Elevator system help
Archive: 11 posts
Hi. I need help with a elevator system. I have sliding doors and thats really the problem. I want the doors to close before the lift starts moving and opening the doors after it arrived. I only have to stops. Any tips? | 2008-12-15 18:37:00 Author: GhostViper ![]() Posts: 110 |
Hi. I need help with a elevator system. I have sliding doors and thats really the problem. I want the doors to close before the lift starts moving and opening the doors after it arrived. I only have to stops. Any tips? Magnetic key switches set to directional. | 2008-12-15 18:59:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
Magnetic key switches set to directional. yeah, I know that, but in order to close the door on the top floor, it has to move, and when it moves, the doors hits the floor wich is to much and then it disipears. | 2008-12-15 19:21:00 Author: GhostViper ![]() Posts: 110 |
If you attach the doors to the car, make sure they will not touch anything in the elevator shaft when they/the elevator is in motion, as this will cause them to disappear. If you make a shaft with doors on the outside then make sure we can see inside the shaft to know where our sackpeople are during the trip. I personally would recommend using a roll down gate, this way it doesn't take up any more space inside the elevator shaft than the car itself does. No matter how you decide to do the door, if would recommend having a series of keys set up to mark off each "floor" and rig them into an "and" switch that will control the opening and closing of the doors. Make your switch check to see that the elevator is not in motion and the elevator is currently stopped on one of the floors. If you are still having trouble let me know, I can make a demo object. | 2008-12-15 20:14:00 Author: Trader Sam ![]() Posts: 92 |
Is it ok if you make a demo? you don't need to, and if you there is no rush. | 2008-12-16 22:50:00 Author: GhostViper ![]() Posts: 110 |
For a good idea I'd look at the Collector's layer Boss level, right at the stat the cart you slide in on. If you could copy the idea and have it go down instead of right you'd be set. | 2008-12-17 01:03:00 Author: lionhart180 ![]() Posts: 200 |
Is it ok if you make a demo? you don't need to, and if you there is no rush. I'll get started first thing in the morning, and I'm happy to help others solve interesting problems, so don't worry about it. Problem solving is one of my favorite things to do, in fact I sometimes find that after solving my problems and building the necessary contraptions I no longer wish to finish the level. Case in point I have a minigame where all the pieces have been designed and work but I've yet to build a level around it. . . | 2008-12-17 07:48:00 Author: Trader Sam ![]() Posts: 92 |
I'll get started first thing in the morning, and I'm happy to help others solve interesting problems, so don't worry about it. Problem solving is one of my favorite things to do, in fact I sometimes find that after solving my problems and building the necessary contraptions I no longer wish to finish the level. Case in point I have a minigame where all the pieces have been designed and work but I've yet to build a level around it. . . Haha, ok, cool. thank you ![]() | 2008-12-17 11:09:00 Author: GhostViper ![]() Posts: 110 |
I'll get started first thing in the morning, and I'm happy to help others solve interesting problems, so don't worry about it. Problem solving is one of my favorite things to do, in fact I sometimes find that after solving my problems and building the necessary contraptions I no longer wish to finish the level. Case in point I have a minigame where all the pieces have been designed and work but I've yet to build a level around it. . . Don't be afraid to publish levels, Sam. I like to bug hunt and work out complex machines as well, but it sure is satisfying getting a good level out there and having it well recieved. ![]() | 2008-12-17 12:34:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
Don't mean to preasure you TraderSam, but how is it going? | 2008-12-23 00:26:00 Author: GhostViper ![]() Posts: 110 |
I'll get started first thing in the morning, and I'm happy to help others solve interesting problems, so don't worry about it. Problem solving is one of my favorite things to do, in fact I sometimes find that after solving my problems and building the necessary contraptions I no longer wish to finish the level. Case in point I have a minigame where all the pieces have been designed and work but I've yet to build a level around it. . . Such is the beauty of LittleBigPlanet.... | 2008-12-23 00:39:00 Author: chillum007 ![]() Posts: 228 |
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