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Ooops, I altered the timeline

Archive: 58 posts

So I posted on another forum game about the possibilites of having a time machine and had the idea to make this thread. Do you like to wonder about events that you'd want to change or avert by going back to that date and altering what happens? Then this is the thread for you!
The game's like this: I'll start by stating what event in the past I'd go observe or change if I had a time machine. The next person will begin his/her post by imagining unforeseen consequences to my actions that also alter the present world, and then state what he/she would like to change. The next person does the same, and so on. Here's an example:

Person 1: "I'd like to go back to September 11th, 2001 and make a bomb threat to the World Trade Center hours before the terrorist attacks. The area would be evacuated and the plane would crash on an empty building, saving thousands of lives"
Person 2: "Because the attacks have never ocurred, airport security hasn't improved much over the years, and Bin Laden is still alive.
I'd like to go back to the late 19th century and witness the origins of my town"
Person 3: You take a room in an overcrowded town inn, taking the original place of a pair of travelers. They instead move into a nearby settlement. Turns out they were your great-great-grandparents and as a result your family has now lived in another place entirely, even altering your birthplace.
I'd like to..

You get the idea. Back to the Future and Terminator-esque clich?s allowed. So I'll start:

I'd like to go back into the early eighties and buy shares from Microsoft, so I'll be insanely rich in the present.
2011-08-04 00:51:00

Posts: 2452

But, your time machine only works with a resource that is only avaiable in 2011, so you have to wait twenty years to get your money.
I actually have another theory about time travel. You travel to the past, the past alredy happened s you already have traveled to the past. Confusing, not?
2011-08-06 22:14:00

Posts: 1110

Okay since you didn't post something you wanted to do......

ALEXhatena: I want to go back in time and stop so and so from dying......

Okay, the person you saved was the great grandfather of the first man on mars. The aliens then proceed to attack. We're all dead. Congratulations.

I want to go back in time and stop my iphone from killing it self.
2011-08-06 23:09:00

Posts: 440

You recover your iphone from your past self and manage to avoid its disfunction. You return to the present to gladly confirm your iphone is now OK but you're now able to receive a call from that annoying person asking for a favor you can't turn down and will keep you busy on the weekend.

I'd like to go back a year and a half in a day my past self isn't home, turn on my old desktop computer and leave open a google search about how the Acer Aspire has a really crappy cooling system. Hopefully my past self will see the mysterious search and not spend 400? on a laptop that overheats and shuts off after 5 minutes of gaming, and by extension, I'll have a decent laptop when I get back into the present
2011-08-06 23:57:00

Posts: 2452

Okay, but your new laptop has Windows Vista. Your Laptop now sucks.

I wanna go back in time and stop myself from getting a time machine.
2011-08-08 23:14:00

Posts: 440

Ok, but then you traveled in time to tell you not to travel in time. Because you did not told you not to travel in time you travel in time, but then you have to tell yourself not to travel in time, but you did not travel in time and then you travel in time because you did not tell yourself to... *head explodes* (Gir Paradox!)

I want to travel to the past to see how the pyramids were crated!
2011-08-09 00:02:00

Posts: 1110

You arrange a nice little place not too far from the still in construction Giza pyramids, but you're found by egyptian guards. They think you're a slacking slave and most ironically they make you work on the pyramids. You're forced to work for a few days before you can finally come up with and escape plan and recover the time machine you had hidden a few miles away. Also, as a result of the egyptians finding the binoculars you were using, they are now credited with the invention of sniper bows.

I'd like to go back to 2003 carrying with me 2 PS3s, 2 Xbox 360s and 2 Wiis. I'd give a PS3 and a 360 to Nintendo, a PS3 and a Wii to Microsoft, and a Wii and a 360 to Sony. Then I'd come back to see what kind of a mess I created in the gaming world.
2011-08-10 16:53:00

Posts: 2452

You come back and now the PS3 is full of little kids, the xBox is full of party games and the Wii... Hasn't changed at all.

I'd like to go back and see a live Beatles concert!
2011-08-10 18:06:00

Posts: 1913

You get to be the one catching one of Ringo's drumsticks, and to try not disrupting the flow of events too much, you sadly give it to a young, unsuspecting teen, not knowing he's your father. Your juvenile self grows up wondered by the legendary drumstick, making you a drummer in the present.

I'd like to go back to the time, give a lighter to a homo erectus and be worshipped as the god of the spark.
2011-08-12 17:26:00

Posts: 2452

Granted... a thousand years later they start considering you as a demon, for having a shiny ligth coming out of a piece of plastic.

I want to go back in time to see how Newton discovered gravity to proove if the apple thing is true.
2011-08-13 01:59:00

Posts: 1110

You visit Newton's house and one of his servants tells you he's out for a walk in the orchard. You go after him and you try to find him, to no avail. Annoyed, you pick up a fallen apple and throw it away. As you leave, a young man is sitting under a tree a few meters in the direction you threw the apple, confusedly staring at it.

I'd like to go back to the day I became 11, disguise myself with a fake beard and wig, find my younger self and tell him:
"Yer a wizard, SnipySev!"
2011-08-14 15:15:00

Posts: 2452

Granted, but then your quest to find magic takes you to a pit which you incidentally fall in.

I wish to back in time to the moment that Portal 2 was created for Valve to use my voice to voice the Space core. (my voice sounds funnier!)
2011-08-23 00:14:00

Posts: 1110

Granted, but fans start bashing the game for it.

I would go back in time to prank call my past self.
2011-08-28 00:58:00

Posts: 1274

Granted, but when you discover that you made yourself a prank your brains explode.


I wish to go back in time and make that Farmville never existed. (That would be a great favor to the humanity)
2011-08-28 02:34:00

Posts: 1110

Ahhh... um... yea, I can't really see a bad thing coming from that.

I'd like to go back to Rome 50 BC, hide a louspeaker somewhere in the Coliseum and during a show yell on the microphone (in Latin) "This is Jupiter speaking. Julius Caear is an a-hole and I want you to make him fight the lions in place of the gladiators" and watch in amusement.
2011-08-29 21:32:00

Posts: 2452

Granted. Jupiter was "praised" as a devil from now on.

I wish I'd go back in time to slap my grandfather in the face for the lulz.
2011-08-29 21:37:00

Posts: 1274

A woman that's not your grandmother took pity of the poor guy and he up marrying her instead of your grandmother. Now you don't exist. But since you don't exist you can't really go back and screw with time, it doesn't happen. But then you do exist and you go back only to stop existing again. You've created a paradox that either traps our dimension in an infinite loop or wipes it out of the timeline completely. Congratulations on making us not exist, genius. Time paradoxes are the first thing time travelers learn not to meddle with.

I'd like to go back in time and advise Alexander the Great not to continue conquering Asia but instead turning around and annex the western civilizations to his empire.
2011-09-10 02:34:00

Posts: 2452

He goes all the way west to the place that the USA is at and now USA is full of japanese people. LOOOONG story.

I go back in time to when dinosaurs were here and I killed a bug.
2011-09-12 02:41:00

Posts: 426

I go back in time to when dinosaurs were here and I killed a bug.

Thanks to your actions, you killed a bug that would have eaten a awesome bouncy mushroom
so now the mushroom is able to spread and everyone now has awesome huge bouncy mushrooms
we can hop on and jump all over the place.

So like I go back in time with my magical disco duck. to steal a suit of awesome armor from some knight.
oh and got a princess to fall in love with me so I take her back to my time once I'm done. xD
2011-09-12 02:55:00

Posts: 4261

Time ends because you removed someone from the past, causing too much stuff to not happened. A random new big banG happens, and time redoes itself all over again.

Now that time is back, I go back in time and give a working toilet to a caveman.
2011-09-12 02:59:00

Posts: 426

Now that time is back, I go back in time and give a working toilet to a caveman.

The only thing that happens is.
The caveman having no idea what a toilet is, just avoids it altogether.
and time goes on the same as it ever did... but in some forgotten deep cave somewhere in the world
there is a really... REALLY! old toilet. *mew

So again. I go back in time with my magical disco duck to 1930.
and put 1000$ in the bank. and then go back to normal time to collect all the income it has collected
over the 80 something years.
2011-09-12 03:10:00

Posts: 4261

The bank gets robbed and you end up with no money.

I go back in time and I save Abraham Lincoln from dying.
2011-09-12 03:19:00

Posts: 101

Ok, you die. I'ts that simple.

I wish to go back in time and see the big bang!
2011-09-15 03:48:00

Posts: 1110

You try and you try, but since time did not exist before the big bang, you can never manage to arrive before it

(Theoretical Cosmology ftw)

I go back and I prevent EA from ever buying out Westwood Studios!
2011-09-15 03:52:00

Posts: 2046

Granted, but they own sony and cut MM out of business.

I go back in time to stab Adolf Hitler in the heart then pee on his dead body.
2011-09-16 02:49:00

Posts: 1274

Lotsa jews. all the jews went and overtook osama bin laden.

I eat a monkey in the past. (tasted delicious)
2011-09-18 02:19:00

Posts: 426

But the monkey you ate eventually evolved into the first human.

I go back in time an hour before this thread was posted, and smash SnipySev's computer with a mallet.
2011-09-20 01:05:00

Posts: 1274

SnipySev catches you red-handed, and in his rage bashes you repeatedly with a chair. Now I'm in jail for assault, thank you very much.

I fill out this week's lottery after knowing the results, go back in time a week and swap my father's lottery tickets with the ones I brought from the future.
2011-09-20 01:17:00

Posts: 2452

Angry patrons that lost the lottery brutally beat up you and your dad. However, your money stays intact, so you pay the hospital fees yourselves.

I warp back to the age of the Wild West and relive my outrageous rampage as an outlaw... :kz:
2011-09-21 05:52:00

Posts: 5757

But then you get arrested for your younger self's crimes, therefore, you live out the rest of your days(Probably forever) in prison, while your younger self eventually dies, and doesn't turn into a zombie, therefore, you don't exist now to go back in time(TIME PARADOX)...

I go back in time to when Nickelodeon decided to cancel Invader Zim, and stop them, and start going through time, making sure that they don't even consider cancelling it until 2011.
2011-10-05 04:27:00

Posts: 409

Granted, but you find out the developers of Invader Zim wanted to end it there but because you convinced Nickolodeon it's true potential, they got another developer to do it, and then it sucks and gets cancelled. either way it gets cancelled, only this time it got 3 more seasons of bad reputation and unfunny bathroom jokes.

I wish I could go back in time to order a rescue mission for the Bay of Pigs.

2011-10-05 18:06:00

Posts: 5208

Done, but the pigs then get hungry, so they turn into gorillas and then eat your past self.
/more random.

I wish to go back in time and give Hitler a Boot to the head, then come back before anything bad can happen to me.
2011-10-06 01:10:00

Posts: 409

1. The place was called the Bay of Pigs, not like pigs were actually there x]

2. With Hitler no longer in charge, Stalin soon takes over Germany, his army growing. Without Hitler getting the supplies and using some against Stalin and joining the big 3, Stalin proceeds and conquers England. With that distraction, Hirohito launches another bomb on U.S. soil.

3. I wish to see the first piece of bread sliced.
2011-10-06 01:38:00

Posts: 5208

1. The place was called the Bay of Pigs, not like pigs were actually there x]

2. With Hitler no longer in charge, Stalin soon takes over Germany, his army growing. Without Hitler getting the supplies and using some against Stalin and joining the big 3, Stalin proceeds and conquers England. With that distraction, Hirohito launches another bomb on U.S. soil.

3. I wish to see the first piece of bread sliced.

The knife slips out of the person cutting the loaf's hand, stabbing you in the eye. But hey,you get a cool eyepatch!

I wish to go back 3 weeks ago and tell my past self to stop procrastinating in AP World History.
2011-10-06 02:01:00

Posts: 274

The sight of your present self scares your past self so much he dies of heart attack. And you fade away from existence, because you can't live if your past self is dead.

I'll take all my "A Song of Ice And Fire" books in my time machine and give them to a young George R.R. Martin. Now he finishes the series much sooner and his fans don't live in fear of him dying before it is complete. I also might rewrite a few parts so that his "killing off every likeable character" doesn't get out of control.
2011-10-08 00:11:00

Posts: 2452

He becomes so popular that he rules the world and lives forever, making everyone slaves.

I kill Hitler and save thousands of lives. His army has no orders, making them free also.
2011-10-16 03:41:00

Posts: 431

Another dictator rises to take his place and plunges the World into a nuclear war: World War II. Everyone is now dead.

I go back into the past, steal the DeLorean from Universal Studios, and proceed to reenact the entirety of Back to the Future.
2011-11-26 01:13:00

Posts: 274

Without the DeLorean, Universal Studios never made Back to the Future.

I go back in time to the time when the U.S. was still the 13 colonies, and give them lots of modern guns and a 3 year supply of bullets.
2011-11-26 05:01:00

Posts: 1274

(But see, your statement is invalid because I stole it AFTER they made to movies. Should've made that clearer. D: )

The USA ends up ruling the world with an iron fist because of their modern machinery. Also LBP IS NEVER INVENTED D:

I wish to go back in time, to an alternate timeline, to the assassination of Lincoln and witness him and Batman fight off John Wilkes Booth.
2011-11-26 13:16:00

Posts: 274

Batman throws a batarang to disarm John Wilkes Booth, but you get in the way and it hits you on the head. When you come to you senses Lincoln is dead and you discover that Booth and Batman were partners all along. Lincoln was secretly planning to become a dictator and they had to stop him. Booth tells Batman they will be hunted and blamed for this, and Batman replies that it's necessary because he's the hero people deserve but not the hero people need. And then he escapes in his Batpod before the policemen arrive.

Edit: See? I told you I'd travel back in time to edit this post. Mad Skillz.

Edited by SnipySev at 02:55 PM
2011-11-26 13:56:00

Posts: 2452

You never said what you wanted to do :O

I want to go back in time and witness the creation of the universe (missing my mock exams in the process) :3
2011-11-26 16:05:00

Posts: 1893

Of course the estimated date of the creation of the Universe you input in the time machine was off for billions of years so you arrive much, much sooner into the planes of enthropy. And because there's no notion of time yet, your machine fails to bring you back to the present. So you get trapped into nothingness for the rest of your life, and the time machine wanders in space until it crashes into a star, forever removing your corpse and itself from existence. Tragic.

I will travel back in time to edit my previous post.
2011-11-26 19:17:00

Posts: 2452

No one knows your original post, plus there's 2 edit messages there!

I go back in time to stop SnipySnev from editing his post.
2011-11-26 22:32:00

Posts: 1274

No one knows your original post, plus there's 2 edit messages there!

I go back in time to stop SnipySnev from editing his post.

I go "NOPE" and slap you in the face.

I go back in time to the Jurassic Era with a gene-splicer and attempt to splice myself with a T-Rex.
2011-11-26 22:37:00

Posts: 274

You managed to create a new species of human T-Rex. And then that species goes extinct because you forgot to splice a female human T-rex.

I'll fetch all the tests and exams I had in school, travel back nine years and give them to my 10-year old self right when he's just completed a test, showing him the "future" version of that same test he just made so he realizes that those are all the tests he'll have in the next years. Success!
2011-11-26 22:51:00

Posts: 2452

You managed to create a new species of human T-Rex. And then that species goes extinct because you forgot to splice a female human T-rex.

I'll fetch all the tests and exams I had in school, travel back nine years and give them to my 10-year old self right when he's just completed a test, showing him the "future" version of that same test he just made so he realizes that those are all the tests he'll have in the next years. Success!

The School finds you too smart, and you get taken by the government to be experimented on.

I go back in time with hacked data of LBP, and show the game off infront of Sony before MM does.
2011-11-26 23:30:00

Posts: 1274

After the sucess of LBP (and a lot of suspicion from everyone about you supposedly having made a whole game single-handedly) Sony charges you with the responsibility of making LBP2 (and in case you also brought LBP2 to the past, they want you to make LBP3 and so on). Know you don't have a choice but to admit your fraud or go into hiding with the money you made.

I want to go back to the time the Spacesuit costume of LBP was relaunched and downloading it on my account. Now after my PS3 dies and my sister forgets her account data (she was the one that on the original timeline downloaded the costume in her account) I won't lose my favorite free LBP costume.
2011-11-27 00:04:00

Posts: 2452

Your account on the PSN gets banned because MM thinks you hacked the system to get the costume.

I want to go back in time 200 years before the fall of Rome and only using a war elephant, a bow and arrow, two machetes, and a heavy suit of armor to conquer and obliterate the Roman Empire.
2011-11-28 13:19:00

Unknown User

Fine, but if and when you go to your own time, everything is different because there were no Romans! Also, Rome no longer exists, it is now called Notrome. Then, something changed and your mother was never born, so you cease to exist, causing a black hole to appear and suck the Universe into it.

I want to go back in time and stop Cancer from ever existing(I dare you to corrupt that without being mean/insulting/evil).
2011-12-07 03:59:00

Posts: 409

Ok, but you find that everyone on earth are mutant, green, big headed freaks who take you to their lab, decapitate you, and turn you into their robo-slave for eternity. >XD

I want to go back to 1912 and stop the Titantic from sinking, and teach the boat constructors what would have happened if I didn't stop the sinking, and teach them how to improve their boat construction and structure.
2011-12-07 23:13:00

Unknown User

Okay, you do, but the Titanic still sinks. Why? Because of time-space morph, a fictional character traveled with you, Link in this case. He played the SONG OF STORMS for ten hours and It sank.

I wish to go back in time and play as Notch's dream to convince him to make a better Minecraft, or else...
2011-12-13 03:52:00

Posts: 1110

The new Minecraft pleases you but other people think it's meh. As a result it doesn't have the success it had in the original timeline and Mojang bakrupts, leaving the new Minecraft unfinished.

I want to travel 2 hours back in time and write a note to my past self reminding him to buy bread.
2011-12-17 20:24:00

Posts: 2452

Because you ddidn't have sufficient memory adding technology, your past self is shocked by the sudden note, but decides to get the bread anyway. As more coincidental things ocurr, he becomes quite superstiticious, trapping you in this supersticious phase, only to then finally break out of it.

I would like to visit Stonehenge a thousand years ago, not now when people are all trying to guard it severely.
2011-12-18 01:25:00

Posts: 5208

Ok, but somehow, you find yourself to be a wanted fugitive wanted for the reward for $200,000k and a hoard of guards and police men chase you down, then they put you in an extreme-security cell in the earth's core, where , in spite of the cell's great air conditioning, you slowly become a pile of goo.

I want to go back in time and secretly defeat the Mongol army using today's warfare equipment.
2011-12-18 15:00:00

Unknown User

With the army you assembled you defeat the Mongols in a day (but "secretly"? how do you secretly defeat thousands of people with guns?). And when time comes to return, you use the time machine to come back to the present alone, forgetting about the army and leaving them in the past. The equipment and "enlightened" people you left there cause humanity's technology, ideals, medicine and whatnot to advance at an astonishing rate, and nations destroy themselves in an apocalyptic nuclear war in the 18th century. You return to a gigantic wasteland populated by short, hairy, primitive ape-men.2011-12-24 03:05:00

Posts: 2452

Darn. Did people stop posting because I forgot to tell what I'd do next with the time machine? X]

Ok, I use the time machine to travel back two months, steal my past self's PS3, coming back to the present and downloading the Muppets pack onto it. Then I return to the exact same time when I stole it and reinstall it in my living room, My past self will publish a level that has the attracto-gel in it and people will revere me as the logic genius who made sackpeople walk on walls.
2012-01-25 01:36:00

Posts: 2452

Because you already released a level using "Attracto-gel" MM decides to not release the Muppet kit DLC, instead they go with plan B which was to release the Golden Girls DLC and level kit. 7 fascinating levels about elderly ladies living in the same house. The level kit is a disaster and MM goes bankrupt and has to shut down the servers thus ending LBP altogether. Way to go genius.

I use my time machine to go back and find out how the pyramids were REALLY built.
2012-01-27 21:04:00

Posts: 8424

Aliens built it. They discover you and sensing you're not from that time period, they capture you and probe you in places where a probe should never, ever come near
After they have no more use for you, they keep you as pet. But look on the bright side, you get to sleep all day and get your belly scratched while lying on the lap of their evil overlord.

I want to go back to the 80's, find out when Freddy Mercury got AIDS and prevent it from happening.
2012-01-29 15:41:00

Posts: 2452

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