Level Advertiser 3000
Archive: 1 post
As I was playing littlebigplanet I came across a few levels that were far more entertaining then the levels on the cool pages (shocker, I know.). They had less then a handful of plays despite being active for weeks... I did not want any other levels to suffer their fate so I created the Level Advertiser 3000. I accept any one who wants the advertsing, no cost. (Except for H4Hers and Copiers. They need to go somewhere else for advertising) this way their level has a better chance of surviving. I am not out looking for hearts for this level either, that was not my intention of making it. I made it to help the others and because it's fun designing it. When you enter the level you will be greated by me, or in this case my Sackbotic twin. Who will follow you around and if needed, will As I was playing littlebigplanet I came across a few levels that were far more entertaining then the levels on the cool pages (shocker, I know.). They had less then a handful of plays despite being active for weeks... I did not want any other levels to suffer their fate so I created the Level Advertiser 3000. This level is not F4F since to be honest its not really a level, its a gateway to them. However if you want F4F please see my "Gates to Aesgaard" level in my signiture (Only 1 bad review but the guy gives bad reviews to everyone.) Sorry for any bad grammer in this post, my spellchecker website is down today. http://lbp.me/v/4ce2xz | 2011-08-01 23:00:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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