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new sackboy death??

Archive: 12 posts

sorry to post, if its allready posted, but i have been racking my brain lately, my friends warriormac and slidedrum, both claim to have gotten a weird heart attack like death. in lbp 1. i didn't believe untill slidedrum said he had seen it... they think it may have been a beta like death, although i never saw it myself, nor do i know anyone else who has seen it. they are serious, although that doesn't mean that they cant be completely insane and seeing things... but two people really makes you wonder... any way, mac had stated that it happened with poisonous gas, he described it as, spun around, then grabbed his chest plopped over and had a weird sound, then respawned as you normally would. this seems really far fetched, but if they both had seen it sepperatly... who knows? any way, i encourage all to look for this death and settle this once and for all!2011-08-02 09:12:00

Posts: 209

Obligatory sackboy deaths animation reel:

I am convinced if there was any sort of variation actually on the disc, with the thousands of active online players, we'd have seen a video by now.

As they say these days, "pics or it didn't happen." ^^;
2011-08-02 09:25:00

Unknown User

agreed! but still, if i can convince my friends there insane... oh boy... a loooooong night ahead of me eh? still. any info of it and i will be glad... or have a few more people post"its not real!!!!1!!11!" so that i have some sort of well, they agree with me, like thing to use 2011-08-02 09:31:00

Posts: 209

It is exciting to think there are very rare but possible death animations leftover from some early build of the game!

I recently noticed, in a level that really, really kicked my butt with difficulty, that when sackthing dies on spikes the eyes get all big and undilated. Very cool. I thought I'd discovered something new there, but I just never noticed it before. In my head it's very weird and exaggerated now, but it's almost impossible to see when zoomed out to normal distance (or I have bad eyes, heh). Anyway, I wonder if your friends both saw a death that left a lingering impression in their minds that feels unique, but is just the regular death with a little flourish they never noticed, and are now misremembering as some huge gesture that now doesn't show up because the version in their head is way distinct... if that makes sense!

Like if I think about the crazy eye effect when dying on spikes, my mind automatically fills in imaginary details like an "oh!" face and flailing arms, so I might describe that to someone. And they might nod and say, yeah, I've seen something like that! But that's not exactly how the spike death works. So it could become an urban legend, a "lost death animation".

2011-08-02 10:13:00

Unknown User

:kz:...Wait a tick. I think I know what Death you're talking about. It's a Sackbot Death that only happens when a Sackbot with the "Sackbot" Animation touches the poisonous Cloud. There was a Thread about this long ago. I'll see If I can dig it up. And are you sure it was in LBP1? I've never seen it in 1, nor 2, but the video I saw was in 2.

EDIT: :kz: I found it!



EDIT2::kz: The Death animation's at the end of the vid.
2011-08-02 21:45:00

Posts: 515

They are probably just trolling with ya 2011-08-03 00:10:00

Posts: 948

Get a Sackbot with a Sackbot animation and dressed as a sackboy. Drop him in the gas but try to click him with your cursor during his death animation. If you grab him in time then he will spin around and then fall as if he had a heart attack. You can watch this in Ironskullkid's video.2011-08-03 01:06:00

Posts: 81

Wow IronSkullKid99, nice find! Very, very nice! I have to eat my words.

*nom nom nom nom nom*

New words:
There is totally a secret heart attack death in LBP2!
Dragonights, you were right to believe in your friends!

Now it makes me wonder if that was really a guy who hanged himself in the background of Wizard of Oz...
2011-08-03 05:25:00

Unknown User

"and then dragonights and the rest off the lbpc community had a insight on friendship and learned to trust there friends... now if only they could learn to stop trolling... but thats a story for the next time you visit... little big planet....."2011-08-05 07:24:00

Posts: 209

Another thing, I'm fairly convinced poisonous gas will sometimes cause the 'splat' destroyer animation on sackboy.2011-08-05 08:03:00

Posts: 706

Another thing, I'm fairly convinced poisonous gas will sometimes cause the 'splat' destroyer animation on sackboy.

:kz: Kinda odd how you mention that. I was showing someone the Secret Death Animations today & tried doing the Gas Cloud one. It worked, but before he fell down, something 'Splat' out of him. I'm going to try & Re-Create this. Maybe it only seems to happen in a fairly laggy room, but it certainly gave me a jump when it happened.
2011-08-05 22:06:00

Posts: 515

ha ironic
Like if I think about the crazy eye effect when dying on spikes, my mind automatically fills in imaginary details like an "oh!" face and flailing arms, so I might describe that to someone. And they might nod and say, yeah, I've seen something like that! But that's not exactly how the spike death works. So it could become an urban legend, a "lost death animation".
oh nuuuuu! bandwagon mentality >_<
2011-08-06 08:32:00

Posts: 209

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