Archive: 3 posts
What's at the bottom of it. Link (http://www.mediafire.com/?n4i84c1v8ejy7mp) By the way, only try to find the core of it if you have time to waste. I don't want anyone hating me for being late because they had to open a bunch of zips. K? Also there's nothing bad at the end, don't worry ![]() (chuckles as the thread below this is currently about purpose while this is about a pointless little game to see who can waste their time on a silly file the fastest) | 2011-07-19 09:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Well that's a friendly post to getting people to open a mysterious link you describe nothing about, I'm sure after that speech peoeple will be thrilled to check it out... | 2011-07-19 10:06:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Well that's a friendly post to getting people to open a mysterious link you describe nothing about, I'm sure after that speech peoeple will be thrilled to check it out... After posting it on a different forum they all complained about how I wasted 10 minutes of their life. It's just a little game... okay yeah after that warning it kinda ruins it but it's better than a forum of raging people. The link leads to the mediafire download. | 2011-07-19 10:09:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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