[Cinematic] A Giant Problem - Introduction
Archive: 1 post
http://lbp.me/v/3d-pc4 Stumbled across this movie today, looks to be the set up for an as yet uncompleted level. Anyways, at base it's your average lighthearted romp through a cozy forest of happy woodland creatures...or it would be had Ed the Gentle Giant suddenly gone all toeless. The design here is charming, the scenes well thoughtout and well blocked, the sense of humor is just that little bit off-beat. For a couple minute movie, you could do much much worse. So give this one a look-see on me, think you'll be glad you did...unless you're without taste...or i'm without taste...or... anyway, good day and great creating! | 2011-07-19 01:25:00 Author: waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 535 |
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