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LBPC Duel Game

Archive: 1 post

It is the LBPC Duel Game.
Get ready for a super long rule list:

In a players signature it must have

Player of LBPC Duel Game
Wins:_ (Number of wins)
Combo Moves:_,_,_,_ (Every 5 wins you get to choose a combo move)

This is how the game is played:
To start a match you need 2 duelers, and a judge.
To make your attack every player must PM the judge the attack list

Every player must choose 5 attacks in there PM to send to the judge. The attacks are (Small, Medium, and Hard), Medium attack counters Small attack, Hard attack counters Medium attack, and Small attack counters Hard attack. This is a example of what a attack list should look like.

Small Attack
Small Attack
Hard Attack
Medium Attack
Small Attack

Here is the job of the judge. He will gather the 2 attack lists and see what counters what. Each player has 5 points. Every time your attack did not counter your opponents you lose one point. If both players attacks are the same or do not counter each other both players lose 1 point. The person with the most points left after the match wins. Then the judge will send the results to a offical Duel Game account on LBPC or a Offical Global Judge. I will check over the match and the winner of the game will be awarded 100 XP. Here is a example of how the judge should send the results to the account. I or a Global Judge will post the results in a separate forum.

Player 1 ---------- Player 2
Small Attack > Large Attack
Medium Attack = Medium Attack
Medium Attack < Large Attack
Small Attack < Medium Attack
Large Attack = Large Attack

Player 1 =1 points
Player 2 = 2 points

Combo Moves:
Every 5 wins you can select a combo move. Though a Combo Move will cost 500 XP because 5 wins = 500 XP. Buying a Combo Move is not necessary. Combo moves can counter up to two kinds of attacks. The Combo moves available are: Hard/Medium, Small/Medium, and Hard/Small. All XP will be used to keep this game running.

Max Combo Move
This card is a combo of Small, Medium, and Hard attacks. You can only use this move 1 attack per game. The requirements are you must have 20 wins and 2000 XP to get one.

To sign up for the dueling game say so in this thread and please put the message in your signature right away.

After the account is set up you can donate XP to it to keep this game running.
Also would anyone like to be a Offical Global Judge?

Thank you! Don't cheat and have fun!
2011-07-22 20:25:00

Posts: 99

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