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GBU-24 Laser guided H-A-O (Heavy Air Ordinance) bomb

Archive: 1 post

I was playing medal of honor, and i got a real kick out of the SOFLAM, a laser designator used to call in various types of artillery strikes. So i decided to switch to LBP2, and try to make the first one i remembered, which was the GBU-24. Since the bomb can be controlled as it's dropped, it's done from a small screen laptop that snaps into view of the falling object every time one is called in. It has a very small blindspot that cant destoy anything, but other than that, it's a pure killer. I've attached a pic of the bomb and it's HUD system in preview so you can get the idea of what it looks like.2011-08-10 23:35:00

Posts: 21

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