7: Nope. Q8: I'm there now. Q9: ^ derp Q10: Platformer, Storyline, and platformers with a storyline. Bonus Q: Nuuuuuuuuu~ | 2011-08-14 20:27:00 Author: Rather Tasty Posts: 57 |
Q1) About 2 seconds Q2) About half of the time Q3) Logic Q4) If by "backfire" you mean completely screw me then never. If you mean not work about 20% Q5) A LOT Q6) No. All my levels are 100% logic so there's nothing to draw Q7) No Q8) 5 minutes ago Q9) No Q10) B&F Bonus) Yes I do | 2011-08-14 20:41:00 Author: Zero10100 Posts: 385 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? A minute, I look at my earth for comments/plays first. Q2: Do you create with other people? Rarely. DLC and lag issues make this annoying. Also, I create much more quickly and efficiently when alone. Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? A. LOGIC! C. Gameplay Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? Almost never, surprisingly. There are occasional bugs which require a minor tweak, but complete failure has only happened twice. Typically, my first test run either works perfectly, or shows me what issues need to be fixed. Second test is fine. Eg: Recently made a top-down game component for a soldier. I'd guess it's at around 1000 logic pieces. Took me 4 days to make, and an hour to test and fix. Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? Depends on the day, but when I have no other pressing matters, ~6. Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? Somewhat. I write out things instead of drawing. Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? Nope, I hardly ever use sackbots. Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? 10 hours ago. Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? Nope. Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) F. Top Down Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? Yep. | 2011-08-14 20:45:00 Author: SSTAGG1 Posts: 1136 |
1. Almost right away. 2. I almost only create with friends. The only time I don't create with friends is when I'm working on something serious, which is very rarely. 3. I'm okay all around. Good with scenery and gameplay, awesome with music, and... decent with logic. 4. Quite often. I'm not the logic king or anything, so I either find the problem, find a way around it, rebuild it, or just forget about it. 5. I spend most of my time playing the game in create mode. 6. Never. I never plan things. I make it all up as I go on. 7. Yes. I love doing that. 8. I'm in there right now. 9. Yes. 10. Nonsense platformers and mini-games! I'm terrible with storylines though. I find messing around with friends in create mode the most fun part of the game, and sometimes it gets my creative juices flowing. | 2011-08-14 23:03:00 Author: lemurboy12 Posts: 842 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? Pretty fast, its almost always the first thing I do. Q2: Do you create with other people? I mess around with them in create mode, but never accept help with real levels. Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? A.Logic-Im iffy at logic. I can make some pretty complicated things, but nothing TOO out there. B.Scenery C.Gameplay D.Costumes E.Music You can pick more then one if you good at multiple things Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? Not often, only when its something really complicated. You gotta learn through trial and error. Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? A day, about 1 and half. Not much of it is spent serious creating though. Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? Nope. Sometimes I sketch out ideas, but I jut cant draw an actual level, I ave to see it in game. Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? No, since Ive never used one before and actual only ever placed one for costumes. Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? Just over a week ago, the day before my dad took my TV away XD. It was my fault though... Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? See above. Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) A. Platformer B. Old arcade C. Storyline D. Remakes E. Mini games F. Top Down Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? Nope, and I never will. Whats th point of this question anyway...? | 2011-08-14 23:23:00 Author: ATMLVE Posts: 1177 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? It's hard to find a stopwatch that will time in anything other than milliseconds. Q2: Do you create with other people? Very rarely, and when I do it's never anything serious. If I were to start creating seriously with others i think they would soon leave. Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? Logic. Possibly other things, but I've always become so caught up in the logic that I never end up putting my best into other areas. Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? I'll answer this in regards to making more complicated stuff. Backfires - probably 50-60% of the time Once I get it working though, I'll usually start from scratch again to build it even better. Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? This year, maybe a few hours monthly. Last year, a few hours daily. Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? No, I've tried, but I find it frustrating. It takes me longer to draw something than create it, so I'll just keep ideas in my head until I'm actually in create. Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? No... Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? 3 days ago. Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? Nope, I probably should be though. Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) Wouldn't have a clue! I've had LBP and LBP2 since release, but am yet to publish a fully completed level Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? I've never tried it before, but I can't imagine it being too difficult. | 2011-08-15 01:09:00 Author: SR20DETDOG Posts: 2431 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? For how ever long it takes to load Q2: Do you create with other people? Yes, but only with trusted friends Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? A.Logic (very good) B.Scenery (Okay C.Gameplay (Good) D.Costumes (awful) E.Music (Not good) Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? It dapends on how complex it is... if it is very complex it takes a long time of trial and error... The simple things i can do the first time without problems. Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? alot... Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? No... dont plan to eather. Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? After my newest level, I have and will always try to avoid sackbot programing. Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? half hour... Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? Nope. Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) A. Platformers C. Storyline (trying now) | 2011-08-15 01:19:00 Author: Unknown User |
you should change the title from poll to Exam. Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? about an hour, maybe more. Too many levels in my queue Q2: Do you create with other people? NO Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? A.Logic B.Scenery C.Gameplay D.Costumes E.Music F. useless junk, or a square. I'm really good with squares. I can make a square out of almost any material, except neon, it messes me up. I'm probably the square king. Some would say compher or lockstitch but nope, I can dust those guys when it comes to creating squares. Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? hmm, everytime I place it? Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? less than an hour a week due to playing everyone Else's stuff Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? Yes, currently have about 5 levels drawn out in my spiral, mostly squares. Big squares, little squares, squares with eyes, etc. Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? No Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? Today, I made some squares Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? What kind of dumb question is that? Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) A. Platformer B. Old arcade C. Storyline D. Remakes E. Mini games F. Top Down G. None of the above, or squares Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? can it be a square? | 2011-08-15 01:40:00 Author: biorogue Posts: 8424 |
Yes, currently have about 5 levels drawn out in my spiral, mostly squares. Big squares, little squares, squares with eyes, etc. I made a square with eyes once, isn't she cute? http://i0.lbp.me/img/ft/ca0ef19c8ae7bc3e882387986ce28403306b6157.jpg | 2011-08-15 04:54:00 Author: SR20DETDOG Posts: 2431 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? Pretty much straight away. I usually check to see if there's any good new levels first. Q2: Do you create with other people? No. I'm very secretive with my levels. Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? I'd have to pick logic and music. Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? All the sacking time! I usually manage to find some tweak though. Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? A lot. A lot of time is spent just thinking or testing out ideas before I put them into my levels. Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? I did do a bit for my first level, which had some platforming. Twas only a rough layout though. Nothing substantial. Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? I make them talk and act..... that's about it. Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? Yesterday morning. Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? No. I'm at my PC Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) Remake/minigame/arcade, I guess. I'm alright with controlinators. Rubbish with anything else. Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? Kinda. I'm gonna do one for the level I'm working on now. Will need to have a tutorial handy when I do it though. | 2011-08-15 11:57:00 Author: Ali_Star Posts: 4085 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? -Usually I try to find some levels to play first. Once I'm tired of scouring the community, I go to create. Probably an hour on average. Q2: Do you create with other people? -Seriously? No. I do just mess around with other people in create all the time though. Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? A.Logic D.Costumes Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? -About 25% of the time, I'd say. Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? 2-4 on an average day. Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? -Most of the time, yes. Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? -No. Hmm... Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? -A few hours ago. Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? -Nope. Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) A. Platformer C. Storyline Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? -Yes. | 2011-08-15 12:58:00 Author: Unknown User |
Q1: How fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? -About 5 minutes if I didn't queue any level on my list. Q2: Do you create with other people? -Very rarely. Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? A.Logic B.Scenery C.Gameplay D.Costumes E.Music F.Average in all the above categories except for music (I'm clueless about music). Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? -Frequently, especially when building powered sackbots. Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? -Between 1 and 5 hours a week. Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? -Nope. I did a drawing once, but it was just the concept and the level never got finished. Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? -No. Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? -Friday (12 August) Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? -Nope. My family dragged me away from the living room by my ankles before I could even reach the console this morning. They're watching cheesy comedy movies all day. Again. Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) A. Platformer (working on one, a simple thing for my first level.) B. Old arcade C. Storyline D. Remakes E. Mini games F. Top Down Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? -Yes. Praised be ScorpSkull and his tutorials. Or was it comphermc? Or both? | 2011-08-15 15:42:00 Author: SnipySev Posts: 2452 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? 5 minutes generally, I create a LOT more than I play. Q2: Do you create with other people? Yeah, I do, I'm fantastic as an editor, taking an almost finished project and smoothing out the rough edges. Sometimes I'll use this time to create objects/music for my own levels. I always create for longer periods when I've got someone else doing something else in a level. But the serious level series I'm working on at the minute is 100% my own work. Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? In order of skill level for best to worst: Music, Scenery, Gameplay, Logic, Costumes. Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? All the time, it's VERY rare something works for me the first time. Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? I'd estimate half an hour to 3 hours every day. Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? Hell no, I can visualise things well enough inside my head. Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? Nah, I don't. Unless you consider locking them in a cage and making them act like they've been imprisoned by an evil genius cruel. I suppose I should feed 'em sometime, they've been in there for half a year. *Checks on sackbots* *Comes back* I've just found this AWESOME glitch! My sackbots have turned into skeletons, pretty cool, huh? Wait, I don't think it's a glitch... Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? An hour ago, making music. Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? Nope. Can't you read? Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) I'm primarily a platmormer kid, but I like making minigames on the side. One of my best strengths as a creator is probably my storytelling ability, I've been writing epic fantasy since I was 10 and I'd say I'm pretty ***** good at writing fiction in general. Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? No, but I could see it being quite useful. Let me guess, you're asking this so you can find someone who can make a menu for one of your levels? | 2011-08-17 22:48:00 Author: abyssalassassin Posts: 717 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? Sometimes immediately, but it depends on what mood I am in. If my friends are in Create I sometimes join them. At other moments I go through my queue first. Q2: Do you create with other people? I do, but not any organized cooperation or on joint projects. Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? A.Logic B.Scenery C.Gameplay Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? Less and less often, the more I avoid the traps from the past. Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? Do or have? I wouldn't know the answer to either question, really. I can easily spend 3 to 4 hours per night and up to 10 hours on a day in the weekend. Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? Not entirely. I draw separate sketches of things and schemes of how it all hangs together. More often you'll find me looking up pictures on the internet for inspiration. Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? You cannot dehumanize that which is not human. Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? Last night. Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? No. Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) I have not much published thus far, so it is hard for me to say what type of level I am good at creating. I'll leave that up to players to judge. I do have to say that I have a bias towards creating stuff beyond the basic platformer. I want to find the limits of what this game can do (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKw9tSSE-6Q) (shameless plug) and hope to create some disbelieve among the players of my levels. Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? Try something harder. | 2011-08-18 14:57:00 Author: Antikris Posts: 1340 |
1: Immediateness or after maybe four Community levels, though recently my internet has been down a lot. 2: Nope. Due to stealing (maybe I'm a bit too on-trusting) and lack of talent in terms of creating. 3: A and B but A more than anything (or so I like to think). I always like to think I'm in an Asimov story when I'm solving a problem that I don't know how it happened. EDIT: Actually for Q3 I might have to with SnipySnev's answer (see above). 4: Hahahaha on every play test until the level is released. (Never work with children, animals or sackbots.) 5: I have an achievement for this somewhere but I forgot. On average per session, maybe three of four but sometimes as low as half an hour. 6: Very occasionally, I did some early maps on holiday recently, but I'm not a good artist. 7: I have this one character who just insists on dying at every minor obstacle. But I think the effect of complex sacbot acting is so great. I wish someone would just really nail it one of these days. 8: Today like an hour ago. 9: Well, no. Wish I was though. 10: A trying to move into C (I have challenged myself yo not use written or spoken word in a story driven level, it's certainly a uh... challenge). 11: Yep, see my level Rabid Robot Rumble. | 2011-08-18 18:03:00 Author: thecatreturns123 Posts: 84 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? Q2: Do you create with other people? Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? A.Logic B.Scenery C.Gameplay D.Costumes E.Music You can pick more then one if you good at multiple things Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) A. Platformer B. Old arcade C. Storyline D. Remakes E. Mini games F. Top Down Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? 1. I go to community to get inspiration (not to copy) and then I go creating. 2. Only if they want to (even if it is serious) 3. B (scenery) and C (gameplay) 4. 1/3 of the time 5. 3-4 each day. 6. No: however, I think of ideas before creating. 7. Not at all. 8. 3 hours ago 9. No 10. Platformers and nothing else Bonus - I can easily do it. Do you want me to explain? | 2011-08-18 19:54:00 Author: L1N3R1D3R Posts: 13447 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? Usually 5 minutes. Sometimes I check to see if there are any cool levels or new MM picks that I would want to play. Q2: Do you create with other people? I mess around in create with my friends, but I don't make levels that i'm going to publish with them. Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? A.Logic B.Scenery C.Gameplay D.Costumes E.Music Out of all of these, I'm best at logic. I get a good gameplay idea every once and a while. You can pick more then one if you good at multiple things Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? Sometimes, 1/3 of the time if I rush it. Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? Tons, too many to count Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? Not most of the time. Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? I did once. I made her a possessed sackwoman. She would fly around and explode. Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? See question 9 Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? Lol, yes i am in create mode. Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) A. Platformer B. Old arcade C. Storyline D. Remakes E. Mini games F. Top Down Top-down levels are kinda fun to make. I made one "okay one" and I'm working on one for the music competition. I plan on making a platformer in a month or two. Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antikris: I want to find the limits of what this game can do (shameless plug) and hope to create some disbelieve among the players of my levels. I saw the video. It looks really cool and I couldn't even tell it was Littlebigplanet 2 at all! I'm definitely going to play it when you finish making it. | 2011-08-18 20:13:00 Author: Tileno Posts: 81 |
Q1: Has fast does it take you to go into create mode when you first get into your pod? Q2: Do you create with other people? Q3: (Multiple choice) What are you good at making in create mode? A.Logic B.Scenery C.Gameplay D.Costumes E.Music You can pick more then one if you good at multiple things Q4: How often does your logic backfire on you? Q5: How many hours do you spend in create mode? Q6: Do you draw your levels before creating them? Q7: Do you make sackbots do crazy, humiliating things? Q8: When was the last time you were in create mode? Q9: While reading this thread, are you in create mode right now? Q10: (Multiple choice) What type of levels are you good at making?(Or you like to make?) A. Platformer B. Old arcade C. Storyline D. Remakes E. Mini games F. Top Down Bonus Q: Do you know how to make a menu in create mode? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q1: From 1 minute to NaN (I never enter the create mode during that specific session). Q2: Rarely, I like to do things on my own. Q3: Logic and gameplay, definitely. My scenery & costumes are rather basic, and I haven't still learned how to use that music sequencer. Q4: Not too often, but when it does, it usually does that in a rather devious way (e.g. a sequencer goes out of synch, and I do not notice until the machine tries to clip parts out of it by going towards a wall). Q5: Depends on the mood and business - from around 0h to 5h/day Q6: Never tried that, I just assemble my levels on the fly. Q7: Sackbots? Never used them on my levels.. yet Q8: About an hour ago. Q9: No. Q10: Probably platforming and minigames. Current ones are quite primitive, but I (think I) have learned a lot since then Bonus: Probably, but never tried. | 2011-08-19 15:02:00 Author: OrwellianStuff Posts: 90 |
Q1: Either right away, or after I check my recent activity. Q2: Sometimes. Q3: Logic and Scenery (Not so much scenery than logic) Q4: Don't remind me... (Nightmares) Q5: Ranging from 15 minutes to two hours. Rarely two hours. Q6: I should. D: Q7: Heheheh... Q8: As of this post, last night. Q9: Nope. Q10: Top-Down and Minigames. BQ: Sorta. | 2011-08-19 18:18:00 Author: Tmjtk Posts: 258 |
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