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Detailed Car: Ford Fiesta Rockstar energy rally car

Archive: 7 posts

This took forever to make, and still isn't open to the public yet, but I would like ideas for improvements on design, thx
Your fellow Creator,

Pics: 353873538835389

(NEW) PICS! 354103540935408

Sorry About the edit, but I added more detail to the body, and soon it will be open to the public, unless at least two more people comment agreeing with the adding of a level for this car, and a few other rally cars.
2011-07-07 02:59:00

Posts: 157

The custom stickers on the car look extremely washed out, as all LBP2 ones do. If you want them to look better, I'd suggest using Neon (tweak color and tweak brightness), front view, and turning darkness to max. Everything else looks nice!2011-07-07 03:55:00

Posts: 387

awsome idea, thanks2011-07-07 14:03:00

Posts: 157

Are you planning on creating a full level with these? You could create an awesome rally car race.2011-07-07 17:00:00

Posts: 1651

i see I'll have to change my car thread's names now.2011-07-07 17:12:00

Posts: 74

I agree with RJA, the stickers don't need to be there, take them off and keep in clean. Looks good BTW! 2011-07-07 20:53:00

Posts: 948

hey, I made some new edits, to the details, and i'll upload some new pics. Also I don't think I will make a rally car level, but that does sounds good i'll put up s poll

Oh yea, and Sylux sorry using a similar title, but I'm new to this place, and I need ideas to progress in my car creations
2011-07-08 13:45:00

Posts: 157

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