*The Deadly Assault Course* (1st Published Level) UPDATED!
Archive: 11 posts
Hi guys! ![]() I have recently published my first level called ?The Deadly Assault Course? which involves many different obstacles and hazards to overcome. Here are some pictures of different parts of my level: http://i2.lbp.me/img/ft/2c2da44d45ac954756bc6d9ddcc7bad93ba13586.jpg http://i7.lbp.me/img/ft/3a72136ed915e488e662bf9c4d07a6a88b1fbedd.jpg http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/4a1dc2a812499d371820c2301407b7bfc7609c43.jpg http://i2.lbp.me/img/ft/6c225940e101439bd499bc917ac727535ff462be.jpg http://ic.lbp.me/img/ft/4ecf53bfc0ba7a28baf247443bb6f2aadc3e1ab8.jpg Let me know what you think guys. Both comments and feedback welcome. Thanks! Singh08 ![]() http://lbp.me/v/4w44jz | 2011-08-09 23:12:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
hey dude cool level can you add DEHUNGERIZE15 | 2011-08-10 02:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You've got some potential here. I might queue this up soon. | 2011-08-11 21:26:00 Author: OcamposMoon ![]() Posts: 135 |
First off, thanks for checking out my dreamscape level.![]() I tried this one and it was decent for a first level. Some suggestions to make it look and play better: -the corner editor is one of the most useful tools as it will smooth out rough and unnecessary edges (which in turn cuts down the thermo) -consistency with decorations and materials as they make the level more neat (which also cuts down the thermo) -directions using camera angles and/or arrows (didn't notice the path below at the start of the level) Anyways, good job and keep on creating. ![]() Oh and if still got the time, would you mind checking out my other level? It's another story based platformer but with a much darker tone (as it is set in hell). Here it is: Title: Sinner's Redemption Thread: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=60154-Sinner-s-Redemption Link: http://lbp.me/v/3hcswv | 2011-08-12 04:59:00 Author: romancrisis ![]() Posts: 138 |
Hey, I've checked out your level and all I can say is that you need some work. The first thing that I have to criticize is the use of MM objects, which in this context, did not look pretty. It also didn't look like it fit with the rest of the level, much like the car there, it did not matter whether I used it or not, I still made it to the end. Another thing is that you used all three layers without making each one important to the level, or else it looks empty or too vast without meaning to be. The obstacles were also too easy and in the first race, the running time was too long. The second race had the normal time for some reason. Finally, consistency. You used a few materials that were consistent. But, the theme is really lacking in appeal. Another suggestion would be to make a custom badge for the level. True, you still have potential to make a level, though you need to look at others' first. I suggest trying jackofcourse's, Lockstitch's or any other levels here in the community for ideas. But don't try and steal any! Other than that, that's it. Keep on creating! ![]() | 2011-08-12 08:00:00 Author: OcamposMoon ![]() Posts: 135 |
Just updated images of my level with improvements to my colour scheme. ![]() | 2011-08-12 22:51:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Just played your level. It was pretty fun, I always like 'race' levels anyway. I also like that you can take different paths at the beginning. Would be cool if you could do this at more places though and not just one, makes it even more fun and people will replay your level to take the different paths. Few things I noticed that could be better while playing it though. 1. Got killed by the fire at the beginning while I was holding on to the bottom of the moon. Don't know if this is intended since it doesn't happen when you grab it on the inside. 2. Some of the objects are kind of useless right now. The sharp things at the bottom part at the beginning don't go low enough to kill you. Same for the blocks of fire that move down, can just stand below them without being hit. And then at the end the last 2 round blocks on the ropes, can easily make it with just the 1st block. Maybe make the distance of the gap below them a bit bigger. Same for the disappearing platforms here, can easily pass without using them. 3. The time you get for the 2 races is way too long. I passed both with 16.000 points. Best to lower this a bit or make the obstacles a bit harder so it takes more time to finish. 4. The car, it doesn't really fit with the theme of your level and it flipped on me when I drove over the fire. Maybe my fault for letting go of the grab thing though cause it didn't happen when I tried the 2nd time. For the rest it's pretty good though, especially for your 1st level. ![]() | 2011-08-15 17:50:00 Author: Firehuntah ![]() Posts: 75 |
Hey, this isn't bad for a first published level. That's not to say it's the best I've seen, but it definitely has appeal. First off, visually, your enviorment could use some work. Minor things like camera angles combined with the corner edit tool could really help your level shine. A small thing for me was being able to see the boundary wall of the level at the beginning. Use camera angels so that only your created wall, not the default boundary, is visible. Second is the actually "deadly" aspect of the level. The level is not particuarly difficult, which is fine, it can still be fun. However, some hazrds are incapable of killing the player unless they really want them to. For instance, the spikes at the lower path at the beginning and the lwering fire walls do not reach the player. Speaking of the sceond path, that's always a good idea. Giving multiples ways to complete a level almost always gets a thumbs up. I would expand on this concept, making more paths and enticing the player to try each one. Like those above me, I found the car to be a bit out of place. It looked good though. e a Finally, I liked the vanishing path. Again, it is a concept that you can build on, making it both longer and more difficult. Well, there's my two cents on the matter. I definitely feel it would be worth continuing with this project. Polish up the rough edges and this could be quite the level. | 2011-08-15 20:15:00 Author: xxMATEOSxx ![]() Posts: 1787 |
UPDATE: Thanks for everyones thoughts and feedback. Feel free to continue playing my level while i am incorporating further improvements. xxMATEOSxx will add your level to my queue and provide my feedback and comments on your thread. ![]() | 2011-08-17 19:51:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
i have just played your level and it was good. but one thing i didnt like was the car, it felt a bit out of place and was very hard to control with a rocket as motor... but i am looking forward to more levels from you... keep up the good work :-) | 2011-08-23 22:47:00 Author: RONNYNS ![]() Posts: 34 |
UPDATE: My level with improvements has been republished! ![]() Here are some pictures of my new level: http://i9.lbp.me/img/ft/6d9af0b79a35d38b1f1765fbbe0774ac978dce67.jpg http://i0.lbp.me/img/ft/7f00e25ecac690d04f80476b70e6343126b0c4c7.jpg http://i4.lbp.me/img/ft/054e0c8fb273a7c9251c5cd035f6a3e3fb3b3344.jpg http://ie.lbp.me/img/ft/d4ef58ce8e7d0fc2e9706bd1b558f8eeb80a5a63.jpg http://id.lbp.me/img/ft/59dff1669aacdc50c995c77fca66b5c392666bc2.jpg Check it out guys! Hope you enjoy it..Comments and feedback are welcome. ![]() | 2011-08-23 22:50:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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