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What should i use for my lets play series?

Archive: 4 posts

ok, im gonna be creating a lets play series for minecraft, littlebigplanet2, WOW, and cavestory mods, but all the recording softwares i find dont work. I tried hypercam, doesnt work. i tried camstudio, doesnt work. Im thinkin about getting Xfire or wegame, but what is a good one i can use?

And no fraps, not gonna be spending money on that just for it to not work.

Im running windows Vista by the way.
2011-07-12 01:59:00

Posts: 426

As is always said, if you don't get a reply instantly, it doesn't meant you won't. Give it a day.

Free Fraps has always been useful to me, the only disadvantage is the watermark - a little zoom-crop can fix that.
2011-07-12 04:37:00

Posts: 918

I thought the free version of fraps can only record for 30 seconds.2011-07-12 16:54:00

Posts: 426

I thought the free version of fraps can only record for 30 seconds.
That's correct. It means you can test it to see how it works on your system.

If none of the software you've tried can capture video or audio perhaps there's a problem with your video and sound drivers. I had an issue with recording sound when I first tried to record games for the same reason.

Since the video will be uncompressed if you plan to record at any significant resolution you'll need a lot of disk space. Typically 200mb per minute at 1024x768.
2011-07-12 22:34:00

Posts: 2454

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