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Assign Unique ID's to emitted objects!

Archive: 1 post

I have created a couple of chips that assign a sequential ID to objects spat out of an emitter so that I end up with objects tagged with ID1, ID2, ID3 etc as each one is born, therefor each has it's own ID even though they came from the SAME emitter.

Basically the first chip does the detecting of ID tags and controls what ID the second chip assigns to it's host. The chips will also then re-assign an unused ID to new objects from THE emitter as old ones die, (in the level I built this for, a player attracts and absorbs orbs to charge up a meter). Therefor if there are 6 orbs on the screen, 5 are assigned ID's and the remaining orb has nulll ID until one of the signed orbs are absorbed or die, it's ID is then re-assigned to the unsigned orb and the whole thing cycles.

This is useful for a accurate hit-box counting used in conjunction with an event buffer (such as the one designed by Antikris) and also for some other remote manipulation functions I have planned for my level. I suppose the system could also be used to allocate different states to spawned sackbots or even multi-object spawning from a single emitter by proxy.

Chip 1 - The control Chip

The Chips on the left are home to inverted Tag Sensors ID's 1-5
(you can ignore the right hand outputs they are just wired to test indicators)


Chip 2 - The host Chip

Once an object is assigned it's ID the control Chip is ignored.
You can ignore the Chip with the blue tag sensor this is for movement behavior and should really be separate.


Of course like most tasks in lbp2 I guess there are other/better ways of doing it but I built this completely on the fly based on the idea of uniquely tagging emitted objects, it has had no revisions or optimisation yet but it does work!

2011-07-31 15:32:00

Posts: 78

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