Gadget Boy Adventure by hlee78
Archive: 4 posts
http://lbp.me/v/39htyt(Dunno how to do the Badge thingie.) :kz: This level is amazing. Great Concept, excellent puzzles, awesome scenery, yet it has just one small problem...it barely has any Plays! This brilliant level deserves more plays then most of the levels on the "Cool" Pages. It is simply one of the most funnest levels I had ever played, Period. It's also one of the longest levels I've ever played(About 4 Level Links make this 1, long Level.) I really don't want this beautiful level gone to waste, so please play it! Give this Creator the fame he deserves! | 2011-08-10 23:57:00 Author: IronSkullKid99 ![]() Posts: 515 |
One word...WOW! I just finished the whole thing and can't agree with you more. Great environments, puzzle and shooter designs, creative gadgets to use...There is so much polish and creativity put into this whole thing, and it is LONG (in a good, variety-filled way). Highly recommended! | 2011-08-16 06:34:00 Author: Behonkiss ![]() Posts: 229 |
Yeah I played this as soon as Lee published, although time has passed, and he has republished, because Lee wants to be more popular. However, the level is very good, as it shows the technical values that many levels don't offer, like for example the special night vision feature that would be used in the level for getting to the next area, rather than use it as a showcase. On the case of gadgets, there are a range of different gatgets, from transport, right up to weaponry, and each gadget was used at its best, or if used in one area, Lee would make that area specially designed for it. Lee makes this story challenging by making some of the gadgets purposefully bad for where they are, like for the catapult for example, he made the wheels eclipses rather than circles, which made it very difficult to keep golf balls in the basket. Overall, I felt this was a great way to make a level, and make it with a long storyline. The far from awful puns also made this level delightful, and I hope to see more of what Lee has to offer in the future! | 2011-08-27 10:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Yeah just played thru each part, really loved it. Very creative person and does indeed deserve more plays! Only thing I'd say against it is although the many gadgets he has, some don't get used much and given he pretty much always has on the Walls exactly where to go and what item to use, u don't get that sense of accomplishment you would have if you figured it out yourself. Its a small thing and not for everyone either. Still great stuff, more of this level of creativity out there would be awesome. (actually just noticed he has a lot of hearts already, how is his levels getting such low plays? Unless perhaps he got 1 great level ages ago which got him lots of hearts - which would be stupid if that's the case, surely you heart someone coz you like all/most of their work and your hearting them to check back in and play more content from them - or maybe thats just me!) /accidentalramble Recommended! (EDIT: yeah just checked, that's exactly what it was, in 09 he had some levels with 10s of thousands of plays, guess people just did a heart 'n' run!) | 2011-08-27 15:23:00 Author: Masseyf ![]() Posts: 226 |
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