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PSP Previews (Feedback in Progress/Not Accepting Currently))

Archive: 26 posts


Hello everyone! I'm here with my new feedback thread and it's better than ever! The reason for creating this thread is because of the lack of quality reviews being thrown around out there on the PSP side. I feel with only one main review thread, the PSP side doesn't have a balance when it comes to rating levels. This is because feedback is often based on one person's opinion, and nothing personal, but I think our community needs a second. Below are the areas I will be grading levels on:


LittleBigPlanet is a game based on three core values: Play, Create, and Share. The first value, Play, is one area I'll be rating your level on. Here are the specifics:

First Impression: Here I will give you my first impression of your level. This could include anywhere from just your level entrance area, to your level banner (if located elsewhere). First impressions count. Start off the right way and you're in the clear here. _/25

Gameplay: This includes score bubble combos and how challenging your level is. _/10

Replay Value: This subcategory asks the question, "Would I play your level again?" It's that simple. _/5


In this category, I will judge how you creative your level is based on the following areas:

Originality: This subcategory begs the question, "Was your level a new idea, or was it a copy?" It also includes any new ideas or anything really innovative that boggles my mind. This is definitely the hardest category to "ace." _/25

Material Choice: This subcategory is what I think sets me apart from the rest. You could say I'm a stickler for aesthetically pleasing material blends, and you would be spot on with that assessment. _/15

Corner Editing: Here I will grade your ability to corner edit and purely that. This at times may go hand-in-hand with your material choice. _/15


In the final portion of your review, I will provide you with your in-game rating and my overall assessment.

In-Game Rating: The rating I gave your level in units of :star: 's. _/5

Overall Assessment: Your rating out of 100 possible points.

Final Synopsis: My one to two sentence description of your level.

Fine Print:
Currently I am available to give reviews to all who request it in this thread. That being said, I will base my reviews off any levels from the Level and Object Showcase thread that are requested here. As school and sports approach, I'm only growing busier so it may take a day or two for a full review, only longer if I warn you of such a case. There will be no begging, whining, and/or crying over any decisions made by me in this thread. I reserve the right to invite you to my pod on LBP2, wave to you as you enter all the while secretly scheming to slap you and kick you immediately thereafter. Refusal to join my pod or buy a PS3 to do so will result in me being a very sad sackboy.

92 / 100 Wooden Isles by Valmassoi

Wooden Isles

First Impression: The opening landscape is beautiful with great sticker use. The banner is an original font that fits well with the theme of the level. The most impressive part is your ability to incorporate the fantasy background with the camera angle.

Gameplay: From the very beginning the player knows which direction to travel thanks to the bubble combos on one side of the entrance. Bubble combos stretch throughout the level and some span whole challenge areas whereas others just exist on small islands. However, the gameplay category isn't all about score bubbles, it's about how the level feels as a whole. While the combos were spot-on and there was no lag whatsoever, the speech bubbles seemed like last-minute additions to try to create a story. This last ditch effort made the ending seem sort of random with the bird dropping feces in the form of bombs.

Replay Value: The level was enjoyable all around and had plenty of bubble combos for the player to try to collect.

Originality: The platforming felt like a Valmassoi level, which is good. Not many creators have their own style these days, but you've shown here that you can create an original platformer that doesn't follow VJ's exact style like most levels today. Don't get me wrong, VelcroJonze created probably the simplest yet best plain material design I've ever seen. It just seems like his style is copied and pasted by other creators nowadays, and I'm glad to see you're not in that bubble. The one area you failed in the originality section is the story, if you're even willing to call it that. The whole "Dying and waking up" thing has been tossed around so much in every form of media that it has become standard to put at the end of things that don't make sense. Next time, stick to the gameplay unless you create a unique story.

Material Choice: Not much to say here. Your material choice was excellent and fit well with the level. The only thing I would change is using a lighter colored wood material to truly capture that wooden vibe.

Corner Editing: Your ragged edges are what really made this level shine. I didn't see any issues with your corner editing.

In-Game Rating: 5/5 Bonus = +2 for heart and another would-be creator heart.

Overall Assessment: Wooden Isles 92/100

Final Synopsis: Valmassoi created a work of art with Wooden Isles. His unique platforming style is what sets this level apart from the rest and makes this level worth playing over and over.

74 / 100 Steam by Nysudyrgh


First Impression: Good news. The moment I entered your level I liked what I saw. The spinning gear and the 3D effect you pulled off with the back thin layer was impressive. The only thing lacking here is the materials and sticker selection. I felt this were mediocre and could have been improved, hence the lower rating in this category.

Gameplay: The best word I could come up with to describe the gameplay in this level is “scattered.” At times, the score bubbles are perfectly spaced apart and give the level that nice feel. I even noticed a little bump in the floor in the middle of a combo that could sabotage a player’s score. This added a nice little extra touch whether it was done on purpose or not. While there were these times of glory, this level also lacked in the gameplay area at times. Mainly the small things are the downfall in gameplay, and there are several of these minor, but noticeable issues in this level. One instance where the gameplay could have been better is the flipping platforms with fire on one side and a safe score bubble landing zone on the other. It is virtually impossible for the player to keep a bubble combo due to the slow turning of these platforms. I also noticed a slightly elevated checkpoint that could only be activated via the player jumping. While it didn’t affect me, a player could easily miss this and have to restart a short ways back.

Replay Value: The level was short, which isn’t a bad thing in this case. There wasn’t much of a story from what I could gather, just a few speech bubbles on beautiful characters telling the player what to do. There were enough bubble combos that I can see this staying on my earth for awhile.

Originality: The title is original and the characters are unique, but the gameplay “puzzles” are rather bland and have been seen many times before. The lack of new puzzles, however, is something terribly hard to come up with and Nys was able to pull off one relatively new idea here in what I call his “Grabby-Jump to next grabby-thing.”

Material Choice: The materials used on the sewer and rusted rails were good, but the pitch black cardboard material was a poor choice here. This material should only be used for black details and not major portions of environments. Had Nys used a metal material here, this category could have completely changed.

Corner Editing: Throughout the level, the corner editing was a little above average. Specifically, the stairs are one area that make this level look worse than it is. There’s still work to be done, but corner editing improves with experience so I won’t take off much here.

In-Game Rating: 5/5

Overall Assessment: Steam 74/100

Final Synopsis: Nysudyrgh created a unique level in need of improvement in a couple areas. The gameplay is scattered at best, but is worth at least one play in my book.

77 / 100 The Unknown part 1 by johnbonbon (Himoks) Overall Rating Highly Pending

The Unknown part 1

First Impression: Lovely visuals, a calm fading camera angle, and two grammar mistakes. These are the first three things I noticed, and if it weren’t for the visuals, my grammar nazi senses would mark you off big time. The two mistakes were in the lack of capitalization in the title for “part,” and the word “is” instead of “are” towards the end of the very first speech bubble.

Gameplay: It’s tough rating the gameplay of this level. First of all, I’d like to inform you that I couldn’t finish your level. This saddened me as I really liked where it was headed. Unfortunately, I had no idea where to go once the hook pulled me up as nothing significant happened except for a repeated sound effect at the top. The bubbles were spread out too much on the beach so that no combo could be gained, and there wasn’t any difficulty besides guessing where to go. Although the bubble combos became actual combos eventually, the struggle to tell direction and lack of challenge stuck out here.

Replay Value: Based on what I’ve seen, the level could definitely be worth another play.

Originality: There are multiple levels on the community moon that share the same title, which in general is pretty vague. The level didn’t showcase any new ideas, but had a relaxing appeal to it that not many levels have.

Material Choice: The materials used for the beach and water were excellent choices along with the rocks around the mountain. The one area I played through that you could have improved upon was the gas material that you avoid when holding onto the hook. It looked plain and I felt like you could have covered it up slightly with more of the gray marble material.

Corner Editing: Your corner editing was spot-on and very detailed at times. The long curves created a nice calming feel on the beach as well. The only thing I noticed here isn’t necessarily your corner editing, but your layer choice. I find that characters look countless times better if they only take up one thin layer instead of a thick. This is a very minor issue, but definitely something to consider in your next levels.

In-Game Rating: 5/5 *Note: Even though it was frustrating, know that I never rate down a level if I get stuck.

Overall Assessment: The Unknown part 1 77/100

Final Synopsis: After five play-throughs, I failed to discover the direction in which Himoks drew for the player to travel.

79 / 100 Pirates of the Seven Seas: Part 1 by schark1997

Pirates of the Seven Seas: Part 1

First Impression: From the moment I entered the level, I could tell that the sticker placement would be well thought out throughout the rest of the level. The material choice was excellent, and Schark’s use of layers was superb as well.

Gameplay: This is where the level really lacked. There was no challenge or sense of danger anywhere in the level. Well, scratch that, there was one challenge, but it was if it wasn’t meant to be there at all. I’m talking about the lowered swinging platform that the level requires you to jump on to progress. Another unfortunate gameplay issue I ran into was accidentally knocking over the top barrel on the stack of boxes. These definitely should have been static rather than dynamic, as the player is forced to restart if this barrel is knocked over. Sadly, the gameplay was virtually nonexistent in this level.

Replay Value: The gameplay factor largely affects this category. That being said, the level is still a part of a promising series. If Schark continues pumping out levels for this series, I can see me replaying this to refresh my memory in the future.

Originality: Everything about this level appeared completely original. However, the reason for that is because there’s nothing the player will reflect upon after the fact to make him or her think, “Wow, that blew my mind.”

Material Choice: Simply by looking at this level, I got the sense that Schark has a great taste in material selection.

Corner Editing: The houses and characters were perfectly corner edited. However, the ground that spans throughout the main area is a simple two-thick layer line.

In-Game Rating: 5/5 Bonus = +1 for heart.

Overall Assessment: Pirates of the Seven Seas: Part 1 79/100

Final Synopsis: Schark didn’t take any risks with the first part of his pirates series. However, what this level lacks in gameplay, it makes up for with stunning visuals.

59 / 100 The Unknown part 2 by johnbonbon (Himoks) (Overall Rating Highly Pending)

The Unknown part 2

First Impression: The material choice at the beginning is interesting. The neon colors make this level seem to stand out from the start. This was an excellence choice.

Gameplay: There wasn't much gameplay in this level. First off, I have to say that I was not able to finish this level either. If it were only me having these problems, then I wouldn't be worried and would have tried to get through the level a sixth time. However, some things just need to be revised more carefully before publishing and this is one area Himoks needs to improve in. The first time, I was enjoying the scenery while crossing the destructible bridge when it fell before I could reach the other side. This would have been no big deal, but there was no secondary route to continue with the level after respawning on the left of the bridge again. While the destruction was a lovely touch, having to restart after progressing reasonably far in a non-survival level was annoying to say the least. The second area, the place where I was never able to pass, was the puzzle portion on the fulcrum. The puzzle wasn't challenging, but the jump to reach the switch was. Sadly, a lack of revising limited Himoks' potential for a great level here.

Replay Value: With the lack of any original segments where something was truly done that was never before seen in addition to the impassible areas, this level doesn't have much for replay value.

Originality: The material scheme throughout the level was pleasantly fresh. However, there were no new gameplay elements in this one.

Material Choice: This is both the easiest and toughest category to perform well in. Unfortunately, this level's material scheme was at best random and at times bright. The pink ground, patterned trees, and green clouds didn't help here.

Corner Editing: For the most part, Himoks' corner editing was neat throughout the entire level. There were times when more would be helpful, but Himoks shows promising potential.

In-Game Rating: 4/5

Overall Assessment: The Unknown part 2 59/100

Final Synopsis: After six play-throughs, I could not play the level without having to restart. Unless later areas in the level differ, this level fails to deliver in what appeared to be a promising series.
(I absolutely hate giving out reviews with lower ratings. It's only my opinion, and considering how aesthetics are a major portion of my grading scale, I wouldn't be too disappointed. While I know the time and effort required, an update here is a must. At the very least, in future levels make sure there aren't any spots in your level where people will have to restart after dying.)
EDIT: One more thing. I gave the level 4 stars in game. This level is great, but both my criteria and the areas mentioned in your level could use a little polishing.
2011-08-02 04:46:00

Posts: 1651

It's good to see someone make an original setup for their review thread

Might as well. How about a Wooden Isles review? But be realistic with me plz, I like criticism.
2011-08-02 05:04:00

Posts: 1654

It sounds awesome,can you review my level: Unknown part 1?2011-08-02 12:06:00

Posts: 734

awesome. good to have another reviewer.
do you have any tiger blood?
2011-08-02 12:17:00

Posts: 191

It's good to see someone make an original setup for their review thread

Might as well. How about a Wooden Isles review? But be realistic with me plz, I like criticism.

Don't worry I'm not going to play favorites even if Taffey made a level....okay if Taffey made a level maybe he'd get some brownie points.

I'll do your level first thing when I get back tonight.

It sounds awesome,can you review my level: Unknown part 1?

Sure thing. I'll do your level after Val's tonight.

awesome. good to have another reviewer.
do you have any tiger blood?

Nah, tiger blood is overrated.
2011-08-02 13:49:00

Posts: 1651

Oh cool! I like the set up you have here! How about a review of my level The Imagi-Mountain Adventure. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!2011-08-02 14:52:00

Posts: 385

I'd appreciate a review of Coco Cavern plz.2011-08-02 17:36:00

Posts: 673

Hai, could ya review Steam for me, since you never gave feedback on it and stuff.
Although I'm sure that you played it.
2011-08-02 19:07:00

Posts: 5482

Oh cool! I like the set up you have here! How about a review of my level The Imagi-Mountain Adventure. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I'd appreciate a review of Coco Cavern plz.

Hai, could ya review Steam for me, since you never gave feedback on it and stuff.
Although I'm sure that you played it.

Fine print guys. I'll try and get those done as well however, but I'm aiming at reviewing only levels published since I created my thread except for the first two that were requested. Random, ugh.
2011-08-02 22:42:00

Posts: 1651

The Fine Print doesn't bother me too much, take your time to review my levels, I can wait. 2011-08-02 22:46:00

Posts: 5482

It's good to see someone make an original setup for their review thread

Hey, I had an original set up for my reviews as well. I just didn't know I needed to copyright it first!
2011-08-02 23:16:00

Posts: 5551

PSP Preview #1 is up.

Himoks, I can't find your level by searching your PSN or your level title. Do you use a different PSN than himoks69? Until you answer, I'm going to go ahead and work on the reviews in order from after yours.
2011-08-03 17:20:00

Posts: 1651

That PSN is my ps3 PSN... Try: johnbonbon
When i told you the level name i forgot: (The) word from the beginning. Sorry my bad.
The level name is: The Unknown part 1
2011-08-04 20:02:00

Posts: 734

That PSN is my ps3 PSN... Try: johnbonbon
When i told you the level name i forgot: (The) word from the beginning. Sorry my bad.
The level name is: The Unknown part 1

That's fine, I'll try and get a couple reviews out tonight or tomorrow. Sorry about the delay again everyone, I've been really busy lately and try to get on whenever I can. Also, if you're posting a level you'd like me to review, please leave your PSN and level name clearly posted, thanks in advance.
2011-08-05 01:18:00

Posts: 1651

PSP Preview #2 is up, check the OP.

I realize I'm out of order a little, but I did owe Nys feedback a long time ago. The other reviews are currently in progress.
2011-08-11 00:50:00

Posts: 1651

Update: Due to my growing LBPC unavailability, I won't have time to finish all of the "extra" previews that were requested after the two-preview limit. Since I went out of order, I'll still find the time to review Himoks' level. Who knows, maybe I'll just do 'em all if that time ever comes. 2011-08-16 13:47:00

Posts: 1651

PSP Preview #3 is up.2011-08-18 01:04:00

Posts: 1651

Ok plz make a review from Pirates of the Seven Seas: Part 1 (what a long title ). 2011-08-28 19:13:00

Posts: 3378

PSP Preview #4 is up.2011-08-28 23:17:00

Posts: 1651

Could you review my new level: The Unknown part 2
I hope you wont have any troubles with this level.
2011-09-30 17:18:00

Posts: 734

Could you review my new level: The Unknown part 2
I hope you wont have any troubles with this level.

Sure thing. I've actually played it once or twice already, but sadly I got stuck both times. Don't worry though, I'll play it again while I write the feedback and be sure to mention where I got trapped. Expect the review to be done this weekend.
2011-10-04 01:29:00

Posts: 1651

I'm just TOOO lazy to do that xD
But I could be nice if you review on of my levels
Very thankful I am (Joda m/)
2011-10-04 14:31:00

Posts: 964

I'm just TOOO lazy to do that xD
But I could be nice if you review on of my levels
Very thankful I am (Joda m/)

If I have time this weekend I can, but like the thread title says, I can't guarantee anything other than Himoks' review.
2011-10-07 03:32:00

Posts: 1651

PSP Preview #5 (Himoks' level) is up.

Side-note: For future requests, please please please make sure your level does not require me (or anyone else) to have to restart upon dying for unforeseen reasons. These reviews take a lot of time, and having to replay a level repeatedly is annoying and really makes me think about ending my review thread altogether. Now, I realize how much effort these threads can be.
2011-10-08 04:38:00

Posts: 1651

I respectfully disagree with your review of the unknown part 2... I think it has some of the most original platforming and puzzle sequences I've seen in a long time2011-10-08 15:31:00

Posts: 1654

I respectfully disagree with your review of the unknown part 2... I think it has some of the most original platforming and puzzle sequences I've seen in a long time

Again, I completely understand. Like I said in the footnote, I'm sure many other people enjoyed it, but it's my personal taste. The main reason for the low rating was the fact that I couldn't get through. It was more the frustration built up from playing Part 1 and Part 2 and both times getting stuck, sometimes because there was no way to continue. I never was able to finish either level, which usually displays the best parts of a creation and would have improved each score. Also, if you take a look at my grading criteria, there are certain levels/styles that are bound to perform better than others. I've never wanted my scores to seem like a final say of how good a level is, in fact, the whole reason I started this thread was so that we had a second opinion among Random's reviews. Himoks' level is great. It was simply all these things that made the rating so low.
2011-10-08 15:51:00

Posts: 1651

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