Space Station A.I (BETA)
Archive: 9 posts
http://lbp.me/v/44t09g As the level discription says this level is still in development and i published this as a beta to gain some interest on the project and some feedback. alot of things influenced me to making this...a few movies that influenced me are eagle eye...terminator...alien...blade runner. i won't ruin the story but it should be pretty obvious if you look at the title and the influences lol...put two and two together! haha. anyway...i enjoyed making this level and i still am. got some big action sequences planned for the level lying ahead. would love to hear from you all about what you think. i have to give thanx to fighterwindplus for helping me with ideas, some logic and just general help and checking in on me from time to time. and also jumpman420p...for designing the machines that you will see later on! here are some pictures to help sway you to playing lol... http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa57/wolfy_mus/2c577d06151a4a9d59ad56847902f40e0f704819.jpg http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa57/wolfy_mus/b4b118fd1691728bed9c32c899e0614adb205971.jpg http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa57/wolfy_mus/868888df0bd26493f3306f5518589e5c17691ab6.jpg http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa57/wolfy_mus/0cf87fbe7ade01bf2bd4dd0ed3137b690d4d0b7a.jpg | 2011-08-13 19:57:00 Author: wolfy_616 ![]() Posts: 202 |
Added to my queue! | 2011-08-13 20:03:00 Author: Corchito ![]() Posts: 52 |
love the pics. queuing now and logging off LBPC to go play. | 2011-08-14 05:49:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Absolutely fantastic level! I particularly loved the lighting and the camerawork during the cutscenes. The minimalist music added to the tension and there were brilliant moments of humour to liven things up a bit. Honestly I don't think there was anything I didn't like! Of course it was too short, but that was the idea wasn't it? Always leave them wanting more. I genuinely felt privileged to be the first person to play it! | 2011-08-14 08:34:00 Author: Corchito ![]() Posts: 52 |
Absolutely fantastic level! I particularly loved the lighting and the camerawork during the cutscenes. The minimalist music added to the tension and there were brilliant moments of humour to liven things up a bit. Honestly I don't think there was anything I didn't like! Of course it was too short, but that was the idea wasn't it? Always leave them wanting more. I genuinely felt privileged to be the first person to play it! thank you for actually playing it man! i noticed alot of people say ill play it but never do lol. anyway im glad you enjoyed it. been working on this for a while...like i said though this is only the beta version and doesn't necessarily represent the finished project. | 2011-08-14 09:56:00 Author: wolfy_616 ![]() Posts: 202 |
Played it just now and left you a review, but dang... 300 characters isn't enough space to really express my love for this type of level. First of all, it's a space thriller. Invokes the spirit of dread and fascination that I have loved about films good and bad in the genre, and the ominous sense of things going very, very wrong is just perfect. I love you used the "Tension" soundtrack which I discovered recently. Kill those brass stabs and drums and it's one of the best bits of atmospheric music! Great choice! And I love the use of the vents -- something else I discovered recently. This may all sound like me praising you for things I simply like in my own levels, but it's not that. It took me FIVE MONTHS to realize how to create the slightest bit of atmosphere, and here you seem to do it effortlessly. Your visual aesthetic is just superb. It's just... superb. I'm very jealous. My "review" is basically a love letter that catalogues every single thing in the stage I enjoyed (until I ran out of space; dang it), but I also wanted to let you know a few quirks, and ask some questions and recommend some things. So, here they are! BUGS 1) Captain's seat trap: The first thing I did was jump up into the window area, and get stuck. ^^; http://i5.lbp.me/img/ft/c05e63caf16c8965c10bfd657c3d6c45ea9b97f9.jpg 2) Repeating subtitles: If you exit and re-enter the sensor area after finding the sackbot, the subtitles re-trigger. http://i7.lbp.me/img/ft/0972375e118a4a2e6d4bddf59075be759af92e0a.jpg QUESTIONS and RECOMMENDS 1) (Recommendation) Add a "hollow metal" sound effect (red speaker - Impacts) set to play on impact, for the vent! 2) (Recommendation/question) At the beginning the captain is a mohawked fellow. But then we get the "two hours later" cutscene and the other characters talk to me like I'm the captain. Am I? This might be clearer if you set the captain sackbot to Player 1 costume during the intro movie. Unless I missed something! 3) (Recommendation/question) After the (amazing!) title sequence/menu, it seems possible to allow the player to retain control of their character during cutscenes (but not skip scene). Disclaimer: I compulsively try to run around when a movie starts which is my very bad habit, but I noticed your cutscenes are incredibly tight and focused which is the ideal type for letting the player keep control. Of course this is purely a director's taste, and I am pushing my luck by bringing it up, but speaking as a finicky ADHD type the option to keep my character hopping around like a loon while the camera sweeps and zooms to show me what's next is a subtle, high quality perk! ![]() In short, LOVE IT. Love it to death. I don't want it to sound like a platitude, but I have no idea how else to say it: I can't wait to see more of this!!! Great work! Glad I happened into the Showcase forums just now. <3 Oops, just a quick 4)... you can put pictures directly into your post by adding [ img ] and [/ img ] before and after an image URL (remove the spaces inside the brackets). | 2011-08-14 15:15:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
wow...thanx for taking the time to not only play it but writing me a decent review with what you did and didn't like...i played the level through many times and it all seemed fine but im gona check the bugs you reported and fix them. i guess i forgot to add the on stop timer on to the dialogue for when you meet the little sackbot...oops! i understand what you mean though...i also have a fascination with the whole space/thriller theme and i wanted to experiment with it. i love the title sequence myself and i think what makes it stand out is the custom music i made...it just so happened to suit :-) as for your recommendations...i really appreciate them and i will be taking them on board and adding things. sometimes you forget to add the smallest thing lol. and no you didnt miss anything with the opening sequence...when i first started making this level i set the CAPTAIN sackbot to look like seth from killzone just so i had something to work with and to set the atmosphere for my own benefit while i was creating...again i forgot to set it to " cope player 1 "....im putting alot of work and effort into the next level...i kind of have a time limit to finish this project. before deus ex: human revolution is released lol. as for adding the pictures directly into my thread!!! that is really ticking me off!! BECAUSE IT DON'T WORK FOR ME haha. i even posted a thread in the help section and it just dont work. i dont know wot im doing wrong | 2011-08-14 16:01:00 Author: wolfy_616 ![]() Posts: 202 |
wow pics look dope , i'll queue | 2011-08-14 18:11:00 Author: TOXIC_KILLA_ ![]() Posts: 147 |
i updated the beta and made some changes. took some advice from reviews. even though it didn't get as many plays as i anticipated thank you anyway for the positive feedback :-) | 2011-08-15 11:47:00 Author: wolfy_616 ![]() Posts: 202 |
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