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Kerbal Space Program

Archive: 3 posts

Hello! I'd like to bring you another indie game I've been playing in the past few weeks.

Kerbal Space Program

Website (download is on the page): http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/

Extra parts: http://www.speedyshare.com/files/293...T_IN_PARTS.rar
Extra parts mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/?f36kytio353rfmo
Some more mods: http://mod.gib.me/kerbal/mods/

Forum: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php

Orbital data: https://gist.github.com/1073201

The game is currently under heavy development. This means the game will be improved on a regular basis, so be sure to check back for new updates.
Right now, KSP is in Alpha state, but we want you to try it out and have fun with it. The first versions are free to download and play, and will remain so forever.

The KSP Team is strongly commited to the project, and we are always listening for feedback from the players.
If you have any questions, comments and ideas, please contact us, or join us on the Forums.



Solid Fuel Rocket

Description: High thrust for a short period of time. And unlike the liquid fuel rocket its fuel is within it.

Liquid Fuel Rocket and its Tank

Description: Moderate thrust for a longer period of time, this time can be extended by stacking fuel tanks on top of eachother
The liquid fuel rocket works by attaching the rocket muzzle itself to the end of the liquid tank.

Command & Control
Command Pod

Description: The Kerman trio (seen in the lower right corner in-game) inhabits this pod for the duration of the flight (also their metal coffin if you so desire .

S.A.S Module

Description: As long as this module is attached to the rocket and you hold the F key (or t to toggle), it'll apply force to attempt to keep the rocket straight. More of these will make the ship more stable but will add to the overall weight.

Structural & Aerodynamic


Description: attachable to the side of a module, and on it other things (such as rockets) can be attached.
When the stage that the decoupler is part of is activated, the decoupler detaches from the module it's attached to. Extremely useful.

Stacked Decoupler

Description: This decoupler is only attachable to the top/bottom of a module, and it will detach itself from the module above it when its stage is activated

Stack Tri-coupler

Description: You can attach 3 modules to this one while it itself is attached to a single module. However, it's not detachable itself like the decouplers.


Description: Aerodynamic wings that are attachable to your craft.

Utility & Scientific


Description: Attachable to anything like everything else and will extend a parachute when triggered in a stage. Its main use is to land the command pod safely in case you re-enter the planet or didn't reach space.

The Extra Parts Pack

This pack contains parts that looks more like the rockets NASA uses (think BIG).




I highly suggest doing the tutorial for all the shortcuts.
2011-07-19 07:50:00

Unknown User

I already had a thread for this a few days before you posted this thread. This is only much nicer looking. The original thread is here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=59930-Kerbal-Space-Program).2011-07-23 20:50:00

Posts: 463

ah, my bad, I'll request to lock this.2011-07-25 01:51:00

Unknown User

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