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Player Sackbot, HUD and Inventory (Last Days: TFoE)

Archive: 5 posts

(Levelseries Logo)

I made this thread to show all of you a it more about the objects used in my last level: "Last Days: The Fall of Elithia [Tech Demo] (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=60251-AEG-Corps-The-Fall-of-Elithia-Tech-Demo&p=892691)". If you want to test these objects, go to that level (just click the level name).

I'll start with showing you my sackbot:


It took many weeks to get it just right. I completely re-made from scratch several times (I may give away the old 'bots sometime), and every version had its own abilities. The older versions even featured party-support (you could control up to three sackbots, all with their own abilities, and choose whether the 'inactive' ones had to stay put or follow you), but the party-concept was dropped after many considerations. Unless made into a multiplayer-only level, the gameplay could not have been what I wanted it to be. After all, I have always wanted the levels to be fun in singleplayer, as many people, including myself, usually play alone and do not want to join some random people on-line in a level where cooperation is essential.

Anyway, these are the current features of this sackbot:

- Health system (with healing and variable damage)
- Stamina system (stamina automatically regenerates, and when the bar is empty, you can no longer use stamina-draining abilities untill your stamina has been restored.)
- Lots of abilities. The controls are as follows:
Left stick: Walk
X-button: Jump (press again while in mid-air for a jump boost)
O-button: Interact with chests and the like / Toggle personal light (Illuminator)
Triangle button: Open Inventory (Partially pauses the game)
Square button: Attack (in the direction you are currently facing)
R1: Defend (hold to block certain attacks from the direction you're currently facing. You cannot turn around while blocking)
R2: Sneak (hold to sneak past certain enemies (not featured in the demo, still a work in progress)
L1: Evasive move (Roll while on the ground / somersault after a jump (allows you to jump even higher) / perform a small backward jump while blocking) (requires energy)
L2: Sprint (hold for increased movement speed) (requires energy)
Left button (D-Pad): Use a potion (shortcut for use in combat)

And in order to show you just how much logic I need for all this, here's a screenshot:

No bugs have been found yet.

Second of all, the HUD (as seen in Create Mode):


The HUD, too, has been completely re-made from scratch several times. Older versions included smaller, per-sackbot HUDs and complex hologram-made HUDs with either hearts, bars or a circle-shaped health bar. These were all dropped after many considerations, which eventually brought us to the current design that uses nothing but logic and decorations. One of the advantages to this design is the fact that it does not interfere with any of the layers, without the need for a 'glitched' layer.

The HUD currently features:

- A Health bar (green).
- A Stamina bar (blue).
- A bar that shows you how many Health-Packs (potions)you have left (green, small).
- A bar that will be used to show you how many Energy-Packs (stamina-restoring potions) you have left. It is currently a WIP and is not featured in the level linked above.
- A bar that turns red when you are out of stamina, indicating that stamina-consuming abilities can not be used.
- An image of your sackbot's head.

And here is a picture of the HUD's logic:


No bugs have been found here either.

And last but not least: The Inventory! (Image taken in Create Mode)


The Inventory is the only thing that has not been completely re-made from scratch before coming to this design. It was also the last thing me and my team started working on. When opened, it partially pauses the level. It is not recommended that you open it while in combat.

It currently features:

- A 'Continue' option, which closes the inventory.
- An 'Inventory' option, which, when selected, allows you to browse your items. (pressing Circle returns you to the 'Option-select-thing'.
- A 'Quit Game' option, that allows you to end the level. In the Tech-Demo, it is the only way to end the level other that using the Pause-menu.

The Inventory features these items:
- Health Pack: Heals the player upon use (does NOT fully heal you! You'll need more than one potion for that!).
- Energy-Pack: Fully restores your stamina.
- Super-Pack: Grants you a short period of invincibility (except for being crushed/touching a lethal material. I can't keep the sackbot from dying by those causes with the current LBP tools).
- Four pieces of equipment that, when selected, show you some info about their use. (selecting an item (including the potions) will show you one or two lines of text explaining the item's use)
- An alternative costume. Selecting it will, once the feature is finished, return you to the last checkpoint, but with a different costume. Costumes can affect abilities, attack strength, and defensive strength. It is, for example, possible that I create a Cole-costume (from InFamous), that lets you use Cole's electric abilities in the Last Days: TFoE levels. This feature is a WIP and is not featured in the level linked above.

Last of all, a screenshot showing the logic used for the Inventory:


Known bugs:
- Sometimes, the text explaining an item does not show. This usually happens when you browse items too quickly. It is probably not possible to fix this.

Thanks for reading, and please play Last Days: The Fall of Elithia [Tech Demo] (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=60251-AEG-Corps-The-Fall-of-Elithia-Tech-Demo&p=892691)!

These creations were brought to you by the AEG-Corps Team:
Founder/Logician/Composer/Pretty much everything: Aegonian
Supporting logician: Gamer 3215
Composer: Dxcam1 (Music in the demo is by Aegonian)
Cinematic supporter/storyline supporter: Goober1823

The story of the upcoming levels is based on a forum roleplay. This roleplay was started by me (Aegonian) and is still active. The roleplay used to be available on the Spore forums, but it now uses a custom forum made for the roleplay. If you are interested, click the link below to be taken to the roleplay's website.

Story by the many contributors to the "Elithian Alliance (http://elithianalliance.forumotion.com/)" Roleplay:

2011-07-22 16:21:00

Posts: 65

I was making a weapon inventory myself and sometimes the text would disappear too quickly. But that logic is *seriously* AMAZING!2011-07-22 18:43:00

Unknown User

yeah thats heavy logic, the more equips the heavier too, i know programing that must have been fun, but also a pain XD2011-07-24 23:40:00

Posts: 286

Snap. Some detailed stuff in there. Will be following this with great interest.

On a side note. I recently revisited the old saved versions of an object and traced the evolution of a single circuit through it's iterations. I found the exercise fun and it taught me some things about my create style. I wrote it up in my object test thread (in my sig) if you like that sort if thing. I'd be interested to see a similar thing for something like what you have created!
2011-07-25 08:43:00

Posts: 1799

Wow!!! It'll be a shame if you publish this and not get any plays 2011-07-25 15:47:00

Posts: 948

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