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Mech that destroys anything :O (including metal)

Archive: 12 posts

My mech, bipedal, and contains 8 weapons which takes up all buttons on the controllinator besides d-pad.

http://www.imagehosteronline.com/image-B591_4E3F638B.jpg (http://www.imagehosteronline.com/share-B591_4E3F638B.html)

Walks forwards, backwards, jet packs in all directions, shoulder mounted chain-guns, laser tracking missile, semi automatic SMG, rifle with 3 modes, ram attack, and the laser that destroys anything.

To be honest, there are two attacks that destroy anything. A shotgun mode on the rifle, and the laser.

The object that emits from the mech that destroys anything is cardboard.

Its rather simple. the cardboard circle sticks to a object (once it sticks to the target, it glues itself to the target), a timer activates, once the timer maxes out, a destroyer turns on blowing up the target.

http://www.imagehosteronline.com/image-8C26_4E3F638B.jpg (http://www.imagehosteronline.com/share-8C26_4E3F638B.html)

Easy enough, as most logic techies probably know of this.

The laser, spews out groups of the circles, that take up all layers (0.0 frequency of course).

http://www.imagehosteronline.com/image-9A5D_4E3F638B.jpg (http://www.imagehosteronline.com/share-9A5D_4E3F638B.html)

The rest of attacks I won't get into, as you can find out for yourself in an upcoming level.

Where did i get my head design from :/ ?

http://www.imagehosteronline.com/image-B2E5_4E3F638B.jpg (http://www.imagehosteronline.com/share-B2E5_4E3F638B.html)
2011-08-08 05:22:00

Posts: 74

The one thing it can't destroy is our hope.2011-08-08 16:12:00

Posts: 2454

The one thing it can't destroy is our hope.

Soo true
2011-08-17 02:05:00

Posts: 948

The head looks like it's based on the TRON Legacy helmets. Maybe even the Zero mask from Code Geass?2011-08-17 05:36:00

Posts: 1924

Can it destroy hologram?2011-08-17 17:56:00

Posts: 224

cool, but mechs aren't usually too fast thus the enemy could get away no matter what firepower you have.2011-08-18 01:39:00

Posts: 157

cool, but mechs aren't usually too fast thus the enemy could get away no matter what firepower you have.
But the ram attack can reach the end of the level in 7-11 esconds. Game over.

The head looks like it's based on the TRON Legacy helmets. Maybe even the Zero mask from Code Geass?
My avatar is right across the screen
2011-08-20 05:34:00

Posts: 74

lol ram attack= epic2011-08-20 22:21:00

Posts: 157

when u say it sticks to the object and glues itself,thts a sticky grenade(or semtex from black ops)2011-08-22 15:42:00

Unknown User

Looks really cool. Good Job!2011-09-22 21:27:00

Unknown User

I have a bomb which would tear that thing apart as well as EVERY material available which I called S1M0N2011-09-23 10:13:00

Unknown User

Ah, a acid bomb wqith a hundred bombs that are glitched into one? Its equipped on to this mech, also this mech has shields you know. This mech CANNOT BE DESTROYED 2011-09-23 23:05:00

Posts: 74

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