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An Epic HoverCraft

Archive: 23 posts

Hi all!

You know I am a person who always liked LittleBigPlanet...well, I was introduced to it by my awsome uncle.

I've I had it since 2009.

I used to be an epic creator in LBP1, so awsome...my friend's friends wanted me to teach them of my skill. Friends were so appreciative about my skill. I knew to do all those Magnetic Key logics

Now in LittleBigPlanet 2, I am so awsome.

The new logic system...the new tools...the new graphics...the new EVERYTHING!!!

So I went to work....

Up to now I've created this hovercraft..that I'll get pics of soon just you wait!

You can toggle music...weapons...and there's a special weapon...a auto deleter which when attached to an object splats in a few seconds!

It has hover animation and hover rims.

It's chrome and sexy

Moar to come!
2011-08-07 22:39:00

Unknown User

wait, did you say this is a fake hover? if it is then thats not very master like.. i want to see this thing, can you put up some pictures plz?2011-08-08 02:21:00

Posts: 157

Appears that I am not the only one to figure out the auto destroyer technique... ME WANT PICS NOAW.2011-08-08 06:21:00

Posts: 74

is the auto destroyer really that secret? its not that hard to make2011-08-09 04:55:00

Posts: 157

is the auto destroyer really that secret? its not that hard to make
I guess I'e been the one hiding under the rock... as I rarely see anything equipped wuth it. :/
2011-08-11 05:39:00

Posts: 74

i may be under that rock to because i don't see anything with it either. we want pictures! don't just post a thread and forget about it!2011-08-11 14:50:00

Posts: 157


HoverCraft Is Right Here!
2011-08-14 18:55:00

Unknown User


HoverCraft Is Right Here!

2011-08-17 02:03:00

Posts: 948

There you go Mr. Attitude....

I think you need glasses or you have the worst monitor known to man.
2011-08-17 13:56:00

Unknown User

no offence, but its hardly "EPIC" it is cool, but not "epic"2011-08-18 01:45:00

Posts: 157

Have you made anhovercraft with mutiple weapons hover animation... and special health waring logic? If send me a piuc..prove my hovercraft ISN'T EPIC.2011-08-18 02:52:00

Unknown User

getting an attitude with someone for not being able to see your tiny picture is uncool. I have a 22 inch monitor and could barely make it out. Also, a little modesty can go a long ways.If you come in here stating "I'm Awesome" and "Epic", you can expect to get a little flak. Instead, try doing this: "Hey guys, I made a cool little hovercraft. What do you think?" Furthermore, try taking a picture in either play mode or preview mode. It's hard to see the creation with wires and microchips all over it. Not trying to bust your chops but dang.2011-08-18 14:12:00

Posts: 8424

its true, that may be cool but not epic. it don't look very good either. sorry to burst your bubble but your not very awesome. good but not great2011-08-18 15:12:00

Posts: 157

well A. I don't build hover crafts, but if you want to see something epic. it is my newest car creation, that comes standard with four gears, windscreen wipers opening hood and trunk, turning signals, and etc.http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=36164&d=1313677986http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=36165&d=1313677986http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=36166&d=1313677986
If you would like to see some of my other creations here they are.
Ford Fiesta rally car: http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/sho...ergy-rally-car
Lamborgini Diablo: http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/sho...borgini-Diablo
Buggati Veyron: http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/sho...ti-Veyron-16.4
GT by Citrgen: http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/sho...GT-by-Citrogen
thanks, and sorry about the mean comment, but i suggest adding detail!
2011-08-18 15:38:00

Posts: 157

I have to admit that car looks freakin eppic. As for hovercraft, eh, ive seen better. srry, its still really cool but I do agree that it's not epic. The car is though.2011-08-18 16:42:00

Unknown User

I don't know how to post pictures, but this is my hovercraft: http://lbp.me/v/5g2xg9
Its got three different guns that can be upgraded three times, shields, and a health bar... and this is the prototype level. The ship I am working on now has radar and heat seeking missiles
2011-08-22 16:28:00

Posts: 77

tbh this hovercraft really dosent need to have all this fancy ka-bobs on it. All it needs to do is hover, not like your going to be watching TV while on it. Hovercrafts in themselves have one base taskk, that is hovering, so why do you add all this fancy stuff to it?2011-08-27 19:01:00

Posts: 60

tbh this hovercraft really dosent need to have all this fancy ka-bobs on it. All it needs to do is hover, not like your going to be watching TV while on it. Hovercrafts in themselves have one base taskk, that is hovering I agree, Come on dude...
2011-08-28 01:02:00

Posts: 157

the op has not posted here for a while, i think we scared him away. lol but its true, its not very epic, if you and your friends think its epic then your not using lbpc like its meant for. look around see what is epic and try to be like them. (well don't copy them but you know what a mean)2011-08-28 15:30:00

Posts: 157

I think the hovercraft looks pretty good. Maybe If you added a few visuals it would be great. But it's still pretty good.2011-09-16 21:26:00

Unknown User

no you didn't XD2011-10-24 23:25:00

Unknown User

wow you guys are killing his hopes and dreams |:
this guy inspired meh to make a hover craft..
"a auto deleter"? thats sound awesome but i dont know how to make it /:
is it like.. were you stick to something and it delete/blows it up?
sounds cool 8)
ima look into some pics of some real hover-crafts and see what i can do
because i have no idea what to make yet xD
but will look into it.
2012-02-01 04:39:00

Unknown User

well A. I don't build hover crafts, but if you want to see something epic. it is my newest car creation, that comes standard with four gears, windscreen wipers opening hood and trunk, turning signals, and etc.http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=36164&d=1313677986http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=36165&d=1313677986http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=36166&d=1313677986

Mind= Blown *Ka-BOOM"
2012-02-11 02:48:00

Posts: 222

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