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LBP Scary Level

Archive: 1 post

Awhile ago I played a lvl with my brother. it was pretty scary. The description of the lvl mentioned that it was for 17and up. i would like to play that lvl again. normally i could just go to recently played and find it, but my ps3 died on me, and we lost all of our data. so we had to get a new ps3. so now i cant even fix any other lvls i have published due to the data. I know for a fact that the scary lvl is not any of these:
1. Torn by Darkness
2. Friday the 13th
3. Any Jason lvls
4. Any Freddie Crouger lvls

If you know of any lvl this lvl could be, plz answer me by commenting.
Thx for all your help and support,
I may not be the Alpha, but I still know what i'm doing. -(Me) Heather Procek
2011-07-29 17:38:00

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