Silent Hill: Afraid of Heights
Archive: 2 posts
Hi guys. This is the first LBP level I have created, and it's the first thread here in the level showcase forum. As I'm a huge fan of the Silent Hill series, I decided to make my very own tribute level. Being an art student, I gave a lot of importance to the artistical design and aesthetics of the level, giving much attention to detail, and making it as close to the series' mood as possible. With that said, don't expect the level to be a platformer with loads of hellish monsters, deathtraps and burning scenery. Silent Hill is known for it's subtle, psychological horror style, focused on exploration and puzzles rather than action, and that's how I made my level to be. It features a plane (that means no "my-car-crashed-and-I-woke-up-in-Silent-Hill" premise), The town itself, an Hospital and its Alternate version, and a hidden UFO ending! Notes: -The Items you'll get are stickers, so make sure to enable community stickers, and also check their names before you go placing them everywhere at random. -Also, don't run through the level, try to appreciate the design as if it were a game on it's own, as I spent days and days decorating the backgrounds. -It is highly recommended to play alone, as it was made for a personal experience and some things may not work/may be revealed if you play with friends. so please, if you're in a party, save this level for when you're playing alone. Hope you enjoy it, and i'll be awaiting some feedback. http://lbp.me/v/p561js | 2011-07-28 19:24:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Put it in the Queue, I'll check it out later today! If you have time, I'd like some feedback on my new level, the link is in my signature. I'd appreciate it! | 2011-07-28 19:51:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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