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Desert Flower

Archive: 6 posts

Hey guys,
after considering the feedback from my previous adventure I have made a new, lengthy platformer with an all original cast of new characters. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!

An all-new original cast of unique characters...

...platforming galore...

...all while searching for the sacred Desert Rose.

Although this isn't technically a F4F thread I will try my best to play a level of yours and leave you feedback. I simply cannot post F4F threads because I have a busy schedule outside of LBP and may be gone days at a time and wouldn't be able to stay fully commited to everyone. But I do try my best.
2011-07-18 21:33:00

Unknown User

looks and sounds interesting, putting in the queue2011-07-19 01:48:00

Posts: 8424

Ka-queue!!2011-07-20 06:11:00

49er Nation
Posts: 429

I can't seem to get past the first section. It's completely dark. I could see bounce pads because they are lit on their own, but kept falling off ledges into unseen plasma. Is it supposed to be pitch black? maybe some dim lights here and there to indicated danger spots? I quit after fumbling around in the dark and dying 10 times.2011-07-20 15:58:00

Posts: 8424

Queued up. Will try it later. I'll post feedback here, online or both.2011-07-20 21:10:00

Posts: 101

Yeah, it's pitch black. I didn't get to the bounce pads!2011-07-22 01:27:00

49er Nation
Posts: 429

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