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Omegle - Have fun messing with people!

Archive: 39 posts

This website kills boredom so easily. You write a question and the website gives it to two strangers to answer, you get to watch them answer it right in front of your eyes. You usually get some hilarious answers. Clay, Merc, and I have been going at it for the past hour or so. Everyone should give it a try. Here is the funniest one I've gotten so far.


Post your results!

2011-08-14 08:13:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Hi, I'm Chris Hansen. How about you take a seat over there?
Stranger 1: *sitting*
Stranger 2: hahha
Stranger 1: who are you Chris?
Stranger 1: are you the police?
Stranger 1: ****, man, I just knew it.
Stranger 1: I've never done thisbefore, man
Stranger 2: hahaha
Stranger 1: am I gonna go to jail?
Stranger 2: This is my third time on the show -_-
Stranger 2: what are my kids gonna think.
Stranger 1: HAHAH

Hi, I'm Chris Hansen. How about you take a seat over there?
Stranger 2: ok
Stranger 1: my pimple hurts.

Confess your sins.
Stranger 1: I drank a whole liter of sunkist.
Stranger 1: and didn't shaer
Stranger 1: with anyone

Xbox, Wii, PS3, or PC?
Stranger 1: wii
Stranger 2: Xbox.
Stranger 2: And PC, I guess.
Stranger 1: psh
Stranger 1: WII
Stranger 1: hehe
Stranger 1: asl
Stranger 2: NO.

Xbox, Wii, PS3, or PC?
Stranger 1: OR

Xbox, Wii, PS3, or PC?
Stranger 1: SALAD
Stranger 2: XBOX
Stranger 2: *****
Stranger 1: PC MasterRace reporting
Stranger 2: west side
Stranger 2: u kno wht
Stranger 2: ..................................... ..........................._,-~"??"~-,
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Stranger 1: XBOX will never be as powerful as a PC
Stranger 1: ******
Stranger 2: i kno

How do magnets work?
Stranger 1: neagtive and positve
Stranger 2: Besides, we are not Mormons.
Stranger 1: force field.
Stranger 1: some weird ****
Stranger 2: We do not know the secrets
Stranger 2: Stranger, you are completely ruining this
Stranger 1: a whole lot of jesus juice is used

Ah, the wonders of Omegle
2011-08-14 08:38:00

Posts: 3262

Xbox, PS3, or Wii?
Stranger 2: xbox
Stranger 1: Xbox
Stranger 1: BOOM!
Stranger 2: winning
Stranger 1: Bi-winning
Stranger 2: peaceeeeeeeee

Even people at Omegle know the truth.

2011-08-14 08:53:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Even people at Omegle know the truth.


PC can do everything consoles can and more.

/pc master race
2011-08-14 09:01:00

Posts: 3262

PC can do everything consoles can and more.

/pc master race

But I have my PC, PS3 and Xbox so I win?
2011-08-14 12:45:00

Unknown User

Why are your trousers down?

Stranger 1: Because
Stranger 1: i am
Stranger 1: a man.
Stranger 2: My trousers are up.
Stranger 2: All the way up.
Stranger 2: Up to my armpits.
Stranger 1: Like 1950s fasttalkers?
Stranger 2: You know it.
Stranger 1: Cool

I was trying to look for some raging Xbox fanboys. This isn't actually my opinion...

Xbox 360 sucks worse than Justin Bieber!

Stranger 1: wow that pretty bad
Stranger 2: not quite as bad
Stranger 2: but justin bieber is like the speed of light with sucking
Stranger 1: you are exagerating there questionner
Stranger 2: nothing can suck more
Stranger 1: true

...instead I just found some Justin Bieber haters.
2011-08-14 13:09:00

Posts: 5592

I've been messing around with this for days. Lots of fun.

EDIT: Pictures wont show up. :I
2011-08-14 13:53:00

Posts: 3871

I happened upon some hockey fans, who responded to the question 'Ovechkin or Crosby' with a 30 minute argument which resulted in one of them leaving in anger.

I didn't save it though, and it was a few days ago
2011-08-14 14:14:00

Unknown User

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Howdy. (:
You: Hello Young padawon, I hail from Yavin V
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Was this conversation great? Download the log, or select the log for copy-pa

That cleared the room.
2011-08-14 15:28:00

Posts: 2426

Clay, I thought i'd rip you off just because that was so funny. This is what I got on my first conversation.


2011-08-14 17:50:00

Posts: 1477

Wow, I didn't know you guys messed with Omegle too!

Here's some:

Stranger 2: what?
Stranger 1: TF2
Stranger 2: what is that?
Stranger 2: no
Stranger 2: **** that game
Stranger 2: ****in ***
Stranger 2: play tetris
Stranger 2: ***
Stranger 2 has disconnected
Stranger 2: what?
Stranger 1: Gentlemen..
Stranger 2: ....oh.
Stranger 2: now I feel stupid.
Stranger 2: I should, I know.
Stranger 1: Spy is stupid hehe
Stranger 2: exactamente.
Stranger 1: Exactlatory
Stranger 2 has disconnected

Hi, I'm Chris Hansen. How about you take a seat over there?
Stranger 2: ok
Stranger 1: i didnt know she was 14
Stranger 1: hi ***
Stranger 2: Im Rebecca Black, I dont know which seat to take
Stranger 1: that chris hansen "joke" stopped being funny years ago
Stranger 1: rebecca black is funnier than chris hansen
Stranger 1: and friday is the best song ever

And here's one I just loved:
2011-08-14 18:39:00

Posts: 5551

tried 3 conversations and all I got was nasty, vulgar stuff. "Hey baby, want to see me &#$(8?! then !@$*%# over @#%$%&##@$" yeah, not too fun. Especially when wife looking over shoulder.2011-08-14 18:46:00

Posts: 8424

My answers were disappointing. Here is one of the few remotley amusing conversations?

Xbox, Wii, PS3, or PC?
Stranger 2: ps3
Stranger 2: and pc
Stranger 1: Gamecube
Stranger 1: also Project Runway on lifetime
Stranger 2: SEGA GENESIS
Stranger 2: xD
Stranger 1: and green tea
Stranger 2: yay
Stranger 2: Marihuana tea
Stranger 1: Marijuana?
Stranger 2: and bronies
Stranger 2: brownies
2011-08-14 19:03:00

Posts: 115

Oh god, Omegle is so fun; people's reactions can be so fun if you have some luck
This is one of the milder ones I had saved (many of them had fairly explicit language from persons who were fooled by this ruse).

Question to discuss: what are you?
You: a Lombax
Stranger: human being?
You: ooh someone from Earth?
You: fascinating
Stranger: ya..what planet u from?
You: how do you survive without a fur?
You: I come from Fastoon, located just ~150 lightyears from your galaxy
Stranger: i dunno..its a miracle
Stranger: ok
Stranger: ok
Stranger: i've been there last month
You: Fantastic
You: how did you get here? did you use hyperspace?
You: or just took a long nap in the meanwhile?
Stranger: spaceball
You: spaceball?
You: what is that?
Stranger: never watch that movie?
Stranger: from Earth
You: nope, Earth movies are a rarity around here
Stranger: oh..I see..
You: took a while to even arrange this transgalactic communication link
Stranger: ya..
You: hmm?
Stranger: ok..wanna have lunch
Stranger: bye..
You: kk, cya
Stranger: be well my friend
You: thanks
You: take care you too
You have disconnected.

I admit.. maybe a bit too much R&C lately
2011-08-14 19:11:00

Posts: 90

Oh, if only I saved some of the best ones from last night.
Most of them had come from the question:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
I think i can remember one...

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Stranger 1: What?
Stranger 2: I know what I want to look like sometimes too.
Stranger 2 has disconnected

And the new best answer to everything...

Why does Minecraft give me a hard on?
Stranger 2: because cubes
Stranger 2 has disconnected
2011-08-14 19:17:00

Posts: 2135

Even people at Omegle know the truth.


PC can do everything consoles can and more.

/pc master race

But I have my PC, PS3 and Xbox so I win?

I have 1 console, I enjoy it and don't have to justify my purchase to strangers in the internet, I am happy with what I got, and don't care if its the best or the worst of the consoles, since honestly it doesn't matter, so I guess I win.

Anywho, isn't this the site that also puts you up with random people on video?
Or did they divide it into sections/ take down the video area for the high amount of random pervs out there? xD
2011-08-14 20:19:00

Posts: 6707

Anywho, isn't this the site that also puts you up with random people on video?
Or did they divide it into sections/ take down the video area for the high amount of random pervs out there? xD

No, I think it's still there. Some guy from /x/ used a creepypasta .GIF to scare a middle-aged woman. I was laughing my a** off.
2011-08-14 20:25:00

Posts: 5551

PC can do everything consoles can and more.

/pc master race
It can't play console games.
2011-08-14 22:16:00

Posts: 1924

I just had an absolutely epic conversation with someone, we both trolled eachother like crazy, but it's a bit too rude to post here and get away with. **** it. 2011-08-15 00:09:00

Posts: 717

isn't this the site that also puts you up with random people on video?
Or did they divide it into sections/ take down the video area for the high amount of random pervs out there? xD

That is why I stay away from sites like these
2011-08-15 02:16:00

Posts: 948

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Are you a spy?
Stranger 2: nooooo
Stranger 1: SPY!!!!!
Stranger 1: Flamethrower
Stranger 2: lightning bolt
Stranger 1: No
Stranger 1: Just no

And... these two

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Stranger 2: the ****?
Stranger 1: My head hurts.

Question to discuss:
Hi, I'm Chris Hansen. How about you take a seat over there?
Stranger 1: oh ****
Stranger 2: Kay.
Stranger 1: i didnt do it
Stranger 1: its an accident
Stranger 2: Is it okay if I parked my van across three handicapped spaces on top of two handicapped children
Stranger 2: who I then raped
2011-08-15 05:48:00

Posts: 2468

This one was awesome. I asked and my god did I receive.

Question to discuss:

Stranger 2: sometimes
Stranger 1: I do
Stranger 2: there's just
Stranger 2: a life
Stranger 2: within another universe
Stranger 2: this universe is created upon death
Stranger 2: this new life, new universe
Stranger 2: it's a new start
Stranger 2: an alternate reality
Stranger 2: the previous reality's nearly the same
Stranger 1: I like that
Stranger 2: but one event is different
Stranger 2: and this event changes their life.
Stranger 2: you are the universe
Stranger 2: but you don't know it
Stranger 2: you live a life with hollow shells
Stranger 2: your only hope to vanquish your insane loneliness is interstellar conquest, to find the one like you.
Stranger 2: to find the one that complements you, the one that you complement.
Stranger 2: or else the empty cycle will continue
Stranger 2: you'll wake up, a new man, a new woman
Stranger 2: with no memory of the life that took place before
Stranger 2: you need to find them
Stranger 2: or they need to find you.
Stranger 2: to find warmth
Stranger 2: to make your death worth it
Stranger 2: Interesting enough, OP?

This philosophical stranger blew my mind! It went on a lot further after that, but it was too long to post here.

Sometimes, I wish the "spy" could talk to the stranger.
2011-08-15 08:21:00

Posts: 1477

You are beautiful, don't let anyone tell you otherwise
Stranger 1: Well I'll be,
Stranger 2: so i'm guessing this is some desparate guy
Stranger 2: trying to get a gf
Stranger 1: Ha.
Stranger 2: or an over-emotional girl..
Stranger 1: That's my guess.
Stranger 2: haha
Stranger 2: so..asl?
Stranger 1: Camille.

I find it ironic how Stranger 2 said I was desperate then asked 'asl'.
2011-08-15 08:59:00

Posts: 3262

My god I just spend the last 3-4 hours talkin' and flirtin' with this girl on omegle. I am done for tonight. Peace!2011-08-15 11:45:00

Posts: 357

My god I just spend the last 3-4 hours talkin' and flirtin' with this girl on omegle. I am done for tonight. Peace!

There's your problem. That was probably a 50 year old man. Girls don't exist on Omegle, nor do normal people. You only have 50 year old guys who want to entice young children, and the people who go on there to mock, nothing else
2011-08-15 12:06:00

Unknown User

There's your problem. That was probably a 50 year old man. Girls don't exist on Omegle, nor do normal people. You only have 50 year old guys who want to entice young children, and the people who go on there to mock, nothing else

Yeah probably so. Imma go head off into depression now. cya
2011-08-15 18:30:00

Posts: 357

The question:

Would you watch a movie called Planet of the Grapes (which doesn't exist, just asking)? What do you think the plot would be like? (Come on, be creative..)

The answers:

Stranger 1: Yes.
Stranger 1: I guess it'd be a documentary about wine.
Stranger 2: It would be Planet of the Apes.
Stranger 2: But with Grapes.
Stranger 2: Spoilers: The grapes get eaten by humans.
Stranger 2: The movie is 11 minutes long.
Stranger 1: And stepped on, even.
Stranger 1: It's cruel.
Stranger 2: And there is so much racism in the grape community.
Stranger 2: Green against purple.
Stranger 2: It's awful.
Stranger 1: After weeks of decay the dead bodies get thrown away and their insides will be consumed by the humans.
Stranger 1: There have been marriages between the remaints of the green and purple ones.
Stranger 1: Nobody likes that though.

Stranger 1: Planet of the poptarts
Stranger 2: I picture it either being a parody of Planet of the Apes or some kind of romantic drama, haha

Stranger 1: hmmm
Stranger 2: hmm
Stranger 1: it would start with people looking for a solution to world hunger
Stranger 2: ahh good point
Stranger 1: scientists believe "smart food" would be the solution
Stranger 2: but grapes are really just seeds... sooo lol they don't have a central nervous system
Stranger 1: smart food being food that cna grow and replant itself
Stranger 1: rapidly
Stranger 2: and can't really evolve into a higher being capable of thought
Stranger 1: now now let me finish
Stranger 2 has disconnected

Stranger 2: Yes.
Stranger 2: I imagine that the plot would be about a grape from the wrong side of the vine falling in love with the rival green grapes
Stranger 1: I want to say the plot will revolve around large bananas. However this is just an educated guess at best.
Stranger 1: BHAHAHA
Stranger 1: Sorry, that actually made me laugh.
Stranger 1: Four for you stranger, you go stranger.
Stranger 2: Very Romeo & Juliet, but instead of killing each other they just jump vine and mingle in the cheese drawer

Stranger 2: after a nuclear fall out, grapes have turned into a flesh eating monster
Stranger 1: Grapes would become super smart and take over the planet.
Stranger 2: however, people don't know and the grapes effected are wine grapes
Stranger 2: so the wine goes into your system and slowly eats your innards until it reaches your skin
Stranger 2: basically you rot from the inside out
Stranger 1: He/she's on a roll, I'm just gonna sit back and watch lol
Stranger 2: haha
Stranger 2: that's all I got
Stranger 2: so fa
Stranger 2: -far

Stranger 1: It'd be like Planet of the Apes. Only the apes are grapes.
Stranger 1: Not creative, but the first thing I thought of.
Stranger 2: It's a world dominated by men, and women tend to their grapes
Stranger 2: If you know what I mean
Stranger 1: I feel like whoever asked this has a school writing assignment.
Stranger 1: One they don't want to do.
Stranger 2: OP, you should use my idea
Stranger 1: They'd get an A+
Stranger 2: Indoubtly

Stranger 1: yes i would
Stranger 2: grapes take over the world
Stranger 1: a grape evolved from a seed
Stranger 1: a lonely grape in the hard cold world
Stranger 2: they make us into wine
Stranger 1: grows up to eat people
Stranger 2: dry us out in the sun and eat us
Stranger 1: but then gets killed by the army

Stranger 2: GR
Stranger 2: apes
Stranger 2: GR?!?!
Stranger 2: apes
Stranger 2: MY HEAD
Stranger 2: TOO MUCH
Stranger 2: iiiii cease to live nowww
Stranger 2 has disconnected

Stranger 1: hmm
Stranger 2: yes!
Stranger 1: yes, i would.
Stranger 2: that sounds awesome!
Stranger 2: i'm sure the plot would be *** and make no sense, since that's how most parodys are
Stranger 1: dont say anythings *** derogatively.
Stranger 1: thats crude.

Stranger 1: There would be
Stranger 1: Ahem i shall begin my story
Stranger 2: i think Grapes would be the only thing left alive
Stranger 1: There is a jungle.. Filled with vine trees. The humans are mistreating them and over harvesting them. Though there is a magic spell that one of the grapes learns which allows him to give the other grapes intelligent minds. It's a chick flick with hot juicy grapes and grapes explosions,

Stranger 1: WINE
Stranger 1: EVERYWHERE

Stranger 1: NO/
Stranger 2: not as awesome as Bats on a Submarine
Stranger 1: lol
Stranger 1: planet of the grapes
Stranger 1: like walking grapes
Stranger 1: **** dat
Stranger 2: maybe its just a big *** forest of grapes
Stranger 2: doesnt sound too appealing
Stranger 2: or maybe its a porno
Stranger 1: and the movie would be?
Stranger 2: ... yeah, gotta be a porno
Stranger 1: im guessing porno
Stranger 2: softcore, probably

Stranger 1: grapes
Stranger 2: a grape filled planet....with rasins and wine
Stranger 1: ................................................ ..........................._,-~"??"~-,
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::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::",:::::::::::::"-':::: : : : : : |: : :::::::.........I'M A T-REX, YOUR OPINION IS INVALID!
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Stranger 2: lol

Misc questions

Question to discuss:
Are you almighty and awesome? If so, what is the reason?

Stranger 1: Hell ****in' yeah. ^^
Stranger 2: Both.

Stranger 2: I'm not that almighty
Stranger 2: I'm **** awesome though
Stranger 1:
Stranger 2: I can play guitar
Stranger 1: I'll say you are!

Stranger 1: yes
Stranger 1: because im me
Stranger 2: he is lying
Stranger 2: he sucks

Question to discuss:
If I were to say A, would you say B? Or would you say something else? What would it be?

Stranger 2: I would say B
Stranger 1: if you said A..
Stranger 1: yeah, i'd say B
Stranger 1: or maybe 'A...flying pink llama!'
Stranger 2: to the windooooooooooooooow to the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall

Stranger 2: .....
Stranger 2: Um, false
Stranger 2: Gonna say false on this one
Stranger 2: Er, no, true...
Stranger 1: Pfft
Stranger 2: I don't know the answr.
Stranger 1: Well the answer is your choice. It can be anything.
Stranger 2: Then...I guess I would say... I'd count or something.

Question to discuss:
Cookies or pie?

Stranger 2: pie
Stranger 1: coookies. on nom nom nom nom

Stranger 1: both
Stranger 2: he said or
Stranger 2: which means pick one
Stranger 2: ...
Stranger 1: nah
Stranger 1: both
Stranger 2: you rebel!
Stranger 1: i know
Stranger 2: **** the government
Stranger 2: yeah!

Stranger 1: Cookies
Stranger 2: cookies
Stranger 1: 100%
Stranger 2: yeaaa

Question to discuss:
Perform your best evil laugh

Stranger 1: gigglegiiggglegiiggle
Stranger 1: like burns
Stranger 1: mr
Stranger 1: burns
Stranger 1:

Stranger 1: Tehehee.
Stranger 1: aww...
Stranger 2: HUuHhUWhahHAhHAHuwhUHAha
Stranger 1: EEEP!

Stranger 1: mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahHAHAHAHA
Stranger 1: yeah im over it
Stranger 2: Muahahahhaahahah *chokes* haaa....*gasps* hhhh...aaa
Stranger 1: oh god

Stranger 2: ha
Stranger 1: meow
Stranger 2: ha
2011-08-16 01:06:00

Posts: 450

I got a spam bot reply. 2011-08-16 06:22:00

Posts: 2513

hahaha, I had a lot of fun.

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/291978_1718067371491_1832469598_1131026_7256193_n. jpg
2011-08-16 07:50:00

Posts: 624

What would your last words be if you have a chance to say them?
Stranger 2: Darn you charlie sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnThe answer from 1 would get me banned here. xD

You got 15 minutes to do whatever you want, no repercussions, what do you do?
Stranger 1: Steal?

Stranger 1: Eat?

Stranger 2: Kill every politician I can find

Stranger 1: What?

Stranger 1: MEANY PIE!

Stranger 1: Kill this stranger.

Stranger 1: EAAATTTT

Stranger 2: I would Kill every single member of congress excluding key states

Stranger 1: (i'll never get fat!! )

Stranger 1: Oh, you're American

Stranger 1: Hahaha.

Stranger 2: lol duh

Stranger 1: Your country is in deeeeeep ****

Stranger 2: our government NEEDS to be cleansed XD

Stranger 2: you're telling me bro

Stranger 1: Oh sadie, the cleaning ladyyy

Stranger 1: You should move country

Stranger 1:

Chuck Norris is about to destroy you, what do you do?
Stranger 2: surrender and beg for mercy. its the only way

Stranger 1: accept the inevitable

Stranger 2: haha yes, stranger!
Wow. xD

Most liked and hated memes for you?
Stranger 1: hmmmm

Stranger 2: Loved:

Stranger 2: Hated: everything

Stranger 1: lol

Stranger 2: pony memes are alight actually

Stranger 2: 20% cooler and all that

Stranger 1: indeed

Stranger 2 has disconnected
Sos omeone who hates all memes still likes pony memes. xD
2011-08-16 09:23:00

Posts: 6707

"Spyro or Crash?" Five minutes later I've kind of convinced this MGS fan to get MGS4 asap and play it.2011-08-16 10:58:00

Posts: 2391

I've decided to start answering questions myself.

Question to discuss:
Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?

You: Yes, I can, actually.
You: I would just upgrade my flux capacitor so that it can handle paradoxical interferences
You: And then install it into my guitar
You: Play the guitar, and get taken to the ultimate world.
Stranger: Sounds good.

Question to discuss:
You can have any weapon you want, or anything that could kill anyone ever. Whoever comes up with the better tool wins the cagematch.

You: Hmm..
Stranger: Unicorn's a tool, right?
You: A sword with 7 blades that grants the ability to carry swords of very heavy weight such as the one I am describing here, and grants incredible attack speed to the user.
Stranger: That's more effective than an unicorn.
Stranger: Is it too late to switch to a multicorn?
You: I still like the sword with seven blades.
Stranger: That is pretty sweet.
You: Thanks
Stranger: You officially win the cagematch.

Question to discuss:
Pleasehelp,my spacebarisbrokenandIdon'tknowwhattodo. HowdoIfixit?

Stranger: ooooooooohhhhhhh
You: Well,
You: first you inspect the spacebar
You: see if there's any food stuck behind it
Stranger: my ****ing l button is broken
You: Then clean it with alcohol
You: if that still doesn't work
You: remove the key itself
You: and clean the mechanism beneath it
Stranger: i have to press way too **** hard to get the letter L
You: Then, in order to get it fully working again,
You: drench your keyboard in water
You: and let it dry in the sun
You: Then call tech support
Stranger: ^ this person is a smart ***
Stranger: but your space button obviously works becase u have a space between your period and how
You: Yes.
You: Well.. next question, I guess
Stranger: byyyye <3

Question to discuss:
No question temperaly...

You: Wow
You: awesome.
Stranger: ...
Stranger: trippy
You: Duuuuuuuuuuuddeee
You: Waaassstteeeddd
Stranger: duuuuuuuuuuuude
Stranger: higggggggggggh
You: duuuuuuuudddeee i have no idea what's going onnnn
Stranger: who does braaaah
Stranger: i dddddddddoooooo whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooo

Question to discuss:
1 - 2 - 3 x 0 = ? (It isn't zero)

You: -1
Stranger: yes it is silly.
You: no, it isn't.
You: He subtracts 2 from 1
You: and then subtracts 3 x 0 from it
You: which is 0
You: so it is basically 2 minus 1
You: erm
You: 1 minus 2
You: which is -1
Stranger: uhhh......im only in 9th grade so im lost lololol

Question to discuss:
have aliens visited earth?

Stranger: naw
You: Nobody knows
Stranger: :-)
You: And the ones who might know
You: Will not tell
Stranger: deep ****
Stranger: ****it i'm gonna have alien nightmares aren't i
Stranger: first movie i saw was ET
Stranger: aliens have scared me since
Stranger: not as intense now that i'm older
Stranger: but it's still creepy
You: ._.
Stranger: O.O

Question to discuss:
Discuss the discus

You: Hmm
You: The discus
Stranger: Dangerous.
You: is a new form of life
You: superseding the human being
Stranger: Killed one guy in the tale of Persues, didn't it...?
You: able to survive in fire
You: Actually
You: that is a good one for a fantasy novel
You: thanks
Stranger: That sounds utterly amazing. I love fantasy novels, man.

Question to discuss:
would u like to share your photos

You: No.
Stranger: yes
Stranger: I would like to share pictures of random things
Stranger: like mushrooms
You: hmm
You: that sounds good
Stranger: magic mushrooms that send us on.....
Stranger: ADVENTURES!!!
You: Magical journeys!
You: woot!
Stranger: YEAH!!!
Stranger: Oh wait....oh dear....
Stranger: magic wore off.... we are now plummetting to the ground
You: oh crap..
You: wait, don't you know a spell to make us levitate?
Stranger: SAVE US JESUS (jesus: **** off, I'm bating right now)
Stranger: we are so ****ed
You: I take that as a no
You: *falls onto the ground*
You: *his body parts scatter everywhere and he dies*
Stranger: *SPLATS*
You: x_x
Stranger: *had a soulstone up and ressurects*
Stranger: Hahaha, what a noob
You: -.-
You: *haunts Stranger as a ghost*
Stranger: Nooooooooooooooooooo
You: *keeps screaming YOU SHALL NOT PASS until the end of time in Stranger's mind*
Stranger: OVER RULED!
You: Suddenly,
You: a shark appears from the sky
You: it falls on top of Stranger
Stranger: It's all your fault!!!
2011-08-16 11:32:00

Posts: 450

I think I may have finally hit it big tonight, fellas! She even gave me her email so I was able to do a google search on her and find her fb.

EDIT: Just saw pics of the girl I was talking to on omegle. FML. Shoot me if I ever try to go back to that site again
2011-08-17 09:19:00

Posts: 357

First time trying Omegle today... Some weird results so far. >.>2011-08-17 16:33:00

Posts: 1076

Heh, this quite fun...


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2011-08-17 18:35:00

Posts: 1277

Heh, this quite fun...

I keep forgetting that pounds = dollars in other countries. I thought you tried to suggest a weight loss program.
2011-08-17 18:40:00

Posts: 5551

^ You can lose weight with new car insurance. With all the money you saved by switching to *insert insurance company here* you can afford liposuction!2011-08-17 20:01:00

Posts: 1076

^ You can lose weight with new car insurance. With all the money you saved by switching to *insert insurance company here* you can afford liposuction!

Or at least get a plushie meerkat. When my mum's home insurance runs out and it's time to renew, I'm so getting that Aleksandr.
2011-08-17 22:15:00

Posts: 717

''who does this guy remind you of? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ
Stranger 1: yo no
Stranger 2: y u no
Stranger 1: YU no
Stranger 2: Y U NO TYPE IT RITE?!
Stranger 2 has disconnected''
I lol'd.
2011-08-20 22:32:00

Posts: 935

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