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Archive: 49 posts

Just aced a couple of hours ago after hours and hours of playing. I don't know what all the fuss is about "Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge"....I found it pretty easy, although I did have alot of trouble with waste disposal and Full Metal Rabbit. Don't ask me why, I'm just weird that way. And does anyone else think that the last boss battle was EXTREMELY easy?2011-07-25 10:05:00

Posts: 104

Umm.... I thought last boss something hard....2011-07-26 13:29:00

Unknown User

Umm.... I thought last boss something hard....

2011-08-03 14:37:00

Posts: 948

I thought none of the levels, except the last boss, were really hard to ace. It took me a couple of times for "Where in the world is Avalon Centrifuge" though ; Probably the one that took me the most time.

As for the last boss... When you know what to do, it's extremely easy, but you have to be careful on the second part. Many times I tried to grab a flying bounce pad but failed because I was too far, or I grabbed it too close to the boss, and with the momentum, he ate me. The last part is just about jumping and the right moment.
2011-08-03 15:47:00

Unknown User

I honestly thought the last boss was easy after playing it many times. I found LBP2 much easier to ace than LBP1.2011-08-03 16:32:00

Unknown User

I aced all levels, and they were all easy, except Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge and Casa Del Higginbotham.2011-08-16 15:53:00

Unknown User

I had a hard time acing Fullmetal Rabbit, Where In The World is Avalon Centrifuge?, and the final boss. I think the final boss in LBP2 was leagues tougher than then final boss in LBP1.2011-08-17 17:59:00

Posts: 224

I only have 4 more lvls to ace and im DONE with the story mode. I havnt aced fireflies when ur havin fun becuz it has two parts and i find it a little hard. i also havnt aced some lvls in the cosmos cuz i find the whole cosmos section kinda hard. XD2011-08-18 01:38:00

Unknown User

Full metal rabbit, i can't ace it :/ i always die at the first level by the flame throwing sackbot or on the second one by the lazer, i'm usually good at acing stuff .

Edit: W00t i just aced the previous level i talked about !!
2011-08-18 02:28:00

Posts: 622

In aced 'Into the Heart of the Negativitron' and am now trying to ace 'Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge'2011-08-27 13:09:00

Posts: 60

Okay, my ace run was extremely lucky. I aced the Nega'tron and Full Metal Rabbit on my first try. WitWiAC was a lot harder though, and took my 10-15 tries. -_- I remember I beat the robot, then when i tried to hit his brain i got stuck in a corner and got squished. -_-2011-08-27 19:53:00

Posts: 247

"Bang for Buck" in my opinion is the hardest level of all to ace.2011-09-01 15:51:00

Unknown User

I found LBP2 much easier to ace than LBP1.
True that.
2011-09-01 15:53:00

Unknown User

I recently finished the pin "aces in spades" 18. Now, THAT'S a pain. One little screw-up, and you start all over.2011-12-20 02:58:00

Posts: 438

I am so unlucky. I just can't ace the last two or three Cosmos levels. It seems like everytime I'm close to finishing the level unharmed, I end up getting killed by some offscreen hazardous object during a cutscene or Sackboy suddenly weighs a ton and can't jump high enough to get over a gap or something.2012-01-01 01:40:00

Posts: 388

WITWIAC has a LOT of cheap deaths. Also, those enemies on the elevator that turn upside down, they're the reason I can't ace it.2012-01-02 09:15:00

Posts: 58

It's kind of funny. An hour after I made the last post in this thread I was successful at Acing the entire game. It's crazy. Acing the levels are really easy, but the annoying thing about it is the levels that were in two parts or had the opening cutscenes. If you go through the levels slowly and calmly you won't run into any cheap deaths.2012-01-03 02:15:00

Posts: 388

I've been able to Ace every boss on Story Mode except The Negativatron. It's always the 2nd stage of The Negativatron, with the bounce pad challenge, that I fail. Other than that all the other levels throught Story Mode are fairly easy.2012-01-29 15:54:00

Unknown User

i found the first boss challenging to ace, but finally did it! easiest boss yo ace i would have to say is fowl play, but getting 100% on it is a pain. the last boss is easy or hard depending on the number of players(for me at least)

http://mypsn.eu.playstation.com/psn/profile/wheelbase911.png (http://eu.playstation.com/psn/profile/wheelbase911/)
2012-01-30 13:30:00

Posts: 54

Just aced a couple of hours ago after hours and hours of playing. I don't know what all the fuss is about "Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge"....I found it pretty easy, although I did have alot of trouble with waste disposal and Full Metal Rabbit. Don't ask me why, I'm just weird that way. And does anyone else think that the last boss battle was EXTREMELY easy?

It seriously took me over 50 times to ace WITWIAC, Full metal rabbit-easy, Waste disposal-easy, Negativitron-easy... Yup you are weird LOL jk ^^ I got my platinum trophy, as well as acing all, in the middle of the PSN blackout, but aced WITWIAC before the blackout.
2012-01-30 17:51:00

Posts: 153

easiest boss yo ace i would have to say is fowl play

Well, duh. You're required to ace it before you move on to Avalonia. If you die in Fowl Play, you have to restart.
2012-01-31 13:53:00

Posts: 13447

Iv lonly got 2 levels left to ace and i can't ace them so i gave up...The final boss battel and the bee level.2012-03-12 20:07:00

Posts: 813

Iv lonly got 2 levels left to ace and i can't ace them so i gave up...The final boss battel and the bee level.

Yeah, the bee level is definitely tricky. But it's all about keeping your head, and a tip to remember at the end boss fight: The blocks go where you were, so just going up and down is a bad tactic. Be more unpredictable and try not to follow the same path right after you've taken it.

As for the final boss, easy with patients. It was one of the first I aced.
2012-03-13 18:51:00

Posts: 65

Poorjack has complete 100s and Aces for LBP2. Cant mess with a gangster of this magnitude.2012-03-13 20:06:00

Posts: 1806

I already aced all the levels Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge and Full Metal Rabit was the most hard in my opinion,but finally i maded, now i just have to get the 100% of the thing,i have the 99%,i never found people for "Bang for Buck" x4 zone T-T2012-03-16 22:01:00

Unknown User

The levels closer to the ends of DLC packs are harder than the built-in story mode.2012-03-17 02:46:00

Cronos Dage
Posts: 396

Took me, hmm... 27 tries to beat the final boss, 14 tries to beat Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge, like 8 for Bang for Buck... I can beat every story level without dying now though Once you figure out how to ace a level, you can ace it a million times.2012-03-17 02:49:00

Posts: 60

Hardest to ace is Set the Controls or Casa Del Higgenbotham. Maybe even Bang for Buck.
Anyways, I was at 9 levels for the Ace in Spades when all of the sudden at Maximum Security, one of those darn robot meanies that rotates its two brains shot me with a fireball. Anyways, in order to get the Ace in Spades, I recommend doing the hardest level first then moderately easy all the way to easy. Also, there's some level in Avalonia that causes the number of levels aced in a row to reset, so avoid Avalonia as much as you can. Fight of the Bumblebee and Got the Hump work, though.

1. Set The Controls for the Heart of the Negativitron
2. Last level of Eve's Asylum (invaders something I think)
3. Up N' At 'Em
4. Fight of the Bumblebee
5. Fowl Play
6. Rookie Test
7. Grip and Grapple
8. Grab and Swing
9. Brainy Cakes
10. Where in the World Is Avalon Centrifuge (easiest level by far)
2012-04-07 06:15:00

Posts: 143

I found Full Metal Rabbit more annoying to ace than WITWIAC, but I think WITWIAC was genuinely harder. Overall, LBP2 was leagues easier to ace than LBP1, for sure. While LBP1 was all about not being in the wrong place at the wrong time, LBP2 was strictly based on good timing.2012-04-07 18:38:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

Any level from the Cosmos is a pain in the booty to ace.
So many tries trying to ace them... It makes me cry D:
2012-04-07 19:39:00

Posts: 1185

Yay, finally did it! "Where In The World is Avalon Centrifuge?" really was a pain in the bottom.2012-04-20 11:04:00

Posts: 346

I aced "Where in the world is Avalon Centrifuge?" about 1 hour ago. Definetely the hardest level to ace. Anyways, that was my last one! I got the pin and the trophy!2012-05-10 18:09:00

Posts: 134

That level before the last boss I thought was the hardest. I think mainly cause I didn't played that kind of games when I was young =P2012-05-13 21:23:00

Posts: 57

Same...............2012-07-07 08:41:00

Posts: 113

I found 'Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge' pretty tough at the beginning but I picked it up after a bit.. 'Full Metal Rabbit' was irritatingly difficult near the end, because I got too confident and kept getting myself killed in the same general place. And I think the Negativitron was rather hard to beat, but then again I don't have thumbs...2012-07-07 13:00:00

Posts: 432

The last 3 levels I aced:
3. Fireflies when you're having fun
This is also the last level I had to get all of the items in.
2. Where in the world is Avalon Centrifuge?
I always ended up dying sillily, for example, the first time you free Avalon, you have to grab the thing on the back of a robots head. I did that, but then the robot stood on me.
1. Full metal rabbit.
I could finish the first part of Full metal rabbit in a few minutes, but the second half always used to kill me.
2012-07-07 16:11:00

Unknown User

I aced all levels in their order simply because I LOVE COMPLETING STUFF. Not only for this game but for any other one as well. (I'm still working my way to 99 prestige in AC:R) Call me an addict if you like XD 'Where In The World Is Avalon Centrifuge?' was definately the hardest to ace followed by: 'Into The Heart Of The Negativitron' ; 'Fireflies when you are having fun!' and 'Full Metal Rabbit' I remember giving up on the story for 2 months because I couldn't ace the first cosmos level XD Stupid, stupid me.2012-07-08 15:45:00

Posts: 308

Necroposting not FTW.2012-07-08 17:02:00

Posts: 442

I remember that, freakin annoying level. I remember getting all the way to the giant robot, and getting squished for absolutely no reason. Was soooo ******.

Another hard level to ace is that one in the Factory of a Better tomorrow with all the bombs. It was like the Bomb level from LBP1.. just more frustrating because robots were blowing up your bombs!
2012-07-08 19:09:00

Posts: 878

Hmmm , I found it quite easy after many times playing it again and again 2012-07-08 20:39:00

Posts: 337


2012-07-20 01:17:00

Posts: 113

I have ace all the LBP 2 story lvl's, it took me a while and a lot of patience XD. I think that LBP1 lvl's are more hard to ace than LBP2 lvl's. The hardest lvl to ace on LBP2 for me was "Where in the world is Avalon Centrifuge? That exhausted my patience But finally I made it, because nothing is impossible XD2012-07-22 23:27:00

Unknown User

The final boss battle was haaaaaaaard as what! It took me ages to finish that, but I eventually did. I have had the game aced for over one and a half year now, but that's because I was simply mad about the game back then, heh.2012-07-25 09:24:00

Posts: 2462

Just aced a couple of hours ago after hours and hours of playing. I don't know what all the fuss is about "Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge"....I found it pretty easy, although I did have alot of trouble with waste disposal and Full Metal Rabbit. Don't ask me why, I'm just weird that way. And does anyone else think that the last boss battle was EXTREMELY easy?

EXTREMELY easy? I've defeated him without dying also after many times!! D: So you are extremely lucky or we are all noobs xD.

However congratulations
2012-07-25 20:05:00

Posts: 43

I'm still working my way to 99 prestige in AC:R

holy crap man
2012-07-31 18:43:00

Cronos Dage
Posts: 396

I've had this game since it first came out and I STILL can't ace the last three level ._. It's so hard for me to but I'm still trying! 2012-09-11 12:59:00

Unknown User

I recently finished the pin "aces in spades" 18. Now, THAT'S a pain. One little screw-up, and you start all over.

You can just back up your profile everytime you ace a level and if you die, import the profile.
2012-09-16 16:55:00

Posts: 134

Im really bad at LBP :I ive only aced Da vincis hideout and victorias mansion? i havent played in a while. but one of my freinds has aced and collected every goodie in every level in the game.2012-09-19 03:01:00

Posts: 132

Actually I found exactly the same thing. there was a trick to full metal rabbit that i found after spending an hour on that level, and waste disposal i just got lucky by getting past the last fire blaster arm before the level link.2012-10-14 21:24:00

Unknown User

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