Cannon Canyon
Archive: 6 posts
Cannon CanyonPomptikul Can you reach the Cannon Castle behind the Cannon Canyon? Someone is waiting for you! First part of Mistress Boom-boom "fewlogy". This is only DEMO. I published it 'cause I want to see what people will think about my work. To find my level write "cannon canyon demo". I'm sorry of my English, I don't speak this language so I may make some mistakes. | 2011-08-04 22:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
sounds cool, I'll give it a play, good luck with the final EDIT: I just played it, here's what I thought. Nice visuals and corner editing! I though you did a good job. However, your level was pretty short, and it felt as if your storyline wasn't very set and firm. I personally thought that it varied between a lot of different things that were never resolved, and was sometimes a bit confusing. In your sequel I suggest refining the story a bit and not swaying from the event that is current (sounded like a vulture war would break out, and the cannons were all there, but then nothing happened) Good luck on the sequels. | 2011-08-04 23:47:00 Author: Ricky-III ![]() Posts: 732 |
Thank you Ricky-III for review! It's good to sound that visuals are good, I've worked on it the most. As I mentioned earlier that's not a full level though. I'll make more cannons, puzzles and obstacles and I'll determine the result of meerkat-crow war. Storyline will be longer and more interesting. However I won't promise that all "the" will be on right places. ;-) I have a question: Should I write "the Cannon Canyon"? I think so but I wanna make sure of it. | 2011-08-05 06:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
REVIEW!!! GOODS: Little bit comedy on it... not much Corner editing were good. BADS!!! : What is that puzzle? I past it with a tastyburger jumped over the red-x :/ I didn't know what to do so I jumped over and discovered a shortcut... Short level... Q: Are you continue this? ![]() :star::star::star::star::star: | 2011-08-07 09:25:00 Author: doggy97 ![]() Posts: 964 |
@All Another review, great! Thanks for feedback, guys! @Doggy7 Primo: To pass the "X" you have to bring Tastyburger to second meerkat so it will open entrance for you. I'll make magic mouths with instructions. Secundo: Yes, this level will be longer. Thanks you again! EDIT: I've just published full Cannon Canyon! Hope that you'll like it! I have improved puzzle, added some details and developed plotline. Sorry for double post. I wrote it from my PSP. How to delete posts? | 2011-08-07 09:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Double post. /Cough I'll check the full versoin out. ![]() | 2011-08-08 22:20:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
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