"Vintage Motion"
Archive: 13 posts
Hello there. I am proud to present my latest platformer. It's a level created by me for the "LBPCommunity Meet 2011" which was released during the event. It's a highly physics based level with a concept of motion based gameplay. Play and enjoy the level as you fight the motions as they throw you around... or even help you at times. Thank you. ![]() http://i0.lbp.me/img/fl/5d0f7ded2b7561b9470b2811f769762ee60760cc.jpg http://i7.lbp.me/img/fl/86701aae6648995cf46960804da112732b156d22.jpg http://i6.lbp.me/img/fl/7c60e67e25bab5dcff5063da790fe7aedd02ebfe.jpg http://i9.lbp.me/img/fl/19958bbe418582e919304c59507908291d818c37.jpg http://i3.lbp.me/img/fl/f23dda0337f037118b9b28bfd1c4be09d5dcf53d.jpg http://lbp.me/v/4e6-w0 | 2011-07-31 00:30:00 Author: LFiers ![]() Posts: 161 |
I played this level recently and it was good. The mechanics, for such a complex level, were smooth and never lagged. I thought there was a bug with Sackboy moving involuntarily at the beginning, but I soon realized it was done by you. Physics based play...you are right on that. The difficulty was balanced and never seemed unfair. The visuals seemed to be well done and fit the theme of the level well (I am no artist, so I cannot critique another creator's artwork). The music was a nice touch to the game. Good job on that. Overall, good job. Thank you for creating and sharing this level. I am sure the folks at the meet are enjoying this level. Since you are doing F4F, my new level is Neptunia. Here is the link: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=60269-Neptunia I'd like to know your thoughts on it, if you feel like it. | 2011-07-31 01:00:00 Author: Garak101 ![]() Posts: 101 |
Brilliant level the gameplay kept me entertained right till the end. The movement at the begining was awkeard because of the way the level moved but it was something i could ignore. The overall look and design was remarkable. I love to see levels that look great and play great this is a sure MM pick. There wasn't much i could say feedback wise as i never found anything that was wrong or could be better. It actually felt ike playing a level in the real game. Great job. | 2011-07-31 04:20:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
[QUOTE=Lordwarblade;898913]The movement at the begining was awkeard because of the way the level moved but it was something i could ignore.QUOTE] Thanks for the nice review but about what you said here, it was the whole level moving left and right thats all. Thats why your sackboy was getting thrown left and right. Its meant to be that way so you fight the physics and the physics throw platforms and stuff around too. | 2011-07-31 05:17:00 Author: LFiers ![]() Posts: 161 |
I've just played this level, it was brilliant. I loved every part of it, from the amazing visuals, to the fun gameplay ideas with moving the level and stuff everytime. Everything fits so well together, that was pure genious. I have only one negative thing to say, it's that during that squence : http://i7.lbp.me/img/fl/86701aae6648995cf46960804da112732b156d22.jpg I didn't really understand what happens and what I did, where in the other section of the level it was already clear. But that's a minor issue, and the level won a smiley face and a big heart from me. Congrats for making this briliant level. If you have the time to return the F4F favor, please check my BLOCKS level (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=60020-BLOCKS-1-PLAYER-ONLY-Puzzle-Platform-Exploration-level). | 2011-07-31 08:23:00 Author: Slurm ![]() Posts: 262 |
I really liked this level. Most of my problems were the same as above, maybe too much stuff to do in that one place. The beginning was a bit shakey because of how sackboy reacts to the sideways movement but otherwise I loved this level from the start to when I rescue my incredibly handsome twin :3 The scenery is isn't amazing and may need a bit of refining but it serves its purpose well. The real attraction is the great physics game play that is mostly controlled by the shifting of the room. The way you translate the movement in to game play elements is great and it makes for some really interesting platforming. I gave it a yay and a heart. May be recommending it to a few people. F4F: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=60911-Abstergo-Animus-Training-%28LBPC2%29-%282-4P%29 If you could. | 2011-08-01 01:59:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 ![]() Posts: 1924 |
A very nice platformer you have here! I've never seen anything quite like it. The level had this huge dynamic feel to it, since, after all, the whole level was moving. It was very different from most of the platformers that I've played with in the past, and that's a good thing. It's always nice to have something new and fresh to play out there. After playing this, I decided to go play some of your other levels, which were equal in originality and well, greatness! The visuals, looked fantastic, and though there wasn't much story in here, I enjoyed reading the little bits of dialouge at the beginning of the level. Thank you for such a great experience here! Looking forward to more levels by you. And, if you're still doing F4F, I would appreciate it if you could leave some feedback here. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=60714-Wooden-Chaos) I think it would be interesting to see what a creator as great as you would say about my level. Thanks again! | 2011-08-01 04:23:00 Author: eagerneph ![]() Posts: 1536 |
I didn't really understand what happens and what I did, where in the other section of the level it was already clear. But that's a minor issue, and the level won a smiley face and a big heart from me. Thanks. You didnt know what happens? Well I guess its pretty complex but i'll explain what happens is that you press the red button then the camera zooms right to where you released a metal ball which gets thrown up and around by gravity and physics which in turn rotates the platfomer then falls on the other switch. Then When the next movement happens it lauches the ball up to press the other switch which in turn destroys that section opening the path the the grabbable material which you grab and it swings you around while knocking down the little part on top over which falls on its side which has another switch which gets pressed with burns off one of the big pillars blocking the final swich from flying freely up into the roof to be pressed. (Still with me? ![]() ![]() | 2011-08-01 04:34:00 Author: LFiers ![]() Posts: 161 |
You blew me away with this. Most of the time I was like, "what!?...But..How the? Awesome!!" I Loved the level and thought it was one of the, if not the most unique, clever level I've played. The way you have the entire level move to set in motion a chain of events is brilliant. I loved the pace and the atmosphere and I thoroughly enjoyed it and will definitely be revisiting this masterpiece. Thank you for the experience. | 2011-08-01 15:17:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
I played this level yesterday and it is exhilarating. VISUALS: The level design is really cool, and the materials are neatly polished. The cinematics are very cool too, and the obstacle course at the end of the level is jaw-dropping. SOUND: Great custom musics. They sounded great, and it fitted well in this level. GAMEPLAY: The gameplay is very unique. The movement of the whole level adds a lot of great obstacles, and it has some awesome use of grappling hook and grabinator. It is also quite challenging in a fun way. OVERALL: I said it in the review and I say it again. I have no idea what's going on in this level, but I love it. A yay, heart, and positive review. F4F Cybernetic Adventures Epsilon | 2011-08-01 17:30:00 Author: JustinArt ![]() Posts: 1314 |
Thank you for all the very kind words about my level. I will get to you're F4F levels you wanted me to check out as soon as I can and let you know what I think. Thanks. | 2011-08-02 17:07:00 Author: LFiers ![]() Posts: 161 |
Vicious Vincent!? Sounds a bit familiar... I'll queue this up right now. | 2011-08-12 04:44:00 Author: OcamposMoon ![]() Posts: 135 |
Vicious Vincent!? Sounds a bit familiar... I'll queue this up right now. Don't know why it would sound familiar. It's an original fictional which I came up with but anyway, hope you enjoy it. | 2011-08-15 07:02:00 Author: LFiers ![]() Posts: 161 |
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