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-Removed Threat-

Archive: 10 posts


- Remove this thread. Thread has been made misleading on purpose, because it was supposed to lead to a Rick-roll level. I made a new threat!
2011-07-09 13:20:00

Posts: 132

I've queued it, I'll check it out first thing tomorrow!2011-07-09 13:25:00

Posts: 1799

Is this doing F4F?2011-07-09 15:22:00

Unknown User

This was one of my original ideas when LBP2 first came out, and the concept i did looked no where near as good as this. The title is a little misleading as it isn't an FPS (thank god), it's a top down shooter set on a perfectly sized map with a choice of two guns and grenades. The ai is quite good considering this is LBP. A suggestion would be to make the doorway for the house a little bigger, as when i was strafing through it, i got stuck.
Overall it's a very good multiplayer game that deserves more plays than its getting. 9/10.
2011-07-09 17:04:00

Unknown User

This was one of my original ideas when LBP2 first came out, and the concept i did looked no where near as good as this. The title is a little misleading as it isn't an FPS (thank god), it's a top down shooter set on a perfectly sized map with a choice of two guns and grenades. The ai is quite good considering this is LBP. A suggestion would be to make the doorway for the house a little bigger, as when i was strafing through it, i got stuck.
Overall it's a very good multiplayer game that deserves more plays than its getting. 9/10.

Great to hear! But actually the title was supposed to be misleading, because you are entering a Rick-roll level, after that, the real level comes which is indeed a TopDown shooter. It already had that name ''Topdown Warfare 2''.

Still, thanks for the review. Good to hear that other people find the A.I Decent. Im still working on it though, its not finished, far from it!
2011-07-09 17:22:00

Posts: 132

Bumpy bump bump2011-07-09 19:50:00

Posts: 132

Bumpy bump bump

Your not allowed to ''Bump'' your thread because the other active one are scrolling down because of your spam.No need to bump for more plays/heart and/or feedback. If you want feedback go reviews other people levels and send them a link to do the same here.
...Btw i will try it later.
2011-07-09 20:04:00

Posts: 622

With the huge of more then 500 logics, 46 cameras, 132 Emitters, and 32 Tag sensors

As if that's impressive XD

I'll try the level out, but try not to be so cocky if you want people to play your level
2011-07-09 20:20:00

Posts: 191

I had a playthrough against the AI, it works pretty well. The first things that came to mind regarding suggestions were -

- zooming out the camera a bit cos you get shot at by bots you can't see
- getting shot through walls, any logic you can put in to stop that?

Sort out those two and i reckon it'll make the whole thing feel much more solid, the basics are all there, some finessing would just kick it up a few notches.

Oh, and the 'intro' level and misleading title? How come? The intro adds nothing to the level experience other than an extra 30 seconds and will more likely than not put people off replaying, and the title is likely to garner you some boos from players expecting a massive step forward in FPS lbp shooters and getting a top down . The level can easily stand on its own merits, you don't need these gimmicks.
2011-07-09 20:28:00

Posts: 1156

As if that's impressive XD

I'll try the level out, but try not to be so cocky if you want people to play your level

Actually, it was supposed to be misleading because the level link led you to a song from Rick Ashtley. AKA a rick-roll joke.

I editted it
2011-07-09 22:18:00

Posts: 132

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