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Microchip Sticker Suite 1

Archive: 4 posts


Make sure to leave your feedback here and/or on the level to suggest what new microchips you would like to see next!

http://i55.tinypic.com/29g1hmq.jpg http://i55.tinypic.com/v7dp9w.jpg
2011-07-26 05:56:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

Wouldn't mind seeing some pics of them in here.2011-07-26 08:10:00

Posts: 1799

I'll make sure to post some pics very soon! However, the level includes solely the prize bubble with a small setting and an option to view the microchips before you collect them.

EDIT: Pictures Added!
2011-07-27 05:41:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

The level has been queued up, ready to rock in minus 10 days because I am on holiday and I got 10 days to get back to home

Edit: 2 weeks old thread and I replied to it, I'm Screwed
2011-08-10 19:14:00

Posts: 293

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