What is the maximum IQ?
Archive: 13 posts
I got 149, and I'm considered to be a genius. Is the max 180 or 200? | 2011-08-13 03:45:00 Author: 49er Nation ![]() Posts: 429 |
over 9000 HIGH FIVE | 2011-08-13 04:25:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_vos_Savant The highest recorded IQ is 228 by Marilyn vos Savant I got an IQ of 151 in HS. But I haven't taken an IQ test in a while. LBP may have rotted my brain lol. But everyone has there own different intelligences or "talents". I suppose I have a musical intelligence. ![]() | 2011-08-13 04:28:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
Because IQ measurements these day are actually based on statistical averages and not static values, there is technically no true "highest possible" IQ as we typically measure IQ now. Generally, 100 serves as the base average IQ of a population at a given time and as the average intelligence of a population fluxuates so do the standards by which IQ is measured. Thus, a person who's IQ was measured as 100 before may rank higher or lower then before depending on how smart that person is relative to the average IQ after said average fluxuates and the IQ scale is adjusted to reflect it. Truthfully, while IQ tests can determine if a person has a "high IQ" (or at least, within the parameters by which said tests measure IQ) there would be no conceivable "maximum IQ" because theoretically if a person was sharp and knowledgable enough to completely ace those tests there would be a point where they would be worthless in measuring that person's IQ because if, theoretically there was also another individual who was actually smarter then that person then those tests would be unable to distinguish between the two on an intellectual level. And because both individuals will have crossed the threshold of said tests' accuracy they would be regarded as "too high to measure" rather then be assigned some nebulous numerical IQ value. | 2011-08-13 04:54:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
Very well then. | 2011-08-13 06:08:00 Author: 49er Nation ![]() Posts: 429 |
The first intellectual thing you can do is remove your IQ from your sig. Ego-centrism Isn't a particularly intelligent trait. ![]() On a side note, did you know Walt Disney was a womanizing racist Nazi? And did you also know that Disney films are famous for having pornographic material hidden in them. Not to mention quite damaging value structures that influence the young audience. For example, 'Beauty and the Beast' is a story of domestic abuse, teaching girls that it's ok to let men lock them up in a house and verbally and physically abuse them because 'there's a prince underneath'. Then there's the typical 'feminine' image throughout the Disney style, take a very long look at the female gender role stereotype being instilled into the minds of all the young girls that watch Disney and ask yourself wether there's nothing remotely 'weird' about it. /2 cents | 2011-08-13 06:23:00 Author: Epicurean Dreamer ![]() Posts: 224 |
255 . | 2011-08-13 07:47:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
I don't know, I only have 2 brain cells to always argue and never cope. | 2011-08-13 10:52:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
I got 149, and I'm considered to be a genius. Is the max 180 or 200? Yeah, sure you do. Fo you have any idea how rare that is? | 2011-08-13 14:12:00 Author: Veyneru ![]() Posts: 115 |
The first intellectual thing you can do is remove your IQ from your sig. Ego-centrism Isn't a particularly intelligent trait. ![]() On a side note, did you know Walt Disney was a womanizing racist Nazi? And did you also know that Disney films are famous for having pornographic material hidden in them. Not to mention quite damaging value structures that influence the young audience. For example, 'Beauty and the Beast' is a story of domestic abuse, teaching girls that it's ok to let men lock them up in a house and verbally and physically abuse them because 'there's a prince underneath'. Then there's the typical 'feminine' image throughout the Disney style, take a very long look at the female gender role stereotype being instilled into the minds of all the young girls that watch Disney and ask yourself wether there's nothing remotely 'weird' about it. /2 cents Ah..... Did I miss something? Wasn't this a discussion on IQ's? I've got a terrible IQ, something like 80 or something. That's mainly because I have dysepraxia, Which among other things, Means I can't visualize shapes and objects in my head. I've never really cared too much about IQ, I always think that raw intelligence is impossible to gauge, But stuff like Creativity, Mathamathecial Prowess ect..... I guess can only be measured by results. | 2011-08-13 15:08:00 Author: Junkyardassissan ![]() Posts: 164 |
Did you also know that Disney films are famous for having pornographic material hidden in them. Not to mention quite damaging value structures that influence the young audience. For example, 'Beauty and the Beast' is a story of domestic abuse, teaching girls that it's ok to let men lock them up in a house and verbally and physically abuse them because 'there's a prince underneath'. Then there's the typical 'feminine' image throughout the Disney style, take a very long look at the female gender role stereotype being instilled into the minds of all the young girls that watch Disney and ask yourself wether there's nothing remotely 'weird' about it. /2 cents No comment. | 2011-08-13 16:30:00 Author: 49er Nation ![]() Posts: 429 |
Ah..... Did I miss something? Wasn't this a discussion on IQ's? I've got a terrible IQ, something like 80 or something. That's mainly because I have dysepraxia, Which among other things, Means I can't visualize shapes and objects in my head. I've never really cared too much about IQ, I always think that raw intelligence is impossible to gauge, But stuff like Creativity, Mathamathecial Prowess ect..... I guess can only be measured by results. I agree with you 100%. This is the smartest thing I've read in this thread and you only have an IQ of 80! HA all of you must feel really dumb! MWAHAHAHAHA! (kidding of course) ![]() | 2011-08-13 18:25:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
Because IQ measurements these day are actually based on statistical averages and not static values, there is technically no true "highest possible" IQ as we typically measure IQ now. Generally, 100 serves as the base average IQ of a population at a given time and as the average intelligence of a population fluxuates so do the standards by which IQ is measured. Thus, a person who's IQ was measured as 100 before may rank higher or lower then before depending on how smart that person is relative to the average IQ after said average fluxuates and the IQ scale is adjusted to reflect it. Truthfully, while IQ tests can determine if a person has a "high IQ" (or at least, within the parameters by which said tests measure IQ) there would be no conceivable "maximum IQ" because theoretically if a person was sharp and knowledgable enough to completely ace those tests there would be a point where they would be worthless in measuring that person's IQ because if, theoretically there was also another individual who was actually smarter then that person then those tests would be unable to distinguish between the two on an intellectual level. And because both individuals will have crossed the threshold of said tests' accuracy they would be regarded as "too high to measure" rather then be assigned some nebulous numerical IQ value. I know for a fact his IQ isn't less than 100. ![]() | 2011-08-13 18:36:00 Author: Jayhawk_er ![]() Posts: 403 |
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