Little Fish Big Pond (SPOTLIGHTED) - wexfordian
Archive: 15 posts
Hi Guys, I've finished (well published anyway) the project I've been working on into thee early hours every night for the past week or two and would love some feedback on it. It all started when I fell in love with RRR30000's level Libidius.jp (The side scrolling shooter based on Gradius). I wanted to try and recreate that effect of hiding the player and controlling something else throughout the level. Now, I have figured out how he/she has done it and created a level that allows users to be transformed into a fish and swim through an ocean of dangers. Apart from the side scrolling element I have added a section where the direction changes and you are forced to dive into the depths below. Now, apart from me giving myself a big pat on the back for making it work, the level itself is getting mild reactions (3 stars and only about 10% heart it). Maybe it's the lack of a major storyline, maybe it has a few bugs, maybe people are just not interested in playing levels without sackboy visable! I think this level has the potential to do much better so I'm sending out a plea of help! Can anyone save my level from mediocrity and give some suggestions as to how to improve on this level. Thanks, and keep on sacking! | 2008-12-17 10:16:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
Isn't it supposed to be "Little Big Fish Pond"? Oh wait, I get your drift... "Little Fish; Big Pond". Anyway... I would try it out, but my PS3 is acting up so I'll have to try it out some other time ![]() | 2008-12-17 10:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
No, the play on words is intended![]() On a side note do you think that because of the fact you only get one try (It's set up so when you enter the "Pond", the door you entered is sent to the scoreboard area) plus the fact it's not really a level most would finish in one try leads to multiple plays but only one rating being submitted. As far as I'm aware, a player who plays through a level can add to the play count every time but it is only their last rating submitted that is counted. So theoretically, 5 people can play a level a total of 100 times and heart it and this would result in your stats saying 100 plays but only 5 hearts. Or maybe I'm just trying to console myself after all the work that went into building it! ![]() | 2008-12-17 12:30:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
No, the play on words is intended![]() On a side note do you think that because of the fact you only get one try (It's set up so when you enter the "Pond", the door you entered is sent to the scoreboard area) plus the fact it's not really a level most would finish in one try leads to multiple plays but only one rating being submitted. As far as I'm aware, a player who plays through a level can add to the play count every time but it is only their last rating submitted that is counted. So theoretically, 5 people can play a level a total of 100 times and heart it and this would result in your stats saying 100 plays but only 5 hearts. Or maybe I'm just trying to console myself after all the work that went into building it! ![]() Lol. Yeah, you can only heart a level once but whenever you start up a level it adds to the number of plays... You can rate a level more than once though. | 2008-12-17 12:43:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Does this mean that one person could then either sabotage or bump up your level? If one person was to repeatedly play a level, (not even play it rather just load it and exit out) and bombard it with either 5 or 1 stars? Seems a little unfair surely![]() | 2008-12-17 15:51:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
Does this mean that one person could then either sabotage or bump up your level? If one person was to repeatedly play a level, (not even play it rather just load it and exit out) and bombard it with either 5 or 1 stars? Seems a little unfair surely![]() Mmm, but that would just be sad... | 2008-12-17 16:13:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
But thats exactly my point! What your going to end up with is a pack of sad kids bumping up their mates ramp level and the people who are mature enough to understand that the rating system is there for a reason gets left in the dark. Thus fulfilling the prophecy...... Ramp will rule forever! Oh god, I feel like an old man going on a rant! **** those pesky kids! | 2008-12-17 16:26:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
Your level seems interesting. I add it to my list of "level to play" and came back for comments. SYS ![]() | 2008-12-17 16:34:00 Author: Takelow ![]() Posts: 1355 |
Wow... genius concept. I am 100% impressed by this level, not just by your implementation of the Libidus style of play, but by the aesthetics and atmosphere that you created around it. This feels far more appealing to me as a vessel and world than what Libidus offers... all credit due to it, of course, but I like what you've done with it alot more. LBP officially has another subgenre of it's own designs what with your iteration on the formula proving that it's more than a one hit wonder. I'll play your other levs as well - keep on creating. Nice work. P.S. HOLY COW @ how rapidly this got plays and hearts... shows that ingenuity and different concepts are what people gravitate to on LBP, even with the likes of Ramp, Sackman and Ghostbusters attempting to prove otherwise. | 2008-12-17 19:34:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I tried this last night and it was a great piece of work! As Ninja wrote above, I actually prefer the style of this to what Libidius offers. I love the custom content (the jelly fish looked amazing) and the whole visual style was just really pleasing to the eye. I won't leave my usual wall of feedback simply because the comments I usually leave would not apply to this style of level. This level is fun and beautiful and I hope more people check it out. If you have a chance check out my new level and let me know what you think ![]() | 2008-12-18 00:03:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
Thanks Guys, it's great to hear you enjoyed it. I'll give your levels a shot and give feedback also. Later dudes!![]() | 2008-12-18 09:03:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
I could see that this had influence brought upon it, but this is amazing. I'd give this 4/5 due to a small bug I noticed. On my second try of this level, my character did not go behind the scenery, so I was not a fish for the whole time ![]() | 2008-12-18 16:29:00 Author: Bear ![]() Posts: 2079 |
Hi wexfordian, I just play your level. I played it 6 times and i must recognize that i can't see the whole aquatic boar you offer us. I think your level is very hard. Moreover, there is a necessary latency in the commands (that is part of LBP gameplay himself) that add difficulty. Nevertheless, I loved it visual aspect ( a little less the start area for the flashing yellow and green). It seems to be a lot of custom content and i found your jellyfish very great! So, I can tell you that i bit the bet and that i'll play it againuntil i see the entire work you do!!! ![]() | 2008-12-19 15:04:00 Author: Takelow ![]() Posts: 1355 |
Hey, I was playing this one earlier also and ran into an interesting issue: I went to go above the hooks and the FISH was crushed. However, I was fine and could continue on through the level without a fish. Added a whole new dimension to the game - I had to use the rockets to see where I was. If you want to close up this loophole, there's a fairly simple way - put a magnetic switch on the behind-the-scenes vehicle you are riding in and a magnetic key on the fish. Put an emitter on the vehicle also, and set it so that if the switch is ever separated from the key you kill the player (emit gas on top of them...). | 2009-02-27 21:24:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
If you want to close up this loophole, there's a fairly simple way - put a magnetic switch on the behind-the-scenes vehicle you are riding in and a magnetic key on the fish. Put an emitter on the vehicle also, and set it so that if the switch is ever separated from the key you kill the player (emit gas on top of them...). Thanks man, I used this type of setup for pinball wizard to recognise when a ball is destroyed. I hadn't the knowhow back when I was building this level to do it and kinda forgot to go back and clean up a few things with newly learned teqniques. Thanks for the tip. | 2009-03-02 11:45:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
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