Not So Simple Puzzle
Archive: 2 posts
Well im new to the forums (been up for months but never posted) and this is my first try at a Lbp2 lvl (wich i think i did pretty well) and its just a puzzle, its a simple block puzzle i made, and i would like some feedback on it.Thank you for your attention and i hope you have a great day http://lbp.me/v/3rztmc | 2011-07-23 00:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I played it. It was pretty good but I suggest you change the flatness of the movie camera to 0 and turn the darkness up. The puzzle was pretty challenging. Sorry this is so short but there was only one puzzle. Keep making more. | 2011-07-23 01:19:00 Author: Zero10100 ![]() Posts: 385 |
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