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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mechs

Archive: 4 posts

So about two months ago I started watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, normally I don't like anime but holy hell was this one amazing. It inspired me so much that I just had to make Gurren Lagann in LBP2.
Which after a week of messing around and several remakes, was completed.
(D-R-B-O-O-T-Y got the thing wired up and moving, so alot of thanks goes to him, without his wiring I'd have never gotten this mech walking)
Currently it only walks back and forth fluently, anything else I'd add would have to work with the level I'm making for it.

Next I made Lagann, the head piece of Gurren Lagann before they combine.
This guy only moves forward correctly at the moment, still working on him. You enter by hopping into the head, and getting in the controllinator, which then puts the pink brain bubble on top.

Next is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (still a WIP)
Nothing much to say other then it's big and pretty detaild compared to the other two so far.
Size comparison.

Next is Arch Gurren Lagann
This is one is one of two gurrens that can fly. It's about 3 of my normal Gurren Lagann's in height, and can move every way and has wiring to make its limbs move according to the direction of your movement.

Next is Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann (still a WIP)
Currently still working on it, this will be able to both walk and fly. It is also a little smaller then my Arch Gurren.

For those of you who don't know the scale of the mechs in the anime, it goes like this.
Lagann = Size of a single male human
Gurren = Size of a 3 story building
Gurren Lagann = 3 story building
Arch Gurren Lagann = Size of a city, requires Gurren Lagann in the cockpit to pilot.
Super Galaxy Dai Gurren = Size of the moon, requires all previous Gurrens to pilot.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann = Around 1/4 the size of the galaxy, requires all previous Gurrens to pilot.
There is one more but it's also impossble to make in lbp unless I was to make a mech entirely of holograms.

Thanks for looking, tell me what you think, and possibly throw me ideas for levels I can make to put them in, cause currently there just sitting on my moon waiting to be published in a level.
2011-08-13 10:21:00

Unknown User

Great looking mech it reminds me of power rangers2011-08-13 22:20:00

Posts: 761

Mechs inside mechs inside mechs inside mechs inside mechs... It's the Incepticons! D:2011-08-13 22:35:00

Posts: 1924

Can't wait to see it working!
2011-08-14 09:02:00

Posts: 5112

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