Tak's Race
Archive: 12 posts
Tak's RaceRoneranger Beat Tak's Race by collecting all the prize bubbles, and you'll receive a special prize. Level includes: Two races Mini puzzle to access 2nd race Cool Music Hey everyone, I have spent most of my time on the other forums on LBPC, but today I decided to come here, and showcase one of my levels. It isn't the best in the world, however, I have grown better at creating LBP levels, and will be constantly updating it if problems occur. Thanks for reading, now go and play it. ![]() | 2011-07-19 12:51:00 Author: Roneranger ![]() Posts: 415 |
Well I'm going in the Commynity Moon! ----> | 2011-07-19 13:57:00 Author: doggy97 ![]() Posts: 964 |
Will try it now! | 2011-07-19 16:36:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
I'm a bit busy so I can't finish playing the level yet. I quit after the car did things like flip and squished me while it was parking. I'll try not to sound rude but it looks more like you were just testing game mechanics and published a skeleton for a level. Which I found hard not to do (and probably actually did) when I made my first level. I see that you are putting your effort toward gameplay but it needs to be purdy too ya know? | 2011-07-19 19:01:00 Author: Morgalaga ![]() Posts: 164 |
-.- Review: Goods: Nothing... -.- Bads: You didn't do anything for this? You have to spend times and let your brain thing the outlook! I'm sorry... I'm not usually this mean but :star::star::star: ![]() EDIT: What is the real wersion? and new one? But still bouth Diserves :star::star::star: | 2011-07-19 22:13:00 Author: doggy97 ![]() Posts: 964 |
I gave it only :star:. Its a "noob" level. Sorry ![]() | 2011-07-20 13:30:00 Author: Schark94 ![]() Posts: 3378 |
Wow, sorry everyone is so rude! We all got to start somewhere, so don't let these messages discourage you. I believe everyone has the creative gene, and with enough create mode experimentation anyone can be good! | 2011-07-20 20:26:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
Man this is one rough crowd we have here! Is this what the PSP side of the site has turned into! Back in my day I walked up hill both ways to school and people were encouraging here on LBPC. It is a site for people to get together to share what they have lovingly created and to get help to make their creations even better. Don't let these guys put you down, just keep on creating! Hope this encourages you to give it another go and make something awesome! | 2011-07-20 21:54:00 Author: austimerr ![]() Posts: 385 |
I would point out that everybodys being really rude right now but val beat me to it, well I'm off to the community moon! | 2011-07-20 22:04:00 Author: aceofthorns ![]() Posts: 288 |
I feel some responsibility for this because my post does not seem to have the tone I wanted. And I bumped this because I thought it would be lost after a few people post "downloading" and never return so they won't "have" to be "mean". Being ignored is worse than being criticized in my book. Hopefully my post was at least more criticism than insult. (I'm not to speak for the others but I assume "everybody" included me.) | 2011-07-21 16:06:00 Author: Morgalaga ![]() Posts: 164 |
I'm not mean... I was my self a "noob creator" and looking at me now! First spotlight! and 1 year creating! | 2011-07-24 11:33:00 Author: doggy97 ![]() Posts: 964 |
"It isn't the best in the world, however, I have grown better at creating LBP levels, and will be constantly updating it if problems occur." I guess you forgot all about this crucial bit here in my first post. Please make sure you READ the post before commenting. ![]() | 2011-07-25 13:09:00 Author: Roneranger ![]() Posts: 415 |
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