Archive: 9 posts
I created a platformer that based around controlling time. All the obstacles move too fast until you press square. Be careful though because you can only use this ability for so long. I'd like to know if anything is too hard or what should I change or add. Thanks. ![]() PS It's not finished, I just want so early feed back before I continue. http://lbp.me/v/4vp13y | 2011-08-09 03:00:00 Author: timeSlider ![]() Posts: 23 |
Tried it out and the this new concept is astounding. Liked it from the very beginning. The visuals were neat and fits well with the theme. The actual platforming was a bit hard for me as I can't time it right and the safe time for jumps were a bit short (even in slow motion). So I guess my suggestion here would be to increase the safe time for each platforming section. All in all, it had great visuals, a challenging difficulty, and a well implemented concept. Looking forward for the finished product. ![]() If you have time to return the favor, would you mind testing out my level? It's called Dreamscape and it is a story-based platformer. I recently republished it with a lot of fixes for better playability in LBP2. As you can see, it is a LBP1 level so don't expect much from it. Here it is: Thread: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=58814-Dreamscape Link: http://lbp.me/v/122je6 | 2011-08-09 14:04:00 Author: romancrisis ![]() Posts: 138 |
I agree with Romancrisis that the platforming is too hard even with time slowed down. Precise jumping isn't really Sackboy's strong point (or mine!) so it's just frustrating. Also if you have to slow time to make every jump, why not just ditch the time-slowing concept altogether and just make platforms that move slower? The end result would be the same. Finally I found it was impossible to lose all my lives. It kept flashing onto the scoreboard then just throwing me back into the game. This turns the game into a war of attrition where you know you'll finish it, but only if you have the patience to die 2000,000,000 times if necessary! My suggestion would be to make the jumps possible but tricky without slowing time. Then players could decide for themselves whether they wanted to slow time in order to get a bit of extra help, rather than just being forced to do it to get past every single problem. Hope this criticism is constructive! Let me know if you make any changes and I'll definitely play the level again, as the concept is great and it has a lot of potential. | 2011-08-13 18:39:00 Author: Corchito ![]() Posts: 52 |
I would recommend just freezing time instead of slowing it down. Unless you do some really neat stuff with slowing down time, Corchito has a point about why have it in the first place. | 2011-08-14 17:26:00 Author: Nightshade_games ![]() Posts: 76 |
I see what u mean. I changed the size of the platforms. It plays a bit better now, I think. | 2011-08-15 03:05:00 Author: timeSlider ![]() Posts: 23 |
Ive quequed it, ill give you some feed back heres my level http://lbp.me/v/4wr838 | 2011-08-15 14:09:00 Author: YUBOY3 ![]() Posts: 116 |
I see what guys mean by why have it in the first place. I think it looks cool when everything slows down but I know that's a poor reason to have it so I think I'll add a story to justify it. I added more to the level and republished. Last time I said I updated but I forgot to actually republish. Sorry community. | 2011-08-16 21:20:00 Author: timeSlider ![]() Posts: 23 |
Don't apologize! I played this last night and was deeply impressed. Whatever changes you've made so far, it has quite a nice balance. It IS difficult, and all you need is to say so in the description, or with the *Challenging tag (the star indicating that you tagged it yourself -- it means a lot more to players than when any old person says something is hard, difficulty is subjective but if the creator says so, it holds water). I said so in my review, but also regarding challenges, players are a bit schitzophrenic. They crave success, but even as they achieve it they tend to resent the level for being hard... and THEN resent it for being too easy... it can feel like there's no winning. What helps is to add a quick movie camera at the beginning that pans across the whole level, showing them how short it actually is. This gives them an idea of how far they need to go (not far!) which improves interest and tolerance levels a great deal. It's an excellent concept and I like how hard it was. I would have asked a friend along to play with me but not sure if that's possible, being a sackbot. Great work! | 2011-08-17 03:17:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
queued it....i will play this later today and report back. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=61868-beyond-imagination-(new-fotos-added) check out my latest when u can | 2011-08-17 15:43:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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