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SackBot Surfboard Logic?

Archive: 12 posts

Hey there ya all?

I want to do a Sackbot using another Sackbot as a surfboard in a upcoming level I'm working on,
you'll be avoiding obstacles and what not along the way down a hill or whatever?

Kinda like in this video at 3:50~


It's getting little better... But still I Could use little help and advice here.
Now I need help with the jumping logic...

Also I may want to do 1/2 simple mid air tricks... but that sounds hard...
so unless someone really wants to help me with that, I'm putting it off till much later.

Also I'm thinking of the character being able to shot a gun, SoooOoo Yeah...
I need the whole logic system to be easily editable so i can add things like that if needed.
2011-08-07 10:48:00

Posts: 4261

i've got some ideas, but i'd have to try them myself then invite you if i get it working coz they're not easy to explain in text, interesting idea though.
one issue i see now though is the board bot not facing the way you want (assuming you want it facing down while moving sideways on the screen?), there may be a work around but i wouldn't count on it
2011-08-07 11:21:00

Posts: 612

i've got some ideas, but i'd have to try them myself then invite you if i get it working coz they're not easy to explain in text, interesting idea though.
one issue i see now though is the board bot not facing the way you want (assuming you want it facing down while moving sideways on the screen?), there may be a work around but i wouldn't count on it

you may just have to show me pics of the logic ideas if you can't just text me them.
I'm on weak internet and I can't join others on LBP right now.

PS: to help with what way it's facing I find making it point at tag and look at tag
is the Key to this somehow~
2011-08-07 11:28:00

Posts: 4261

you can make it turn it's head in that fashion, but no the whole body, maybe need to make it continually try to walk into the ground?

edit: i just dropped a 90 degee gyro with max speed and strength, a controlintor, and a 100% battery directly into the left/right input of the left stick and he started gliding off facing the ground in the direction your looking for. but it only keeps facing that direction while he is moving
note he has to fall a short distance to the ground at the start b4 he goes into that stance, if he's touching to begin with he will have a running animation
2011-08-07 13:13:00

Posts: 612

ah ok, i edited my other post b4 i seen your post2011-08-07 13:38:00

Posts: 612

you can make it turn it's head in that fashion, but no the whole body, maybe need to make it continually try to walk into the ground?
Neh what you do is set Bot to follow tag .
but make no tag for it to follow. that'll turn it's body to the side...
then you also make the bot look at a tag... I'll post a pic, BRB.

the look is almost right... but still needs little work...


ah ok, i edited my other post b4 i seen your post
Oops... ok i'll look at it. just yeah... to bad we can't help the floating part. but alwell.
better then nothing.

Edit: yeah your way is little better... wish there was a so
it's not try to run sometimes while moving... but i just need to mess around with it for a while i think..

Well now i just need to know some the other logic how to get this whole thing working.
2011-08-07 13:41:00

Posts: 4261

HAHAHA!!!! fantastic!!! i love the poses!!! any logic help you want i can try my best with, some specific issues though would help.... 2011-08-08 06:43:00

Posts: 209

Well I'm using the pose Evret told me to do... and it looks much better~
As you see it looks much more like the characters in the video
... oh wait, did i get the Bot-bored backwards? ah whatever.

Now A problem was is when in this pose The Bored Bot likes to float little.
so I can't use just normal ground for Gameplay. So I'm gonna ghost my ground
and put a tag on holo that makes a tag sensor in the bot turn on a mover
that keeps it where on the ground i want it to be...
meaning there is no real ground, it's all gonna be faked

But things i need to know are... hmm I'm not sure... i already made it so you can jump too...
but i would not mind being able to do air tricks... really I just need to think up ideas on what i should add...
then i may need to ask help with it... But if you can think of any cool to add ideas easy then just tell me~
2011-08-08 07:19:00

Posts: 4261

Just ingenious stuff. Love it.2011-08-08 08:05:00

Unknown User

Just ingenious stuff. Love it.

Thinking up fun gameplay can be very hard.
and making it work like you want is even harder xD

Funny thing is... I came up with this idea myself... But then while i was talking to a friend
they showed me a game. (The Video i put above) that did just what i was thinking up
that's both a good and little bit Sad IMO. Sad because it means it's been done before in a well known game.
but good because it means i can look at it to help out my own idea~
2011-08-08 08:47:00

Posts: 4261

also bad because MM picks (that involve gameplay, unlike watchman) need to revolve around there own story, (may i recomend NOT making a reference if you can help it) this seems like a cool mid game scene though, or a challenge as well. i would get more involved scenery wise for this as gameplay may be tight but the scenery seems really important for this.2011-08-08 20:54:00

Posts: 209

(may i recomend NOT making a reference if you can help it) this seems like a cool mid game scene though, or a challenge as well. i would get more involved scenery wise for this as gameplay may be tight but the scenery seems really important for this.

Reference to what?? the Crash game? why would i reference it when i was thinking up the idea
before i even saw the video? I'm just using the video to help me out a little.

this is NOT gonna be a cut scene.
This is gonna be full on gameplay for the beginning of My level.
The level is about my character the Air-pirate Dareti.

and yes the scenery is important...
but remember I'm removing the physics from some of the scenery by using the ghost glitch,
and adding my own physics using holo and movers... yes i made fake ground basically.
meaning I'm pretty free to use any type of scenery i could want.

Need help with the jump system, Pic & Info on OP.
2011-08-15 16:45:00

Posts: 4261

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