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Sack Sized, working Jukebox!

Archive: 2 posts

I was creating a level... which I noticed had no music. a few of my friends were talking about how awesome Tabycatmeow's jukeboxes are, so I thought I would try to make a jukebox that's just a few steps down from the big ones. it allows the player to grab one of two hologram arrows, which when grabbed will altrenate through songs.
it's song base includes...
-10 story mode songs (cinematic, interactive, etc...)
- about 20 sequenced songs. (all from other creators)

and yes, I'm not stupid enough to make something with use of other peoples' songs without giving credit. when cycling through songs, a subtitle appears for each song. it includes the song's title, and the artist.

I may include a picture later.

if you want to see it, find it in my level "Sci-Fi Hangout".
2011-07-20 15:01:00

Posts: 204

Sounds pretty cool ^- ^ If you could make a "ghetto blaster" skin for it, players could pick it up with grabinators and look the part

Also you could use "Nearest player commands" to take the grabbing out of the equation making the grabinator scenario possible
2011-07-21 01:22:00

Posts: 715

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