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New here, and Little Big Compositions :D

Archive: 3 posts

Hey all!

I'm new here so forgive me if this is the wrong place to post this. A couple months ago, I did a compilation video featuring a couple of my Little Big Planet 2 Compositions. I now share them with you. Comments welcome and feedback as well. Hope you like as I had a lot of fun making them


I also did an invention video a while back on LBP 1:

2011-07-31 03:29:00

Unknown User

Bothinvention videos were awesome! I loved your LBP2 songs by the way! Im not so good at music, but I have some skill, since i'ma real drummer, add me if you like on PSN, my PSN is my LBPC username.2011-07-31 15:29:00

Posts: 36

I like these particularly the Pinky and the Brain sequencer. Keep up the good work.2011-07-31 15:29:00

Posts: 2426

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