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Why all the hate?

Archive: 6 posts

Hiyya girls and boys - Just a few quick questions - Who hates me & who doesn't? - And why? xoxo <3

PS Check out my FREE GLITCHED CROWN level - I open it occationally for everyone to enjoy xoxo
2011-08-08 04:33:00

Unknown User

I dislike you for making this useless thread. Go and make a blog or get facebook.2011-08-08 04:42:00

Posts: 3871

aww how cute - are you like this all the time mister? - is it that time of the month?2011-08-08 04:50:00

Unknown User

Reported to Mm. Like they will do anything about it... Sigh. Please stop trolling our beloved Mm.2011-08-08 05:22:00

Posts: 1806

To OP: Go plead for attention somewhere else, you abrasive waste of flesh.2011-08-08 05:23:00

Posts: 1487

If you want to make a level thread for your level in the level showcase you are welcome to do that but baiting a thread hoping to start a firestorm of people hating on you for your level really isn't the kind of thing LBPC allows. Locking this thread as spam.2011-08-08 05:26:00

Posts: 5983

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