Ghosts by LadyTron
Archive: 16 posts
This is a level that was inspired by the song Ghosts by Ladytron! http://i1.lbp.me/img/fl/2f14f9368adb1c836eea5f4f30d4b1271119a931.jpg http://i2.lbp.me/img/fl/d029eb5a4034f24905dffbeccdc454edcbd1c170.jpg http://i1.lbp.me/img/fl/ef11302f6a62552f78ccb777de1ef661992de4df.jpg As you are playing the level the song Ghosts is being played. It is fairly short but i hope you enjoy it. ![]() http://lbp.me/v/33tmzr | 2011-07-27 14:53:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Global Settings Updated and the spikes were lessened! | 2011-07-27 23:09:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Two questions: Why is the level so short? Is it because of overheating issues? :o If so then I believe it may be best to lower the amount of materials used throughout the level so that you could possibly gain more thermo space and create some interesting platforming gameplay to go along with the song. I thought the "ghosted" stairs was pretty intriguing, but I would like to see more gameplay elements put into this. Maybe you could put in some multiple pathways that lead to other parts of the level and/or have some kind of ghost that would start slowly chasing you at some point? ![]() | 2011-07-28 08:39:00 Author: Qrii_Nakari ![]() Posts: 204 |
Actually the thermo isn't an issue at all ![]() ![]() And i'm glad you liked the stairs ![]() | 2011-07-28 11:15:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
its a good level but i'd like to see it longer and with more gameplay. The stairs were nice. Do you also want to play my lvl? http://lbp.me/v/337bfc | 2011-07-28 19:25:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Kipkorn i played your level it was nice but at the end it's a little confusing because the button that drains the water isn't very visible, you could put a light there or something. And for this level, there's a HUGE update coming soon! ![]() | 2011-07-29 12:34:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I checked out the level, and I also agree with the posters above. The level ended before I knew it. There was little time to get acquainted with the music and the background because the scoreboard was already within reach. I'm hoping for that huge update to see some more gameplay. Well if you got the time, would you mind checking out my level too? Title: Sinner's Redemption Thread: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=60154-Sinner-s-Redemption Link: http://lbp.me/v/3hcswv | 2011-07-29 16:45:00 Author: romancrisis ![]() Posts: 138 |
I've added your level to my Queue and I'll get some feedback on here or in the review once I play it! If you have the time, I'd like some feedback on my first level, the link is in my signature. Thanks! | 2011-07-29 17:07:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
As promised, my review: This is a very short level, although the song fits the feel of the level. Overall there isn't much depth to the scenery as the level is very simple, although the ghost stairs were a nice touch. I recommend maybe adding a bit to the level to make it have of a platforming feel, but it's definitely a good start! | 2011-07-29 20:07:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Okay - what to say with out being harsh.... I know I know, but here it goes. Like everyone stated, this level was incredibly short and had very little substance. In a blink of an eye, your level was over. I think you need to add at least double what you have in length so the player can at least feel they have accomplished something. I think you should go through every one of the tutorials as well so you can learn more about the tools available to you. Furthermore, you should also play with the three layers available to you to give the level dimension. You should certainly play some levels and build design ideas off of those and add your own gameplay as well. There is so much you can do it is certainly overwhelming and it seems daunting, but your on the right path. But certainly, start with the tutorials and learn your layers in design mode! Good luck to you!! | 2011-07-29 20:51:00 Author: John82wa ![]() Posts: 221 |
Well, normally I would give more feedback, but this level was extremely short. Not to say it wasn't bad, but it just wasn't exactly a fantastic length. It seems that you have some great gameplay elements in there though, and that's what matters. There's not too much in the visual department, but for now, that's alright. Once again, great job with the gameplay bits, I thought that they were pretty fun. We just need a little bit of work on the length and maybe the look of things. Great job though! If you're still doing F4F, I would appreciate you leaving some feedback here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=60714-Wooden-Chaos). | 2011-07-29 21:47:00 Author: eagerneph ![]() Posts: 1536 |
All F4F played!! ![]() For this level, the huge update DONE DONE DONE!!! ![]() Edit: 15 Playsss!! ![]() ![]() | 2011-07-29 22:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Could you add an LBP.me link? Ever since the lbp.me update, they all (temporarily) disappeared, but i still want to play your level ![]() | 2012-07-01 13:35:00 Author: Deurklink1 ![]() Posts: 346 |
Hey, here's my review of your level! Please return the play (f4f) - here's my LBPme level link: http://lbp.me/v/cffp5- Review: The very start when ascending the slope, maybe put some game camera's because most of the screen is filled up with the slope instead of being able to see the obstacles that great! Also when you put POWERUPS and POWERUP REMOVERS, they take up all three rows and that kind off looks bad, I would think just one would work, and i'm pretty sure putting one down removes it from any of the three layers as you pass it. Right after the bit where you grapple on to the three ghosts to reach the next platform, because the player has just finished grappling they are likely to jump right over that checkpoint and so it should be moved further away from the last grappling ghost. There are two holograpghic material bridges or paths right at the end. The last one you can walk on but the 2nd last one you can't and that can be misleading. I would think to either change one of the materials or to make the GRIP SENSOR on the two REDou GHOSTS visible so the player knows to grip on to them rather than try to walk over the bridge. Those are just some general ideas, up to you if you wanna implement them! I Hope this is helpful, I mean it all in a helpful way! Remember to F2F please! LOL | 2012-07-02 12:24:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Sure, http://lbp.me/v/33tmzr ![]() | 2012-07-02 16:50:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I love that song! I added it to my queque ![]() | 2012-07-02 19:32:00 Author: dutch ![]() Posts: 54 |
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