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PS3 problem

Archive: 15 posts

Okies, so... My Playstation is acting screwy. Whenever I put it in a disc it scratches it. So - has anyone had this problem, and if so, how do you solve it? Thanks

Yes, I have phoned Sony... They said it's "impossible" that the PS3 could scratch a disc. Most likely they're only saying that because they would have to reimberse us for our discs and replace the console. They did go on to say that they'll have a look at it on Monday, but yeah...
2008-12-16 13:26:00

Unknown User

Did you ever moved your PS3 from horizontal to vertical (and vice versa) while it was on?
Might be the problem.
2008-12-16 13:33:00

Unknown User

Did you ever moved your PS3 from horizontal to vertical (and vice versa) while it was on?
Might be the problem.
Nope, I always have it set in a horizontal position incase it falls down... or something... >_>
2008-12-16 13:44:00

Unknown User

Vertical is like the worst way of placing it, gives the most scratched issues.2008-12-16 13:49:00

Unknown User


Sorry about that... *fixes*
2008-12-16 14:07:00

Unknown User

i think creative ment horizontal lol vertical is upright, horizontal is laying down side ways.
I've not had this problem sorry
Mine just stopped playing disks altogether before
2008-12-16 14:10:00

Posts: 2767

So, you DO keep it horizontal, and saying vertical was a typo... right? RIGHT?!2008-12-16 14:10:00

Posts: 10882

So, you DO keep it horizontal, and saying vertical was a typo... right? RIGHT?!
Ya, you're right :blush:
2008-12-16 14:14:00

Unknown User

You should check your blu-ray driver, there might be a small piece of something in there, which causes the scratch.
Normally local gamestores can check for you.
2008-12-16 14:21:00

Unknown User

You should check your blu-ray driver, there might be a small piece of something in there, which causes the scratch.
Normally local gamestores can check for you.
How exactly can I check the Blu-Ray drive?

Thanks for the help Oldage
2008-12-16 14:33:00

Unknown User

Dunno, worked for me BUT USE AT OWN RISK.
Get something tall that fits in the blu-ray player, and a flashlight.
Open up that black thing (that prevents dust from getting in there) with the tall thing and look in with your flashlight.
If you see something, try to get it out with CAUTION.
You will need a steady hand, otherwise your just screwed.
again, use at your own risk.


Or you can spam sony's help thing mailbox with hatemail!
2008-12-16 14:39:00

Unknown User

Dunno, worked for me BUT USE AT OWN RISK.
Get something tall that fits in the blu-ray player, and a flashlight.
Open up that black thing (that prevents dust from getting in there) with the tall thing and look in with your flashlight.
If you see something, try to get it out with CAUTION.
You will need a steady hand, otherwise your just screwed.
again, use at your own risk.


Or you can spam sony's help thing mailbox with hatemail!

Hm, I think I'll just play it safe and keep pestering Sony
2008-12-16 14:41:00

Unknown User


Hm, I think I'll just play it safe and keep pestering Sony

I think that's best thing you can do
Do you have a launch PS3? (60GB)
2008-12-16 14:42:00

Unknown User

I think that's best thing you can do
Do you have a launch PS3? (60GB)
Nope, 40GB...
2008-12-16 14:48:00

Unknown User

Nope, 40GB...

Ah, then there shouldn't be a bad thing about asking a replacement.
2008-12-16 15:12:00

Unknown User

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