Archive: 6 posts
shiver So lately Ive been a big hypochondriac about the whole YLOD deal. It seems like a looot of people have been getting it so what started from no fear is quickly turning into a lot. Part of the fear is that I dont really know a lot about it. Could someone give me the low down on the YLOD? Like what causes it, if its fixable. I know I could look it up easily on Google but for some reason I just want to do it here. I play it A LOT. Like every other day for the whole day (with some 3-5 hour breaks). So yea, I'm scurd... | 2011-07-28 18:19:00 Author: kuppokid ![]() Posts: 79 |
The Yellow Light is simply an indicator that there is a 'non-specific fault' with your system. Because of this, anything could cause your system to go. Luckily, if you can figure out what has went, you may be able to fix it. Myself, I am looking around inside the system. If I can get it running for just another hour, I can back-up my data and all will not be lost (I'm getting a new one, regardless). I played a lot. On the final day, I got in at 12pm (midday) and played till 5:30. I literally just sent HeckBoy88 to play my level without the lag he was experiencing with me. Just after he went, the console turned itself off. I was very warm! turned it back on, and just as it signed in, it went off again. Next time I tried to turn it on, YLOD (Flashes green, yellow, then continuous red). Also, the console you have does affect your chances of system failure. Typically, the older, Fat PS3s are more likely to go, whilst the Slim lines have less chance (that's not to say its impossible!) My 60GB, and the 40GB, have been noted as the most common to 'expire'. | 2011-07-28 18:26:00 Author: Nurolight ![]() Posts: 918 |
Thanks for the backing up idea, gonna do that. So no sending in to Sony? Even for a fee? | 2011-07-28 18:47:00 Author: kuppokid ![]() Posts: 79 |
Thanks for the backing up idea, gonna do that. So no sending in to Sony? Even for a fee? Yes you could do that, but for ?50 more, I can buy a brand new, Slim PS3. Plus, with me tearing the warranty sticker of like its christmas paper, I've can give myself some chance at reclaiming my saves. (Frankly, I only want my LBP saves, looking forward to completing Assassin's Creed 1, 2 & 3, Red Dead Redemption, Portal 2, Grand Theft Auto 4 (+DLC), Fallout 3 & New Vegas, Uncharted 1 & 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Infamous 1 + 2 & my recently purchased Mass Effect 2, again. Plus then there's Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Uncharted 3, Battlefield 3, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim & Assassin's Creed Revelations coming out before the end of the year. Boy, I've got some catching up to do... | 2011-07-28 23:41:00 Author: Nurolight ![]() Posts: 918 |
Thhat really sucks... Sorry but Good luck! | 2011-07-29 16:03:00 Author: kuppokid ![]() Posts: 79 |
If my sources are right, the FAT models have much more odds of dying than the newer Slim ones, especially the 60GB model. A surprising number of times I see an user in a forum or a friend of mine complaining about his console dying, it's the 60GB model. Which really is a pity considering how it's the PS3 model that's the most packed in functionalities. I even heard some crazy conspiracy theories about how Sony is remotely "killing off" all the old PS3's with backward compatibility one by one so that people buy more of those remastered classic games ![]() Anyway, it's always good to back up your system into an external HDD or another storage method with enough space, especially if you've got saves of games you've poured many hours into like LBP1/2. At the very least, copy the important saves into a flash drive. My 80GB PS3 went haywire 3 months ago, not because of a YLOD. I could turn it on but it always froze and when it didn't it refused to recognize the controllers. My luck was that once while I was fiddling with the settings of LBP2, had noticed the "Backup Profile" function, and saved it into a flash drive just for the heck of it. And luckily enough, I managed to get the console barely working for 5 minutes and could rescue other important save files like Fallout 3, RDR, etc. Unfortunately I didn't think saving LBP1's profile was important. Now everytime I visit LBP1 I have only completed the Gardens ![]() TL;DR version: Back up your stuff! (Note: some kinds of save files can't be copied even in a backup process, which is a pain in the neck. Especially if that game is called Demon's Souls. Nothing to do about that except for insulting the game's developers by e-mail and feeding the game disk to the neighbour's St. Bernard) | 2011-07-29 19:00:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
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