Gravity crash by Razorfist
Archive: 7 posts
i highly recommend this creator. I think Gravity crash was his first level on lbp2. but he has some more from lbp1. ive seen his latest project which truly does look AMAZING! i won't give out anymore details because it not my level lol. about the level: gravity crash is a trial space shooter made in classic old skool gameplay from the nintendo/megadrive/master system days. some really cool ideas within the level. i would post pictures but im not sure how. everytime i have tried it never seems to work. anyway try the level. will take you 2mins! http://lbp.me/v/xx16eg | 2011-07-07 10:15:00 Author: wolfy_616 ![]() Posts: 202 |
I played this level the other day. Here's a copy of my review I left ingame. The basic controls need a little tweaking, but I loved visuals and the idea of different abilities for the ships. This looks promising and I look forward to more ![]() | 2011-07-10 00:00:00 Author: DaSpoony ![]() Posts: 191 |
yeh this was his first published level. was done quite a while ago. but as i said...his next project called time fighter is another ship shooter and its looks amazing....ain't seen nothing like it | 2011-07-10 10:32:00 Author: wolfy_616 ![]() Posts: 202 |
Sadly, no. I had four other levels published before this one and they all got removed after the Beta. They were 'Blast Factor Beta' - 'Gravitation REMIXED' - 'Tank Beta 1.04' and finally my even bigger project than this one; 'The Helicopter Game' I've actually got a few images of them, I'll send you them through PSN sometime. (PS. Thanks for the thread). Not that I don't like constructive criticism but, what alterations do you suggest to the controls? With the concept, I tried many different elements of control and this was the one I came to the conclusion of being the most simplest and user-friendly. Could you give me specifics, maybe an example of an alteration? | 2011-07-11 03:37:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I enjoyed this alot, even thought it was a short demo, looks very awesome and promising, i truly think this would be a big hit, as far as the controls go they were simple and easy to use, but the 2nd upgrade you pick up kinda had me confused as I had to switch my right thumb between moving my ship and shooting, I would strongly suggest mapping the left stick to move and accelerate the ship at the same time as its somewhat frustrating having to switch betwen shooting and moving, good luck with this though and hope you do continue it ![]() | 2011-07-12 06:12:00 Author: damaz10 ![]() Posts: 771 |
Thanks for the feedback, I had this in mind actually. I was planning to implement it but the reason I never was because of several reasons. In later levels to come I was planning to do things with this system. An example of this would be falling rocks from the top of the screen coming at you, making you have to use the shield ship (as seen on the trial) to face upwards and use it's strafe ability. This would be a lot harder if facing upwards would also make you accelerate. The main other reason were collisions. My original version of this game actually had what you were requesting, but I took it out after I realised ignorant kids were aimlessly accelerating into their own deaths and then disliking the level. So I republished it with these controls, to ease the strain of over-accelerating considering that you have to press X to do so. Finally, I personally created a very difficult training course and tested the old controls with the newer controls and I realised that the newer controls were easier to use in tight spaces. But thank you very much! I will be making another one, so long as I get enough plays that is... | 2011-07-13 01:06:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Oh, so that's how you strafe in your level, I'll give it another go and try to use it as you described. ![]() | 2011-07-13 16:01:00 Author: damaz10 ![]() Posts: 771 |
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