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sr71 inbound

Archive: 8 posts

hey guys ive made an sr71 or a blackbird. i like to make objects related to military type veichles . give send me a message if you would like to see it or any other of my things no copying please..... give me some ideas of what i can make or even what i can make YOU!!! bye guys

A few things i already have made... black hawk. pavelow. bat mobile. Mig 35 (Lbp1)
2011-08-10 05:30:00

Posts: 63

hey guys ive made an sr71 or a blackbird. I like to make objects related to military type veichles . Give send me a message if you would like to see it or any other of my things no copying please..... Give me some ideas of what i can make or even what i can make you!!! Bye guys

a few things i already have made... Black hawk. Pavelow. Bat mobile. Mig 35 (lbp1)

you hate copying too? Well join the club!
2011-08-15 05:29:00

Posts: 74

yep i hate it with a passion!!!!!!!!!!! unless of course u made it yourself2011-08-15 06:01:00

Posts: 63

Ooh A BlackBird...maybe you need 80 score to call it in (8 KillStreak) xD...Maybe I'll make a D52!2011-08-15 16:48:00

Unknown User

lol good idea but i dont plan on making ablack ops shooter yet but good idea oh and its called b52 btw 2011-08-15 17:12:00

Posts: 63

hey, what about making a ac130, or chopper gunner?
i know their hard to make, but it would be a good test of your skills
2011-08-16 02:30:00

Posts: 157

could you post some pictures of the blackbird?2011-09-12 16:29:00

Posts: 157

lol good idea but i dont plan on making ablack ops shooter yet but good idea oh and its called b52 btw darn you ears XD2011-10-25 03:09:00

Unknown User

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